On March 30 2012 15:36 OutOfMyMind_pro wrote: Savior destroyed the game? Oh wait...thats just the blind hate posts.
How about you remember how much this guy contributed to the pro scene in the first place? This game would have been a hell of a lot worse if Saviors star didnt shine. Do you even realise what an impact he had on the whole scene with his sole appearance? I would say fuck all based on reading most of your posts. He made the scene better and increased the scenes life with some extra years. He made a mistake and destroyed his pro career. Thats all there is. Dont give me that crap that he killed all of the sponsors interest and completely ruined the scene of a game which is naturally going towards its end after so many years. Even if this incident never occurred this game would still be close to its end. And if Savior never appeared in the scene this game would have probably been dead already.
Remember how he contributed ? How about players like boxer,oov,garimto,nal_ra and kingdom oldies before he even existed build the whole esport scene from the ground up so players like "SAVIOR" can reap the benefit of a better gaming environment and not eat instant noodle the whole month ? . You talk as if savior created the scene, he maybe has brought a lot of fame for broodwar but he didn't started .Don't talk as if the whole esport scene owe savior a thing, in fact he owes to the old hyung who started this professional scene for them .
Also if he only destroyed his career it would be fine with me but no .... he had take down everyone with him .Potential rising players with great talent were all destroyed together with him . Take a look of it of the broodwar pro gaming franchise as a means of promoting an image of the company who is sponsoring the teams . The teams do well the company image also gets better and fans may even support the company that is sponsoring the teams because this is how they see the connection between the players and the company .
Now which company will want to sponsor when their image has already been tainted with words such as "Match Fixer" not only it kills what professional sports is about it destroys everything the commentators and broadcasting company effort has done for years .The gravity of his action is really big and you may not know it .
Watch this and be more informed about the situation that you don't understand about listen to the commentators and kingdom if you know who is kingdom that I am talking about .
On March 30 2012 09:58 RezChi wrote: Fuck this asshole. Ruins Brood-War and still tries to make money off of it.
He will be one of the progamers name and carrer that I'll remember in 25 years. For many people he didn't ruined BW but he made it.
Then take off the MBCGame thing off from your signature please.
You disgust me. He had his punishment. You want to coerce everyone into punish him even more? Who are you? The worlds judge?
Have you ever worked/interacted with people who have a criminal background?
Do you realize that Savior is actually doing something very benefical to the community by giving lessons, he could breed the a new generation of progamers.
You don't seem to understand how much the match fixing scandal hurt the scene. Companies do not want to sponsor a game involved in a match fixing scandal. It's by far the main reason teams have disbanded, MBCGame became a music channel, and OSL struggles to find sponsors.
Yes he does have criminal record, but he totally deserves it. I don't even see how giving lessons is beneficial, it's just an arrogant provocation after what happened. "Hey guys, your team disbanded ? That sucks, sorry to hear that ! Well, I'm still making money off this game :trollface:"
Oh, companys do not want to sponsor a game with match fixing? aaah, that is why there is 0 sponsors for scbw. oh wait, no there is still a proleague. must be all fake sponsors, huh?
It is just an arrogant provocation? Do you know Diego Armando Maradona? He was caught doping, but him beeing the coach for Argentina was just an arrogant provocation, right?
On March 30 2012 12:21 supernovamaniac wrote:
On March 30 2012 10:45 WhuazGoodJaggah wrote:
On March 30 2012 10:11 supernovamaniac wrote:
On March 30 2012 10:09 scDeluX wrote:
On March 30 2012 09:58 RezChi wrote: Fuck this asshole. Ruins Brood-War and still tries to make money off of it.
He will be one of the progamers name and carrer that I'll remember in 25 years. For many people he didn't ruined BW but he made it.
Then take off the MBCGame thing off from your signature please.
You disgust me. He had his punishment. You want to coerce everyone into punish him even more? Who are you? The worlds judge?
Have you ever worked/interacted with people who have a criminal background?
Do you realize that Savior is actually doing something very benefical to the community by giving lessons, he could breed the a new generation of progamers.
Beneficial? Sure, benefit from teaching all those kids to have hopes of becoming a pro-BW player.
Oh wait, while raising those kids, lets not forget to mention what he also did to destroy those hopes of kids who wanted to become a pro-player by downsizing the scene into 1 studio and 8 teams. Let's also mention the fact that BW has been getting less sponsorship requests nowadays, and OGN/KeSPA actually has hard time finding sponsors due to the bad image of e-Sports caused by those "incidents"
If I knew that the day I last sat in MBCGame was going to be the last Proleague game being held in LOOX studio with full attendee, then I would've savored every single second of it. Thanks to people who are "doing something very beneficial to the community by giving lessons" and "breed a new generation of progamers", I regret getting out of the studio without taking few extra photos for myself.
If people in this community had even a slight clue about what happened in the Korean BW scene with this particular incident, they know that Savior incident actually mattered in closure of MBCGame. If you know about the match fixing then still choose to support Savior or this lesson, that's fine by me because sometimes, you can't let go of your idol. However, don't act like you actually care for the closure of MBCGame if you still support his cause.
The match fixing happened 2 years ago and now the sponsors are abandoning scbw because of it. That some massive lag right there, can you explain that lag to me? Is it really the bad image of esports? Is SC2 included in that esport? Do they also suffer from the match fixing? I mean, it has to because savior killed esports single handedly according to you.
Is it really because of people giving brood war lessons that you can't go to the LOOX studio anymore, or is it rather because of people throwing games? Oh wait, for you the action doesn't matter, it's all about the name.
Can you give me sources for the direct correlation of the closing of MBCGame and the match fixing (which is not entirely saviors fault)?
Who are you to tell people what they care about? Worlds judge again? I care about the closure of MBCGame, it fucking sucks. But I have an entire different view about punishment of people than you. I value actions way higher than names. Who are you to tell me that I'm wrong and you are right?
You should take note to read up and give thoughts to posts made by people who are evidently more well-informed than you.
Look at our recent sponsors for our Leagues:
SK Planet is obviously affiliated with SK Telecom. Jin Air and Korean Air with CJ.
That left what? ABC Mart? Not to mention that Shinhan Bank terminated their sponsorship after the 10/11 Season despite having sponsored the SPL for several years running.
You clearly havn't been reading up, and should refrain from these confrontational/condescending tone, especially towards more well-informed people (supernovamaniac is a very good example of one).
Edit: Lol most people who defend Savior are the SC2 guys (like dude below, >95% posts on SC2 section). Interesting trend.
i have read almost anything posted on this forum. but maybe you know better what i've read than me, who knows
All I said is that he did a lot of good for the scene in the first place and its being neglected by his mistake. People with short memory forgot how he unfluenced the scene in the first place. Sure he fucked up. Every human fucks up. We cant judge him for his decisions. I cant judge you for your mistakes and you cant judge me for my mistakes. But....but
Its delusional thinking to say he destroyed the whole scene (so many people are saying this exact thing)
And what if this thing never happend? Can you bet your life that the scene will still be here after a year? Two years? Nah you can't. Dont blame a single person for his mistake because the collapse of this scene and game is inevitable. And the reasons behind this collapse got fuck all to do with this match fixing scandal.
On March 30 2012 09:58 RezChi wrote: Fuck this asshole. Ruins Brood-War and still tries to make money off of it.
He will be one of the progamers name and carrer that I'll remember in 25 years. For many people he didn't ruined BW but he made it.
Then take off the MBCGame thing off from your signature please.
You disgust me. He had his punishment. You want to coerce everyone into punish him even more? Who are you? The worlds judge?
Have you ever worked/interacted with people who have a criminal background?
Do you realize that Savior is actually doing something very benefical to the community by giving lessons, he could breed the a new generation of progamers.
Beneficial? Sure, benefit from teaching all those kids to have hopes of becoming a pro-BW player.
Oh wait, while raising those kids, lets not forget to mention what he also did to destroy those hopes of kids who wanted to become a pro-player by downsizing the scene into 1 studio and 8 teams. Let's also mention the fact that BW has been getting less sponsorship requests nowadays, and OGN/KeSPA actually has hard time finding sponsors due to the bad image of e-Sports caused by those "incidents"
If I knew that the day I last sat in MBCGame was going to be the last Proleague game being held in LOOX studio with full attendee, then I would've savored every single second of it. Thanks to people who are "doing something very beneficial to the community by giving lessons" and "breed a new generation of progamers", I regret getting out of the studio without taking few extra photos for myself.
If people in this community had even a slight clue about what happened in the Korean BW scene with this particular incident, they know that Savior incident actually mattered in closure of MBCGame. If you know about the match fixing then still choose to support Savior or this lesson, that's fine by me because sometimes, you can't let go of your idol. However, don't act like you actually care for the closure of MBCGame if you still support his cause.
It's clear that you have a lot of anger directed at sAviOr as does a large proportion of the Brood War community. I fully side with you on that sAviOr was a huge factor that negatively influenced e-sports, while he brought a lot to e-sports, he took away so much more than he could ever create. This leaves a huge scar and no, Brood War has not recovered from it, in fact, Brood War is fighting to survive. And, realistically, this is only a huge issue because of the size of the scene, e-sports is not as big as most real sports which would suffer little from such an impact, e-sports began with Brood War and so, it's natural that an incident in Brood War would be costly because e-sports is still in its baby stage, it's not peaked yet, nor is it close to it.
With that being said, due to the natural way of development of games, Brood War will not live on forever as a professional sport (unless something crazy happens) nor would it have if sAviOr never existed. Brood War is more threatened by it's natural successor that being, Starcraft 2 and in the end, e-Sports will move on... Sure, none of us Brood War fans want to see Brood War die and we'll do everything in our power to keep it a live, however, be it 2 years, be it 10 years, professional Brood War will come to an end, but it won't be due to sAviOr, it'll be due to the natural succession in e-Sports. And, when the new generation of gamers blossom, the scandals and scars created by sAviOr, while they will be heard, they will fall on deaf ears because no one cares about events when they were not around to see them. This much is pretty well fact, shown throughout history (Some things taking more generations to recover from than others).
So, what does this all say, we all hate savior, we all hate to have to hate savior because we all wish he didn't do the shit that he did, however, life goes on, savior took a hit for what he had done and there's not much else we can do than be satisfied with that, you can't prevent someone from pursuing a hobby, it's practically impossible and if people want to pay him for lessons, then all the power to them, this shouldn't affect e-Sports in anyway and nor should we really care about it.
By all means, hate on savior, but based on what I said above... I don't think this merits a huge discussion, obviously there will be haters and fan boys, both think they have credit to what they say, perhaps only one side does, perhaps neither do. I won't comment on that being as by us hating on each other over what savior has done accomplishes nothing. In fact, it further deepens the wound. Please stop debating about savior.. it creates a polarized community which we really don't need.
On March 30 2012 16:13 OutOfMyMind_pro wrote: All I said is that he did a lot of good for the scene in the first place and its being neglected by his mistake. People with short memory forgot how he unfluenced the scene in the first place. Sure he fucked up. Every human fucks up. We cant judge him for his decisions. I cant judge you for your mistakes and you cant judge me for my mistakes. But....but
Its delusional thinking to say he destroyed the whole scene (so many people are saying this exact thing)
And what if this thing never happend? Can you bet your life that the scene will still be here after a year? Two years? Nah you can't. Dont blame a single person for his mistake because the collapse of this scene and game is inevitable. And the reasons behind this collapse got fuck all to do with this match fixing scandal.
Just compare the scene back than and today and see the difference between the crowd attendance and the amount of teams participating in proleague back than we had 12 teams and now we only are left with 8 bickering teams that are still surviving base on the company trust in the brand. Let's put it this way, if I remember it correctly almost all those who were involved with the match fixing scandal pointed that Savior was the one who introduce them to the gambling sites and it's parties .
From there it self it can be safely concluded that Savior was the connection for the outsiders to rig the games that were being played and still a wrong doesn't change a thing .
With that being said, due to the natural way of development of games, Brood War will not live on forever as a professional sport (unless something crazy happens) nor would it have if sAviOr never existed. Brood War is more threatened by it's natural successor that being, Starcraft 2 and in the end, e-Sports will move on... Sure, none of us Brood War fans want to see Brood War die and we'll do everything in our power to keep it a live, however, be it 2 years, be it 10 years, professional Brood War will come to an end, but it won't be due to sAviOr, it'll be due to the natural succession in e-Sports. And, when the new generation of gamers blossom, the scandals and scars created by sAviOr, while they will be heard, they will fall on deaf ears because no one cares about events when they were not around to see them. This much is pretty well fact, shown throughout history (Some things taking more generations to recover from than others).
I don't know if it would come to an end, I don't have any intention of spreading out doom rumours about it as long as I see there are proleague and osl sponsors than bw is going to last .
With that being said, due to the natural way of development of games, Brood War will not live on forever as a professional sport (unless something crazy happens) nor would it have if sAviOr never existed. Brood War is more threatened by it's natural successor that being, Starcraft 2 and in the end, e-Sports will move on... Sure, none of us Brood War fans want to see Brood War die and we'll do everything in our power to keep it a live, however, be it 2 years, be it 10 years, professional Brood War will come to an end, but it won't be due to sAviOr, it'll be due to the natural succession in e-Sports. And, when the new generation of gamers blossom, the scandals and scars created by sAviOr, while they will be heard, they will fall on deaf ears because no one cares about events when they were not around to see them. This much is pretty well fact, shown throughout history (Some things taking more generations to recover from than others).
I don't know if it would come to an end, I don't have any intention of spreading out doom rumours about it as long as I see there are proleague and osl sponsors than bw is going to last .
Well I mean, everyone knows I am a huge supporter of Brood War, I'd love to see it last as long as possible, I'm just saying nothing is infinite.
There has to be a distinction as to Savior's acts WITHIN the BW professional community (of which, he will not, should not, and cannot be forgiven), and Savior's acts after being duly punished and banned from the community.
Savior's conduct while he was a BW pro is distinctive for its peaks and valleys. The cumulative effect is that he changed the game for the better due to his play, and yet made it harder for the game to expand towards the larger, casual fanbase due to the scandals he caused. I personally feel sad, because I know deep down in my heart that Savior's greed and criminal acts will always weigh heavier than the good he contributed to the scene. That's simply a product of the scene having a handful of other, equally dominating and talented stars (TBLS, Terran Bonjwas). If Savior was the lone star (like Boxer was back in the day), then it would probably be a toss up. If Boxer match-fixed, would we be as unforgiving? I think many would second-guess their reaction to that because Boxer WAS the scene at that time.
Savior's conduct now that he's been convicted and punished shouldn't be subject to the same standard anymore. He's not a professional anymore. He does not owe anyone, save society, an obligation (and that mostly relates to not doing anything unlawful anymore). He does not owe the BW professional scene, of which he's now a pariah to, any obligation not to play and coach for money on Afreeca. This entire issue on paid lessons is more a question of delicadeza vs necessity. While it would be more acceptable that he completely cut himself off from the gaming scene, he's also spent most of his productive, learning years playing BW professionally. It's the only thing he knows how to do that will make him a decent amount of money. He could go back to school if he wanted to, but he's probably not gonna be able to pick it all up that quickly. Unless he finds a field that's perfect for him, he has to go back to BW to make any kind of living.
It's a sad state of affairs, but if all this is a necessity on his part to move on with his life (and live normally), then all the best to him. Just don't add fuel to the fire that's consuming the BW scene right now.
On March 30 2012 09:58 RezChi wrote: Fuck this asshole. Ruins Brood-War and still tries to make money off of it.
He will be one of the progamers name and carrer that I'll remember in 25 years. For many people he didn't ruined BW but he made it.
Then take off the MBCGame thing off from your signature please.
You disgust me. He had his punishment. You want to coerce everyone into punish him even more? Who are you? The worlds judge?
Have you ever worked/interacted with people who have a criminal background?
Do you realize that Savior is actually doing something very benefical to the community by giving lessons, he could breed the a new generation of progamers.
Beneficial? Sure, benefit from teaching all those kids to have hopes of becoming a pro-BW player.
Oh wait, while raising those kids, lets not forget to mention what he also did to destroy those hopes of kids who wanted to become a pro-player by downsizing the scene into 1 studio and 8 teams. Let's also mention the fact that BW has been getting less sponsorship requests nowadays, and OGN/KeSPA actually has hard time finding sponsors due to the bad image of e-Sports caused by those "incidents"
If I knew that the day I last sat in MBCGame was going to be the last Proleague game being held in LOOX studio with full attendee, then I would've savored every single second of it. Thanks to people who are "doing something very beneficial to the community by giving lessons" and "breed a new generation of progamers", I regret getting out of the studio without taking few extra photos for myself.
If people in this community had even a slight clue about what happened in the Korean BW scene with this particular incident, they know that Savior incident actually mattered in closure of MBCGame. If you know about the match fixing then still choose to support Savior or this lesson, that's fine by me because sometimes, you can't let go of your idol. However, don't act like you actually care for the closure of MBCGame if you still support his cause.
It's clear that you have a lot of anger directed at sAviOr as does a large proportion of the Brood War community. I fully side with you on that sAviOr was a huge factor that negatively influenced e-sports, while he brought a lot to e-sports, he took away so much more than he could ever create. This leaves a huge scar and no, Brood War has not recovered from it, in fact, Brood War is fighting to survive. And, realistically, this is only a huge issue because of the size of the scene, e-sports is not as big as most real sports which would suffer little from such an impact, e-sports began with Brood War and so, it's natural that an incident in Brood War would be costly because e-sports is still in its baby stage, it's not peaked yet, nor is it close to it.
With that being said, due to the natural way of development of games, Brood War will not live on forever as a professional sport (unless something crazy happens) nor would it have if sAviOr never existed. Brood War is more threatened by it's natural successor that being, Starcraft 2 and in the end, e-Sports will move on... Sure, none of us Brood War fans want to see Brood War die and we'll do everything in our power to keep it a live, however, be it 2 years, be it 10 years, professional Brood War will come to an end, but it won't be due to sAviOr, it'll be due to the natural succession in e-Sports. And, when the new generation of gamers blossom, the scandals and scars created by sAviOr, while they will be heard, they will fall on deaf ears because no one cares about events when they were not around to see them. This much is pretty well fact, shown throughout history (Some things taking more generations to recover from than others).
So, what does this all say, we all hate savior, we all hate to have to hate savior because we all wish he didn't do the shit that he did, however, life goes on, savior took a hit for what he had done and there's not much else we can do than be satisfied with that, you can't prevent someone from pursuing a hobby, it's practically impossible and if people want to pay him for lessons, then all the power to them, this shouldn't affect e-Sports in anyway and nor should we really care about it.
By all means, hate on savior, but based on what I said above... I don't think this merits a huge discussion, obviously there will be haters and fan boys, both think they have credit to what they say, perhaps only one side does, perhaps neither do. I won't comment on that being as by us hating on each other over what savior has done accomplishes nothing. In fact, it further deepens the wound. Please stop debating about savior.. it creates a polarized community which we really don't need.
Should I take this seriously? Because with what happened during streaming, I can't honestly tell if you're just trying to make yourself sound smart or trying to make a valid argument.
With that being said, due to the natural way of development of games, Brood War will not live on forever as a professional sport (unless something crazy happens) nor would it have if sAviOr never existed. Brood War is more threatened by it's natural successor that being, Starcraft 2 and in the end, e-Sports will move on... Sure, none of us Brood War fans want to see Brood War die and we'll do everything in our power to keep it a live, however, be it 2 years, be it 10 years, professional Brood War will come to an end, but it won't be due to sAviOr, it'll be due to the natural succession in e-Sports. And, when the new generation of gamers blossom, the scandals and scars created by sAviOr, while they will be heard, they will fall on deaf ears because no one cares about events when they were not around to see them. This much is pretty well fact, shown throughout history (Some things taking more generations to recover from than others).
I'd say this is demonstrably false since WC3 (nor any other game coming out inf 10 years or so) managed to replace replace BW.
On March 30 2012 17:54 supernovamaniac wrote: Should I take this seriously? Because with what happened during streaming, I can't honestly tell if you're just trying to make yourself sound smart or trying to make a valid argument.
Yes. TL is a very serious place and you should always take everyone seriously
On March 30 2012 16:14 GTR wrote: er, korean air/jin air aren't affiliated with cj at all. the owner's daughter just really likes bw (specifically, nada).
I was under the impression that they are all under the Han Jin group.
On March 30 2012 16:14 GTR wrote: er, korean air/jin air aren't affiliated with cj at all. the owner's daughter just really likes bw (specifically, nada).
I was under the impression that they are all under the Han Jin group.
I was wrong?
I don't think chohyunmin mention any affiliation that korean air is under the Han Jin group in her interview .
On March 30 2012 00:19 HwangjaeTerran wrote: I think this is good. How is it bad? Progamers usually don't have high degrees and they must get by somehow. The match fixers have it especially hard. 75$ for 4,5hours of Savior teaching you, which you can divide with your friend, that's just sick good deal.
The court punished the match fixers well enough, there's no need for me to judge them further.
In case you dont know, Korea has a great economy at the moment. Unemployment is ~3%. Its easy for a grown healthy guy like Savior to get a job. There is no need to further poison the scene with his presence, sorry to say.
You mean the job like Perfectman had?
Hey, a lot of people in western countries with unemployment problems would love something like that
On March 30 2012 16:14 GTR wrote: er, korean air/jin air aren't affiliated with cj at all. the owner's daughter just really likes bw (specifically, nada).
I was under the impression that they are all under the Han Jin group.
I was wrong?
I don't think chohyunmin mention any affiliation that korean air is under the Han Jin group in her interview .
lol cheated or not, he's a good player, and he's offering to teach you at a price. if you're rational and needed the lesson for that price, you'd take it.
to put it this way, his punishments has been dealt and received, while judging if he should be your teacher that part of his life is simply irrelevant.
With that being said, due to the natural way of development of games, Brood War will not live on forever as a professional sport (unless something crazy happens) nor would it have if sAviOr never existed. Brood War is more threatened by it's natural successor that being, Starcraft 2 and in the end, e-Sports will move on... Sure, none of us Brood War fans want to see Brood War die and we'll do everything in our power to keep it a live, however, be it 2 years, be it 10 years, professional Brood War will come to an end, but it won't be due to sAviOr, it'll be due to the natural succession in e-Sports. And, when the new generation of gamers blossom, the scandals and scars created by sAviOr, while they will be heard, they will fall on deaf ears because no one cares about events when they were not around to see them. This much is pretty well fact, shown throughout history (Some things taking more generations to recover from than others).
I'd say this is demonstrably false since WC3 (nor any other game coming out inf 10 years or so) managed to replace replace BW.
Eywa is right. Warcraft 3 didn't replace BW because W3 is a horribly boring game to watch. It's very unbalanced, very repetitive, and quite annoying on many aspects.
We are in an economic crisis in case you guys didn't notice and South Korea is suffering as much as any other place. I am in a business dependent on sponsors and I can tell you that they are the first thing that go away when a company is struggling. Nobody needs eSports, it's really a luxury. And there is a ton of money needed to support those leagues and teams.
On top of that, BW is 13 years old. That's sad to say but BW is not chess, it is a game that has had an incredible success for a while, managed to grow as a sport, but won't last forever. Yes it is very good, yes, it is very well designed, but that's the rule with video game, they are dependent on technologies that evolve very quickly. The audience has fallen with the regularity of a swiss clock for years. Just look at Proleague finals statistics.
Nobody cares about Savior. Seriously. Sponsors decide where they invest their money depending of how fashionable an activity is, how much exposure they will get etc... I don't even think Shinhan bank managers who decided they would stop sponsoring PL even know who Savior is. They probably don't give a flying fuck. BW being replaced by other game has much deeper reasons, and if anything it is a bloody mirale the scene has lasted that long.
BW has never been huge. It's a very very very small and fragile niche, it has always been. The fact that it has had a moment of glory doesn't change that fact.
Now if Savior wants to make a few bucks by teaching what he can do the best, good for him. I think he is an idiot to have demolished his career and reputation and as much as I am very uninterested by the person, I still love the great player he has been.
With that being said, due to the natural way of development of games, Brood War will not live on forever as a professional sport (unless something crazy happens) nor would it have if sAviOr never existed. Brood War is more threatened by it's natural successor that being, Starcraft 2 and in the end, e-Sports will move on... Sure, none of us Brood War fans want to see Brood War die and we'll do everything in our power to keep it a live, however, be it 2 years, be it 10 years, professional Brood War will come to an end, but it won't be due to sAviOr, it'll be due to the natural succession in e-Sports. And, when the new generation of gamers blossom, the scandals and scars created by sAviOr, while they will be heard, they will fall on deaf ears because no one cares about events when they were not around to see them. This much is pretty well fact, shown throughout history (Some things taking more generations to recover from than others).
I'd say this is demonstrably false since WC3 (nor any other game coming out inf 10 years or so) managed to replace replace BW.
Eywa is right. Warcraft 3 didn't replace BW because W3 is a horribly boring game to watch. It's very unbalanced, very repetitive, and quite annoying on many aspects.
We are in an economic crisis in case you guys didn't notice and South Korea is suffering as much as any other place. I am in a business dependent on sponsors and I can tell you that they are the first thing that go away when a company is struggling. Nobody needs eSports, it's really a luxury. And there is a ton of money needed to support those leagues and teams.
On top of that, BW is 13 years old. That's sad to say but BW is not chess, it is a game that has had an incredible success for a while, managed to grow as a sport, but won't last forever. Yes it is very good, yes, it is very well designed, but that's the rule with video game, they are dependent on technologies that evolve very quickly. The audience has fallen with the regularity of a swiss clock for years. Just look at Proleague finals statistics.
Nobody cares about Savior. Seriously. Sponsors decide where they invest their money depending of how fashionable an activity is, how much exposure they will get etc... I don't even think Shinhan bank managers who decided they would stop sponsoring PL even know who Savior is. They probably don't give a flying fuck. BW being replaced by other game has much deeper reasons, and if anything it is a bloody mirale the scene has lasted that long.
BW has never been huge. It's a very very very small and fragile niche, it has always been. The fact that it has had a moment of glory doesn't change that fact.
Now if Savior wants to make a few bucks by teaching what he can do the best, good for him. I think he is an idiot to have demolished his career and reputation and as much as I am very uninterested by the person, I still love the great player he has been.
Uhh dude, South Korea is NOT suffering at the moment. Sure, the situation in US and some European countries is bad, but a lot of the world has gone completely past the recession. Like S-Korea has 3,7% unemployment as of 2010. Koreans in general are living a good life, one of the most affordable developed countries and reasonable earnings. Ans so there is a lot of money to be made in E-Sports, the problem is just the massive boom in LoL overwhelming everything else, no? BTW where are the statistics of PL viewers, id be really interestesd in that.
I am very close to savior, like an older brother. He is a player that I always gave trouble in tournaments up until my retirement. During our frequent encounters in Superfight or the MSL, I got close to him. I think it was at Superfight, where we had a long talk. He said the game was no longer fun. I had gone through similar times, so I gave him some advice. I told him to switch races. Around 2006, I had a serious dilemma. I was tired of playing Terran and wanted to enter individual or team leagues as another race. Although it never happened, I felt like I could find meaning in the game once again. So I told that to savior, but after he played against GoRush as Terran once, he stuck with Zerg.
After that, he started slumping, and then I heard about the scandal. I was very sad. Because he couldn't find meaning within the game, he looked elsewhere and had gotten involved with something he shouldn't have gotten involved with.
I personally don't believe that savior fixed matches knowing what kind of damage it would bring to e-sports. I don't think his conscience had developed enough to know that what he was doing was something terrible. For example, a bunch of hackers recently brought down the elections committee's server without thinking of the vast consequences it could have on our nation's politics, and it is similar to that. He didn't realize that what he was doing would hinder the careers of many others involved in the scene.
A lot of players who started playing professionally at an early age are mostly like that. They don't understand the concept of moral hazard. I'm not defending savior, but I want to bring attention to the fact that progamers are young adults who are still mentally underdeveloped and young.
At one point, I regarded savior to be a player who could lead the e-sports scene: he had the talent, and he produced a saga. After the scandal, I lost all respect for him. I tasted bitterness. The industry had invested so much resources and time into him, and all of that had disappeared into thin air. I don't care that savior is streaming on afreeca, or whatever. I believe it is way too early to be doing that, and he needs to spend some time looking back on his actions, but that's not something that anybody can force upon him; he must make that choice himself.