![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/QDmKbFa.png)
Welcome to the Group of DeatH.

Disposing of

![[image loading]](/staff/Stratos/SSL10_DES_Interviews/Mind_Ro32.jpg)
You made round of 16. How does it feel?
I am a little dazed. Luckily the last game turned out well but I wasn't able to take charge of it the way I intended.
Modesty's mutalisks in the final match almost had you lose the game.
Honestly I had thought I had lost (laughs). Some curses that would have to be censored on stream came up as well (laughs). It was an impromptu strategy but wraiths weren't a good option given the two hatch mutalisks.
Today you showed outstanding defensive skills.
When I defended I also thought I did quite well. It was the so-called "freaking awesome defence" (laughs). I was able to defend since it's me.
You used a unique strategy in both of your games.
That is true for both games and I was able to win the second game despite the improvised strategy so I have a good feeling about the games. I think I'll be able to do well in the round of 16 as well.
Did you think of performing a ceremony if you win?
Well I do sometimes put on my gat while streaming (laughs). I'll think about it.
T/N: gat = Korean traditional hat made of bamboo and horsehair, worn to display superior social status. wiki
It is written the same as the konglish for "God" which is often used to praise players, not sure if there's a connection there.
Anything you want to add?
I want to advance from the round of 16 to the quarterfinals and then to the semi-finals with solid performance. The ultimate goal is first place so I won't be satisfied with anything less and I'll work hard.
Source: DES
Losing to

![[image loading]](/staff/Stratos/SSL10_DES_Interviews/JangBi_Ro32.jpg)
You advanced to round of 16. What does it feel like?
It feels nice. I'm all the more pleased since it wasn't easy.
In the first game you lost to Modesty's zerglings.
I only started playing again quite recently and I lost the hang of PvZ. It was really difficult. When playing Zergs in Brood War, experience is what counts the most, but it's been so long that I played it. It felt like my hands weren't quite ready yet.
It looked like to some degree, the JangBi we knew is coming back.
If it was like that, then there wouldn't have been a timing to throw me off in the final match. I feel sad and sorry to my fans for not being able to show the skill level I once had. PvZ is really difficult.
You will join group B which has no Zergs in it.
I'm really happy about that (laughs). If I calmly prepare for the PvP and PvT in the round of 16, I think I will be able to show good results.
There are some good players in group B. Is there anyone that makes you worried?
Rather than a particular player that would worry me, this Starleague seems more like a battle with myself.
Final word?
Many people thought I would be eliminated today. I didn't have a Zerg opponent to practise with. It was so dire that I had to practise against Youngtae hyung's [free's] and Taekyong hyung's [Bisu's] Zergs (laughs). Even so, I gained a lot of strength through the fans cheering. I will work hard to make sure I get to into the finals of this Starlegaue.
Source: DES
Original interviews by Daily eSports journalist Lee Sora - sora@dailyesports.com
Note: The short introductions are not translations, only the actual interviews.
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