On May 13 2016 08:07 Coypirus wrote: Everybody who plays this, please play SC2 as well. WE NEED YOU!
Thanks to matchmaking (i hope it has a skill system) they will realize that sc1 and sc2 are not that different. Or they will find another excuse why people stopped playing bw.
I wish the best for both games. I played a lot of bw in my childhood.
I wish the best luck to ShieldBattery, amazing to have active developers working on a new BW project, moreover now that Blizz is working for an HD resolution patch updating D2, WC3 and BW.
If you need the experience of a senior admin to get feedbacks about all the problems rised on ICCUP making your server a better experience, I'm glad to help.
Contacts: iCCup.Face @ Skype TeamLiquid iCCup iccup.face@gmail.com
Bisutopia19158 Posts
Tec27 added in a checkbox labeled "Free Wins" next to matchmaking. This automatically pairs you up with me.
cool stuff, would be nice if it gets public soon.
What the?! Oh man... This is gonna be addictive.
Btw. any rough estimation on when this can possibly go live with features described in OP?
This sounds awesome, will definitely make me come back to BW.
That's great  I wonder about the ladder system, and if melee wins and losses can also be counted separately I think it's nice^^ Personally for ladder I think I like better a simple ELO system without season resets. So that you may keep climbing up even if you don't play a lot within a season, and not need to spend a lot of time climbing again after every season reset. And something comfortable for lower skilled/experienced players to play similar skilled/experienced players. Which I think a ELO type system without season reset does really well?
In any case the features there with channels, no need for port forward, lan latency, compatibility, ease of use and auto matchmaking all sound great, looking forward to it 
PS: thank you for your work!!
I can't wait to come back! Best unexpected news in years!
April 1st is not today wtf
Edit: I cannot wait to try this out!! It has been impossible to get any type of game going for months now. This will definitely get me playing broodwar weekly again.
Sounds interesting. Can't wait to test it and review it
Croatia9478 Posts
On May 13 2016 20:14 fazek42 wrote: When do you think that the beta will enter live status? A month or two? On May 13 2016 20:14 GGzerG wrote: is there any ETA ? On May 13 2016 21:12 kogeT wrote: Btw. any rough estimation on when this can possibly go live with features described in OP? We're hesitant on giving any ETAs since community has been burned by them before  Even though we're only working on the project in our free time, a lot of energy is being invested in it, so we expect the progress to happen in the same way as it has been happening for the past three and a half years, which is slowly, but steady. With that said, the server is usable and playable right now, with all of the major features listed in OP being very close to finished. Of course, since we're still in beta and will be for a while, there is a lot more polishing that will be done in all aspects (for example, chat system has only one default channel at the moment ), but as long as people can use it, we're happy with it.
So anyways, the only definitive answer we can give is the obligatory soon™
On May 13 2016 20:26 Keniji wrote: If someone would want to help you with this project. Do you already have enough man-power or do you need more volunteers? And if so, what would be the skills searched for (e.g. translating, coding, statistics, whatever there needs to be done) Coding is the most important and biggest part. We have enough manpower in that regard for what we want to do, but of course having more people helping would always be beneficial. However, the problem is finding people with necessary expertise and enough free time who can help. But in any case, the whole project will be open sourced once we go into an open beta, so anyone will be able to help with what they can.
Thank you so much this is incredible
Hopefully not just AI/LAN matches and snipealot now for my broodwar fix
Will it be playable from Mac / Linux? Will existing plugins, like AutuReplay, APM display after game, etc. be integratabtle?
wooohooo, I can go back to BW now! :D
Looks awesome Now it only needs a UI overhaul :D
Signed for the beta! Woooohooooo!!
me, me, me, me, me, me!!! Finally!
Holy, relase open beta asap ! :D
Wow! I am truly stunned. Great work! Let us know if you are requesting donations.