There's a Korean Amateur TLPD now, so I've abandoned my rankings. http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/sospa
Thanks to everyone who made that happen!
+ Show Spoiler [Older OP] +I used to use the TLPD's Elo ratings a whole bunch when watching BW events as I could never keep all the lesser-known players straight in my head. Unfortunately, the BW TLPD isn't updated with SOSPA games, which makes it very difficult for me to watch the SSL. When I head of the rebirth of the 8th SSL I went ahead and calculated Elo ratings for the SOSPA players. Note that I guessed at the Elo formula to use, so while these numbers might look similar to the numbers shown in the TLPD they aren't actually related at all. The listing is available online at currently contains the following tournaments: * 8th SSL (through Ro32 Group D) * 8th SSL Ranking Matches * Sonic's New Year Special Match * 12th SRT * 11th SRT * 10th SRT * 9th SRT (incomplete) * 8th SRT (incomplete) * 7th SRT (incomplete) * 7th SSL * 6th SSL * Onse Telecom 2 Number Plus BJSL I'm sure you'll quickly notice that I know nothing about web programming, so the page is significantly less featured than the BW TLPD. I've put the source code I use to generate the website on Git Hub. https://github.com/jjwhg/bweloI'll try and keep the listing up to date. If anyone wants to help out, I'll accept patches via email for both the game database and the code used to generate the page. Some technical notes on the Elo system I use: There are two important constants that determine exactly what an Elo number means: the starting rating and the rating constant (called K). My rating system uses a starting rating of 2000 (which seems similar what TLPD uses) and uses a tiered constant (similar to that described by the Wikipedia page, as used for chess). I use a constant of 30 until a player has played 30 games, then 15 until the player has played 100 games, and then 10 after that. This means that a new player's Elo will change three times as fast as a player who was played many games. Additionally, I made the decision to only calculate an Elo peak after the player has played 10 games -- this prevents many, many players from having an Elo peak equal to the starting Elo -- this would happen to any player who has only lost games. + Show Spoiler [Original OP] +I used to use the TLPD's Elo ratings a whole bunch when watching BW events as I could never keep all the lesser-known players straight in my head. Unfortunately, the BW TLPD isn't updated with SOSPA games, which makes it very difficult for me to watch the SSL. When I head of the rebirth of the 8th SSL I went ahead and calculated Elo ratings for the SOSPA players taking into account their performance in the SSL 6, SSL 7, and BRT 11 (which was all I could find on Liquipedia). Note that I guessed at the Elo formula to use, so while these numbers might look similar to the numbers shown in the TLPD they aren't actually related at all. The listing is available online at http://pastehtml.com/view/cn03jsqxl.htmlI'm sure you'll quickly notice that I know nothing about web programming, so the page is significantly less featured than the BW TLPD. I've put the source code I use to generate the website on Git Hub. https://github.com/jjwhg/bweloI'll try and keep the listing up to date. If anyone wants to help out, I'll accept patches via email for both the game database and the code used to generate the page. I'll try and add some more features (I'd like to at least be able to pull up a match history for each player) but I don't have a whole bunch of spare time left in my winter break. Hopefully someone finds this useful!
Thanks for doing this
unfortunately, those ELO ratings are a depressing reminder that the world will probably never see BW played at the level that the pros were playing at before the scene disintegrated
nice work! However I think using text files for storing game results is not a scalable approach. It's better to use database.
And of course, we need to populate TLPD or similar database with SSL leagues (and all other tournaments). + Show Spoiler +looks like you are not fond of object-oriented programming as me 
Croatia9478 Posts
This is pretty cool and useful, thx for the effort!
I'd also just like to note that we're working on updating BW TLPD, though in snails pace
On December 28 2012 04:25 Crunchums wrote:Thanks for doing this unfortunately, those ELO ratings are a depressing reminder that the world will probably never see BW played at the level that the pros were playing at before the scene disintegrated 
I think the reason the ELO is so low is because everyone got reset to 2000.
On December 28 2012 04:49 NotRandoMNamE wrote:Show nested quote +On December 28 2012 04:25 Crunchums wrote:Thanks for doing this unfortunately, those ELO ratings are a depressing reminder that the world will probably never see BW played at the level that the pros were playing at before the scene disintegrated  I think the reason the ELO is so low is because everyone got reset to 2000.
Yep. I didn't import any of the TLPD Elo history in because I figured it wouldn't really mean anything (most of the SSL ex-pros only had a few games anyway). I decided to start the Elo at 2000 because that's about what TLPD does, but I'd like to stress that these numbers can't be compared to the TLPD Elo numbers at all: creating an Elo rating involves selecting some constants and I'm sure mine are completely different than what TLPD uses.
On December 28 2012 04:29 2Pacalypse- wrote:This is pretty cool and useful, thx for the effort! I'd also just like to note that we're working on updating BW TLPD, though in snails pace 
Wonderful! If they all make it in then I'll probably just abandon this project . Good luck!
Norway25712 Posts
On December 28 2012 05:35 KristofferAG wrote:I just created an LP page for the 10th SOSPA Ranking Tournament, if you want to add that. 10th SOSPA Ranking Tournament.
Awesome, it's been incorporated into my ratings. Thanks for the update!
I've also got this up at a proper web host: I have a super-cheap VPS that I host stuff on, it goes down a whole lot (it was down all yesterday, which is why I used that paste service) so be warned!
and I've added pages for each player that contain a list of their matches.
10387 Posts
I've been compiling past SSL and SRT results, but it's frustrating because it's very very very very incomplete, can't find results for a lot of things
If people are willing, we could start compiling what we have.
On December 28 2012 07:09 ArvickHero wrote: I've been compiling past SSL and SRT results, but it's frustrating because it's very very very very incomplete, can't find results for a lot of things
If people are willing, we could start compiling what we have.
Sounds wonderful! Mine are all up online, but the file format isn't so great. Also, I'm afraid I don't have much to offer -- I just got all my results from Liquipedia. You can see the list here
just click on any one to get a nice plain-text version of the game lists.
Maybe the best thing to do is just put all of them up on Liquipedia? That seems to be the standard for tournament results.
Norway25712 Posts
I'll gladly offer my services if any help is needed on LP. I can't see myself having any more SRT or SSL info than what Arvick has, what I have is what I found by searching through TL.
Really nice work ! Yeasterday I was looking for this SOSPA ELO rankings  If you are very confident in "keeping the listing up to date", it could be nice to set your database public. In this way, all will be able to use the data !!
C is not the best Web programming language. I encourage you to complete/build the database in C (as now). And then, connect to this base and compile dynamically the web-pages with an appropriate framework (PHP/J2EE....). I can eventually help you. But it's very hard to work from text file :p
10387 Posts
I'm gonna be using this thread to store my translations of past leagues, and whoever's available can add this stuff to Liquipedia.
There are some results/details missing, namely Group C and Group D. If anyone could find those for me, it'd be greatly appreciated, but these are all I could find from digging around Sonic's BBS.
9th SOSPA Ranking Tournament+ Show Spoiler +Details+ Show Spoiler +Prize Pool1st Place: 700k Won Players Sexy (이영웅),  Icarus (이카루스)  Mong (몽군)  Ample (사신테란)  Hiya (구성훈)  Koala (임성진)  Shinee (샤이니)  Perfectman (김태균)  Pusan (박지호)  He)Jy (정태훈)  Soma (박상현)  Killer (박준오)  Larva (임홍규)  Beast (유진우)  Cola (노재상)  Force[Name] (포스네임) Map ListNeo Jade New Sniper Ridge Fighting Spirit Neo Ground Zero Neo Electric Circuit Schedule8/14 Ro16 Group A 8/15 Ro16 Group B 8/16 Ro16 Group C 8/17 Ro16 Group D 8/19 Ro8 Day 1 8/20 Ro8 Day 2 8/22 Ro4 8/25 Finals Ro16+ Show Spoiler +Group A+ Show Spoiler +Match One:  Killer VS  Hiya  Killer < Neo Jade > Hiya Killer < New Sniper Ridge >  Hiya  Killer < Fighting Spirit > HiyaHiya 2:1Match Two:  He)Jy VS  Ample He)Jy < Neo Jade >  Ample He)Jy < New Sniper Ridge >  Ample He)Jy < Fighting Spirit > AmpleHe)Jy 2:0Winners Match:  Hiya VS  He)Jy Hiya < Neo Jade >  He)Jy Hiya < New Sniper Ridge >  He)Jy Hiya < Fighting Spirit > He)JyHiya 2:0Losers Match:  Killer VS  Ample Killer < Neo Jade >  Ample  Killer < New Sniper Ridge > Ample Killer < Fighting Spirit >  Ample Killer 2:1Final Match:  Killer VS  He)Jy Killer < Neo Jade >  He)Jy Killer < New Sniper Ridge >  He)Jy Killer < Fighting Spirit > He)JyKiller 2:1 Group B+ Show Spoiler +Group C+ Show Spoiler [detailed results unknown] +Mong advanced first, Icarus second (derived from the order of the names listing the winners for the group D announcement. Detailed results unknown Match One:  Mong VS  Soma  Mong < Neo Jade >  Soma  Mong < New Sniper Ridge >  Soma  Mong < Fighting Spirit >  Soma Mong 2:xMatch Two:  Beast VS  Icarus  Beast < Neo Jade >  Icarus  Beast < New Sniper Ridge >  Icarus  Beast < Fighting Spirit >  Icarus ??? 2:xWinners Match:  Mong VS ???  Mong < Neo Jade > ???  Mong < New Sniper Ridge > ???  Mong < Fighting Spirit > ??? Mong 2:x Losers Match:  Soma VS ???  Soma < Neo Jade > ???  Soma < New Sniper Ridge > ???  Soma < Fighting Spirit > ??? ??? 2:x Final Match: ??? VS  Icarus ??? < Neo Jade >  Icarus ??? < New Sniper Ridge >  Icarus ??? < Fighting Spirit >  Icarus Icarus 2:x Group D+ Show Spoiler [some details unknown] +Match One:  Shinee VS  Larva  Shinee < Neo Jade >  Larva  Shinee < New Sniper Ridge >  Larva Shinee < Fighting Spirit >  Larva detailed results unknown Shinee 2:1Match Two:  Koala VS  Pusan Koala < Neo Jade >  Pusan Koala < New Sniper Ridge >  Pusan Koala < Fighting Spirit > Pusan Koala 2:0Winners Match:  Shinee VS  Koala Shinee < Neo Jade >  Koala Shinee < New Sniper Ridge >  Koala Shinee < Fighting Spirit > Koala Shinee 2:0 Losers Match:  Larva VS  Pusan  Larva < Neo Jade >  Pusan  Larva < New Sniper Ridge >  Pusan Larva < Fighting Spirit >  Pusan detailed results unknown Larva 2:1 Final Match:  Koala VS  Larva  Koala < Neo Jade >  Larva  Koala < New Sniper Ridge >  Larva  Koala < Fighting Spirit > Larvadetailed results unknown Larva 2:1 Ro8+ Show Spoiler +Ro4+ Show Spoiler +Finals+ Show Spoiler + Sources + Show Spoiler + -details (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=&nTitleNo=53044088&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=13&szOnlyNotice=N) -Ro16 Group A (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=7076239&nTitleNo=53057596&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=1&szOnlyNotice=N) -Ro16 Group B (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=7076239&nTitleNo=53066202&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=1&szOnlyNotice=N -Ro16 Group C Details (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=&nTitleNo=53068100&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=13&szOnlyNotice=N) -Ro16 Group D (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=7076239&nTitleNo=53085847&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=1&szOnlyNotice=N) -Ro8 D1 (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=7076239&nTitleNo=53102443&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=1&szOnlyNotice=N) -Ro8 D2 (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=7076239&nTitleNo=53110083&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=1&szOnlyNotice=N) -Ro4 (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=7076239&nTitleNo=53123350&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=1&szOnlyNotice=N) -Finals (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=7076239&nTitleNo=53140713&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=1&szOnlyNotice=N)
10387 Posts
This one is pretty bad. Lack of detailed results for Group A, and practically no results at all for Group C and D, along with the entire Ro8. If anyone can find those missing results, it'd be greatly appreciated
8th SOSPA Ranking Tournament+ Show Spoiler +Details+ Show Spoiler +Prize Pool1st Place: 500k Won Players Sexy (이영웅)  Icarus (이카루스)  Mong (몽군)  Hiya (구성훈)  Ample (사신테란)  AsiaSin[ScM] (최아신)  Anytime (오영종)  Perfectman (김태균)  Sky (하늘)  Force[Name] (포스네임)  Mahell (마헬)  Larva (임홍규)  Cola (노재상)  Beast (유진우)  MinHo (이민호)  ggaemo (김경모) Map ListFighting Spirit New Bloody Ridge Jade Circuit Breaker New Sniper Ridge Schedule7/20 Ro16 Group A 7/21 Ro16 Group B 7/22 Ro16 Group C 7/23 Ro16 Group D 7/25 Ro8 Day 1 7/26 Ro8 Day 2 7/27 Ro4 7/29 Finals Ro16+ Show Spoiler +Group A+ Show Spoiler +Group B+ Show Spoiler +Group C+ Show Spoiler [detailed results unknown] +Sky and Beast advanced, placing unknown Match One:  Sky VS  Cola  Sky < Neo Jade >  Cola  Sky < New Sniper Ridge >  Cola  Sky < Fighting Spirit >  Cola xxx 2:xMatch Two:  Hiya VS  Beast  Hiya < Neo Jade >  Beast  Hiya < New Sniper Ridge >  Beast  Hiya < Fighting Spirit >  Beast xxx 2:xWinners Match: xxx VS xxx xxx < Neo Jade > xxx xxx < New Sniper Ridge > xxx xxx < Fighting Spirit > xxx xxx 2:x Losers Match: xxx VS xxx xxx < Neo Jade > xxx xxx < New Sniper Ridge > xxx xxx < Fighting Spirit > xxx xxx 2:x Final Match: xxx VS xxx xxx] < Neo Jade > xxx xxx < New Sniper Ridge > xxx xxx < Fighting Spirit > xxx xxx 2:x Group D+ Show Spoiler [detailed results unknown] +MinHo and Ample advanced, placing unknown Match One:  Ample VS  ggaemo  Ample < Neo Jade >  ggaemo  Ample < New Sniper Ridge >  ggaemo  Ample < Fighting Spirit >  ggaemo xxx 2:xMatch Two:  AsiaSin[ScM] VS  MinHo  AsiaSin[ScM] < Neo Jade >  MinHo  AsiaSin[ScM] < New Sniper Ridge >  MinHo  AsiaSin[ScM] < Fighting Spirit >  MinHo xxx 2:xWinners Match: xxx VS xxx xxx < Neo Jade > xxx xxx < New Sniper Ridge > xxx xxx < Fighting Spirit > xxx xxx 2:x Losers Match: xxx VS xxx xxx < Neo Jade > xxx xxx < New Sniper Ridge > xxx xxx < Fighting Spirit > xxx xxx 2:x Final Match: xxx VS xxx xxx] < Neo Jade > xxx xxx < New Sniper Ridge > xxx xxx < Fighting Spirit > xxx xxx 2:x Ro8+ Show Spoiler +Detailed Results Unknown Sexy VS  Mong + Show Spoiler +  Sexy < Fighting Spirit >  Mong  Sexy < New Bloody Ridge >  Mong  Sexy < Jade >  Mong  Sexy < Circuit Breaker >  Mong  Sexy < New Sniper Ridge >  Mong Mong 3:x  Sky VS  MinHo + Show Spoiler +  Sky < Fighting Spirit >  MinHo  Sky < New Bloody Ridge >  MinHo  Sky < Jade >  MinHo  Sky < Circuit Breaker >  MinHo  Sky < New Sniper Ridge >  MinHo Sky 3:x  Force[Name] VS  Ample + Show Spoiler +  Force[Name] < Fighting Spirit >  Ample  Force[Name] < New Bloody Ridge >  Ample  Force[Name] < Jade >  Ample  Force[Name] < Circuit Breaker >  Ample  Force[Name] < New Sniper Ridge >  Ample Ample 3:x  Mahell VS  Beast + Show Spoiler +  Mahell < Fighting Spirit >  Beast  Mahell < New Bloody Ridge >  Beast  Mahell < Jade >  Beast  Mahell < Circuit Breaker >  Beast  Mahell < New Sniper Ridge >  Beast Beast 3:x Ro4+ Show Spoiler +Finals+ Show Spoiler + Sources + Show Spoiler + -details (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=&nTitleNo=52789193&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=16&szOnlyNotice=N) -Ro16 Group A kinda results (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=7076239&nTitleNo=52805301&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=5&szOnlyNotice=N) -Ro16 Group B (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=7076239&nTitleNo=52816207&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=1&szOnlyNotice=N) -Ro16 Group C Details (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=&nTitleNo=52814010&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=16&szOnlyNotice=N) -Ro16 Group D kinda results (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=7076239&nTitleNo=52833574&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=5&szOnlyNotice=N) -Ro8 details (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=&nTitleNo=52833416&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=15&szOnlyNotice=N) -Ro8 no source for detailed results lol -Ro4 (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=7076239&nTitleNo=52882370&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=1&szOnlyNotice=N) -Finals (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=7076239&nTitleNo=52893801&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=1&szOnlyNotice=N)
thx for the effort
10387 Posts
Missing detailed score/results from groups A and B. Couldn't find any results for Group D and the Ro4 at all. If anyone can find these missing results/details, it'd be greatly appreciated.
Also, would like to note that Progamer = MinHo. I'll look through the SSL6 Liquipedia page to iron out inconsistencies w/ names later
edit: found almost all the detailed results of Group A and D, just missing the exact score order of the first set. Many, many thanks to kjwcj
7th SOSPA Ranking Tournament+ Show Spoiler +Details+ Show Spoiler +Prize Pool1st Place: 500k Won Players Sexy (이영웅)  Ample (사신테란)  Koala (임성진)  Mong (몽군)  Hiya (구성훈)  Icarus (이카루스)  LYH (이기호)  Sky (하늘)  Pusan (박지호)  Backho (손찬웅)  Anytime (오영종)  JiMin (김새한솔)  Beast (유진우)  Cola (노재상)  Larva (임홍규)  Force[Name] (포스네임) Map ListFighting Spirit Jade Circuit Breaker Sniper Ridge Schedule6/26 Ro16 Group A 6/27 Ro16 Group B 6/28 Ro16 Group C 6/29 Ro16 Group D 7/1 Ro8 Day 1 7/2 Ro8 Day 2 7/6 Ro4 7/7 Finals Ro16+ Show Spoiler +Group A+ Show Spoiler +Group B+ Show Spoiler +Match One:  Sky VS  Koala  Sky < Fighting Spirit >  Koala  Sky < Jade >  Koala  Sky < Circuit Breaker > Koaladetailed results unknown Koala 2:1Match Two:  Cola VS  Ample Cola < Fighting Spirit >  Ample Cola < Jade >  Ample Cola < Circuit Breaker > Ample Cola 2:0Winners Match:  Cola VS  Koala  Cola < Fighting Spirit >  Koala  Cola < Jade >  Koala Cola < Circuit Breaker >  Koala detailed results unknown Cola 2:1 Losers Match:  Ample VS  Sky Ample < Neo Jade >  Sky Ample < New Sniper Ridge >  Sky Ample < Fighting Spirit > Sky Ample 2:0Final Match:  Ample VS  Koala  Ample < Fighting Spirit >  Koala  Ample < Jade >  Koala  Ample < Circuit Breaker >  Koala detailed results unknown Ample 2:1 Group C+ Show Spoiler +Group D+ Show Spoiler +Match One:  Hiya VS  Backho  Hiya < Fighting Spirit >  Backho  Hiya < Jade >  Backho Hiya < Circuit Breaker >  Backho detailed results unknown Hiya 2:1Match Two:  Anytime VS  Icarus Anytime < Fighting Spirit >  Icarus Anytime < Jade >  Icarus Anytime < Circuit Breaker > Icarus Anytime 2:0Winners Match:  Hiya VS  Anytime Hiya < Fighting Spirit >  Anytime Hiya < Jade >  Anytime Hiya < Circuit Breaker > AnytimeHiya 2:0 Losers Match:  Backho VS  Icarus Backho < Fighting Spirit >  Icarus Backho < Jade >  Icarus Backho < Circuit Breaker > Icarus Backho 2:0 Final Match: xxx VS  Backho Anytime < Fighting Spirit >  Backho  Anytime < Jade > Backho Anytime < Circuit Breaker >  Backho Anytime 2:1 Ro8+ Show Spoiler +Ro4+ Show Spoiler +detailed results unknown Mong VS  Ample + Show Spoiler +  Mong < Fighting Spirit >  Ample  Mong < Jade >  Ample  Mong < Circuit Breaker >  Ample Mong < Sniper Ridge >  Ample Mong < Fighting Spirit > Ample Mong 3:1 (derived from the fact that Mong's overall record was 13-2)  Cola VS  Sexy + Show Spoiler + Cola < Fighting Spirit >  Sexy  Cola < Jade >  Sexy  Cola < Circuit Breaker >  Sexy  Cola < Sniper Ridge >  Sexy  Cola < Fighting Spirit >  Sexy Sexy 3:x Finals+ Show Spoiler + Sources + Show Spoiler +-details (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=&nTitleNo=52627289&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=18&szOnlyNotice=N) -Ro16 Group A (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=7076239&nTitleNo=52638214&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=2&szOnlyNotice=N) -Ro16 Group B (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=7076239&nTitleNo=52643307&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=2&szOnlyNotice=N) -Ro16 Group C (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=7076239&nTitleNo=52649265&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=2&szOnlyNotice=N) -Ro16 Group D Details (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=&nTitleNo=52647396&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=17&szOnlyNotice=N) -Ro8 D1 (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=7076239&nTitleNo=52675474&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=5&szOnlyNotice=N) -Ro8 D2 (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=7076239&nTitleNo=52679617&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=1&szOnlyNotice=N) -Ro4 Details (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=&nTitleNo=52677320&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=17&szOnlyNotice=N) -Finals (http://live.afreeca.com:8080/app/read_bbs.cgi?szBjId=sogoodtt&nStationNo=55614&nBbsNo=7076239&nTitleNo=52720578&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=1&szOnlyNotice=N) -VODs (http://www.twitch.tv/kjwcj/b/322755929, http://www.twitch.tv/kjwcj/b/323087022)
Really cool! Just make sure it's up to date and don't abandon it, please!
This is awesome thanks for doing this
On December 31 2012 20:29 ArvickHero wrote: Also, would like to note that Progamer = MinHo. I'll look through the SSL6 Liquipedia page to iron out inconsistencies w/ names later
Should I list him as progamer or minho? Also, thanks for all the updates. I've incorporated all of them into my rating list (note that you might need to manually refresh the page, it caches on my Firefox for some reason).
On January 01 2013 04:59 thezanursic wrote: Really cool! Just make sure it's up to date and don't abandon it, please!
I've got the thread subscribed, so as long as people make new posts for new information I should be able to stay on top of things.
Also, the code and database are both open source -- you're welcome to submit patches (or even just put up your own build!) if I start to get behind.