Hello all! Today I made progress! I am now S rank with Zerg. So I am no longer confusedzerg, I am notsoshitzerg. So now I am Z and P with S rank.
I know many of us have fun here on these forums... But I am here to make no laughing matter. It was truly harder to reach S with Z then it was not with P. See I am what I believe we call "casuals". I play maybe 5 hours a week because I work lumber job, come home to nagging wife but my lovely children too, and sometimes maybe i can squeeze half hour of game. Well after a while I finally did so with Z.
But when I returned to brood war two year ago or maybe three, I got S with P in a few months. With Z it took a little over one year. Keep in mind I played brood war a lot 10+ years ago, and a little 5 years ago before I had kid.
So I do not wish to flame but maybe we have all accepted it. Maybe fellow P player have accepted it. We kind of have the easy race my friends. It is nothing wrong with it because we pay for it in other ways. Like P skill ceiling is way lower than with T.
I have tried for a little time to play T and I gave up after placing in D and staying in D after 15 games. It is difficult. With Z I would be at least C after 15 games. (Keep in mind I watch a lot of pro game and VOD so I know builds, I am not some genius).
What do you guys think? This post is not to be Misconstrued as a balance whine. I think there are tradeoff to each race, and I will write my own experiences as is in following:
==Zerg== - Kind of difficult to pick up, but once you get the hang of the important thing like muta micro you can progress to A rank fast. - High skill ceiling, sometime comparable to that of Terran - Many different playstyle can work here (aggressive or drone lord) - Macro race, aside from muta micro there is not too much.
==Protoss== - Very easy race to pick up, but hardest to progress in... if that make sense. Sure you will get A or S fast but you will have hard time going beyond low-S. I peaked at about 2350 and hovered around 2250-2300 over 100 games. - Most fun I think! (Subjective but probes are cool and reavers are fun, arbiters too, fun fact I used arbiters in PvZ in late game, I recommend) - Flexible playstyle, kind of like Zerg, but not as flexible as them. - Sort of macro sort of micro race
==Terran== (note this is mostly my impression from watching mong/rush/sharp play since I have only play like 30-40 game as terran this year) - Hardest race. I cannot even get out of D after 15 games, unlike the other two races I would be at least high C by then. - Little flexible playstyle. You follow this build or you die simple as this. At least sometimes is how it goes. - Micro race, but strong macro still helps a ton! Still important. For all races. - I for the life of me will accept that I play P/Z. I do not have the time or effort to learn T.
Again, this is not troll post but I can see why some would think. Understand I make post with good intention and all of this is just my experience. Maybe all of this has been said before maybe you are sick of hearing it. In which case I am sorry I waste your time reading this, I ask if you just please move on because I want to see if anyone is like "ehhhh mr. notsoshitzerg, you are a dumbass, I dont think terran is THAT hard to pick up" or thing like this please tell me
On January 17 2022 20:54 [sc1f]eonzerg wrote: Moktira im not sure what we are arguing here. Artosis is a dad of multiple kids. a husband that feed his family.He is a bad role model in a 23+ years old game cuz he make excuses when he loss games ?
To me Artosis is buildt different.Wathever I check his stream his donations are the most insane and annoying thing I have seen in my life.And he keeps his sanity still.I have meet him in person and he is an incredible guy. When bakuryu and myself were in Korea for ASL he took care of our tickets.hotels. taxies. He pretty much babysit us to go for the ASL qualifiers. So excusme when I dont agree with that bad role shit when there is actual issues from real people.
You don’t know that unless you know Artosis from outside his stream and what else he does. I don’t dispute any of that. In my one time meeting him, and some Discord interactions around the (sadly defunct) show In Depth, and just general anecdotes I’ve heard he’s a great guy.
Kids do emulate what streamers do, especially when playing that same game, in a manner they don’t emulate fictional characters. It’s their gateway into a game and if the big streamers behave in certain ways, then that’s a tacit signal as to what constitutes acceptable behaviour within that game.
As both weekend dad and designated video game parent a larger chunk of time than I’d like is spent reprogramming annoying habits that he sure as hell didn’t pick up from me, or his mother/stepdad who don’t play games
Which is fine, it’s part of parenting, but kids do pick this stuff up. It’s not comparable to ‘computer games will corrupt the youth’ scaremongering because that is total bollocks and has been shown to be again and again, but kids do seek to emulate public figures they admire.
Basically what Moktira said. Not the biggest deal in the world ultimately, but still a real deal.
If his stream consists of people who come primarily to watch Arty rage, people who actively play BW and people who actively watch other BW, I just wonder how much intersection there is.
Then do you agree that GTA or crime movies or music with lyrics like I will kill you.Is also really bad ? or it only applies to the 2k viewers of Artosis somehow that complains about protoss ?
The vibez im getting from all of you is that Artosis is at fault if BW doesnt survive 2 years. Artosis is at fault cuz he is a bad example for kids. At this rate maybe Artosis is at fault for Covid or other world issues too.
I don’t think anyone said any of the words you’re putting in their mouths.
On January 18 2022 01:15 confusedzerg wrote: No I mean terran is hard to play.
Yeah I'm a Terran player around B and C and played abit of Protoss for fun recently. I was shocked at how much easier PvT is, literally my first game of PvT I beat a high C Terran while making a ton of mistakes. I'm sure PvT is hard at high levels but at lower levels it's so unfair lol.
On January 15 2022 00:46 Sjokola wrote: Do any of you guys have some suggestions for a English youtube channel similar in content to Artosis but without the rage and the obnoxious donations? I mostly enjoy his content and I like watching FPV BW but the raging and his attitude towards balance are not for me.
Dam you knew what you were doing when you stirred up this drama huh
On January 15 2022 00:46 Sjokola wrote: Do any of you guys have some suggestions for a English youtube channel similar in content to Artosis but without the rage and the obnoxious donations? I mostly enjoy his content and I like watching FPV BW but the raging and his attitude towards balance are not for me.
Dam you knew what you were doing when you stirred up this drama huh
I don’t think he’s aware that changes he makes to Z in ZvT and P in PvT may impact PvZ, a matchup he barely seems to know exists.
Players who haven’t played all matchups at a high level should decline from offering any opinion because they lack the knowledge to do so. Even the matchups he has played he only understands from one side, he recognizes the difficulty he faces when a defiler blocks his mnm ball but has never felt the difficulty in blocking mnm balls with vessels constantly killing defilers and lurkers.
It’s not even about whether the ideas would make the game better or worse, nobody could possibly answer that in a definite way without testing it, it’s the arrogance of his belief that he has standing to even have an opinion on this.
I haven't watched the video, but Kwark's point regarding understanding a matchup from both sides is so spot on. I can't speak for Artosis, but I know I have played lots of TvZ and did a fair bit of ZvT and late game ZvT even with defilers is nowhere as easy as it gets made out to be. Trying to reduce the vessel cloud, making sure to keep scourge close to the defiler to prevent irradiates, getting ready for drops and for erasers, even trying to get to a terran's base to plant a swarm at their nat (good terrans will keep track of defiler movement) etc... is a lot more difficult than it seems.
On January 20 2022 09:39 Essbee wrote: Look at what Gypsy had to say about balance changes in general (and these in particular) and you have your answer right there.
Where can one find this?
Regarding Artosis's proposed changes here are some I can agree with: - assimilator health and vision reduction. This would make Terran deal with gas steals better, no reason why the assimilator should have more health than a refinery and extractor when it builds itself. Also the huge vision means Terrans can't hide their second rax easily. Doesn't affect ZvP or PvP. - probe vision decrease, doesn't really affect anything but no reason to have it either. - emp vs recall, I'm generally ok with emp vs statis but Arbiters being able to recall after emp hits (if Protoss already hit recall) is just bullshit imo. If Terran hits the EMP the recall doesn't go off, simple as that.
On January 20 2022 09:39 Essbee wrote: Look at what Gypsy had to say about balance changes in general (and these in particular) and you have your answer right there.
Where can one find this?
Regarding Artosis's proposed changes here are some I can agree with: - assimilator health and vision reduction. This would make Terran deal with gas steals better, no reason why the assimilator should have more health than a refinery and extractor when it builds itself. Also the huge vision means Terrans can't hide their second rax easily. Doesn't affect ZvP or PvP. - probe vision decrease, doesn't really affect anything but no reason to have it either. - emp vs recall, I'm generally ok with emp vs statis but Arbiters being able to recall after emp hits (if Protoss already hit recall) is just bullshit imo. If Terran hits the EMP the recall doesn't go off, simple as that.
His twitch channel probably has the vod. He was watching artosis as he was doing these suggestions.
On January 20 2022 05:57 KwarK wrote: I don’t think he’s aware that changes he makes to Z in ZvT and P in PvT may impact PvZ, a matchup he barely seems to know exists.
Players who haven’t played all matchups at a high level should decline from offering any opinion because they lack the knowledge to do so. Even the matchups he has played he only understands from one side, he recognizes the difficulty he faces when a defiler blocks his mnm ball but has never felt the difficulty in blocking mnm balls with vessels constantly killing defilers and lurkers.
It’s not even about whether the ideas would make the game better or worse, nobody could possibly answer that in a definite way without testing it, it’s the arrogance of his belief that he has standing to even have an opinion on this.
Haven’t finished the vid, night shifts are taking their toll on my ability to stay awake.
I got the impression, especially with Artosis saying at the beginning of the vid that he doesn’t think BW should be patched, that he was merely spitballing for some variety for his content.
I don’t think you’re wrong that people who don’t play all matchups to a high level have huge blind spots, but I don’t think it’s especially arrogant to theorycraft a bit.
Disregard this post if later in the video Artosis says these changes should happen immediately, because he is Artosis and Artosis is the law, or variants thereof
On January 20 2022 09:39 Essbee wrote: Look at what Gypsy had to say about balance changes in general (and these in particular) and you have your answer right there.
Where can one find this?
Regarding Artosis's proposed changes here are some I can agree with: - assimilator health and vision reduction. This would make Terran deal with gas steals better, no reason why the assimilator should have more health than a refinery and extractor when it builds itself. Also the huge vision means Terrans can't hide their second rax easily. Doesn't affect ZvP or PvP. - probe vision decrease, doesn't really affect anything but no reason to have it either. - emp vs recall, I'm generally ok with emp vs statis but Arbiters being able to recall after emp hits (if Protoss already hit recall) is just bullshit imo. If Terran hits the EMP the recall doesn't go off, simple as that.
Arbiters can’t recall after the EMP hits. There’s a delay between the casting of recall and the actual recall. This is the same for EMP. A vessel can EMP your energy away after it has been hit by an EMP (assuming it cast it before it was hit). Arbiter works the same way.
Hitting an EMP after a spellcaster has already cast their spell and expecting it to uncast it is absurd. If you want the arbiter to have too little energy to recall you need to EMP it before it does the recall. After is no good.
On January 20 2022 14:39 Dante08 wrote: no reason why the assimilator should have more health than a refinery and extractor
There actually is a good reason, buildings have armour 1, but Protoss shields have armour 0 so if it has the same overall health then it would die quicker than a Refinery or Extractor. See details here: Armor