On April 27 2011 02:26 Golgotha wrote: not to burst your bubble but there is already a really well done Brood War SC2 mod made by Maverck. I am sure someone already told you but you should go check it out. it really is amazing!
Like metioned in previous posts. the mod is garbage. You cannot auctally port bw to sc2. Its common sense. No matter how much maverk or whatever his name is may try. It won't work. sc2bw is just another attempt by sc2 fanboys to make people want to switch.
bw is bw for a reason. We houldn't try to change it, cause we will just have this debate over and over again.
We have a great proscene in korea that we love. we have a mostly wonderful community. I don't know why we are trying to point out what bw does not have.
Why don't we focus on working with what we have and making a better community. Rather then ofcusing on the graphics
well i understand your sentiment. of course nothing can be exactly like BW! but the mod is not garbage...a lot of thought and time went into it. and he is not trying to make people switch...he was just disappointed in SC2 like a lot of us and wanted to play Brood War using the SC2 engine.
On April 26 2011 17:58 masterbreti wrote: But basically people say better graphics would be nice. but it should not matter. We love bw the way it is, why should we change it just to appease to casual players who care too much for graphics.
Because even Flash started off as a casual player.
On April 27 2011 02:26 Golgotha wrote: not to burst your bubble but there is already a really well done Brood War SC2 mod made by Maverck. I am sure someone already told you but you should go check it out. it really is amazing!
Like metioned in previous posts. the mod is garbage. You cannot auctally port bw to sc2. Its common sense. No matter how much maverk or whatever his name is may try. It won't work. sc2bw is just another attempt by sc2 fanboys to make people want to switch.
bw is bw for a reason. We houldn't try to change it, cause we will just have this debate over and over again.
We have a great proscene in korea that we love. we have a mostly wonderful community. I don't know why we are trying to point out what bw does not have.
Why don't we focus on working with what we have and making a better community. Rather then ofcusing on the graphics
well i understand your sentiment. of course nothing can be exactly like BW! but the mod is not garbage...a lot of thought and time went into it. and he is not trying to make people switch...he was just disappointed in SC2 like a lot of us and wanted to play Brood War using the SC2 engine.
I think that he is indeed too harsh on the guy who was just trying to do something for the community, but it is true that the sc2 engine is just way too different from the bw game engine...you can never replicate exactly the way bw feels. The unit pathing is just different and something that cannot be changed, and it's 3D graphics too just change the way everything works. No more floating barracks to hide turret/whatever.
Why play a BW mod(which kind of "feels" like bw but is not), when you can just play BW?
HoN players get balance changes a couple of time each month. SC2 gets them maybe once a month. Frustrating as hell if you're a viewer but don't follow the change logs. BW is awesome in that it's basically the same game I played and loved back in 2002-2003. Go balance some other game - we're good here.
Wow why the hate for an BW mod for SC2? Has the BW community gotten so insular that they can't even appreciate this? If you're satisfied with how perfect BW is, then why care at all for how SC2 turned out?
The Korean scene for BW is still amazingly strong, and I don't see that dying for a long time. If you're a BW fan just because of the likes of Flash and JD and <insert your favorite player>, I don't get what you have to worry about (at least for the next few years).
On the other hand, if you were/are a hardcore ICCUP player, then I can see where you're coming from, since so many talented foreign BW players have left for SC2 waters, and the foreign scene is still dying (despite the best efforts of Sayle et al).
As much as I like BW, for it not working on Windows 7 is a big deal for me. Since it just freezes i can't play as much BW as i want to. And I need to play some BW when SC2 gets boring for me, it does quite often.
The color palette is horrible in SC2... but the color palette on BW is fantastic... very easy to differentiate which unit is owned by which player in big battles everything feels dark in SC2 instead of using more obvious colors
my bw works without any errors(expect i cant play on brainclan server) i just downloaded the official bw version from battle.net, insert your key there and download it, mb it works for u
Maverck just wanted to let you know I appreciate the work you did on the mod a ton! I'm not an SC2 player, and I only played SC2 during the beta, but the fact that someone like you went through the effort of working on something like that is quite noteworthy and if it brings even a few people playing SC2 to give regular BW a chance, it'll be a huge success in my eyes.
As far as the issues raised are concerned, I think Graphics are the least important issue for most people. The thing that BW could use the most are work on battle.net itself, while some few may hate match-making, for the most part it is a significantly better way to play Ladder games. Likewise an anti-hack overhaul (not that I don't <3 Iccup as is) for general battle.net would be great. However none of these changes are going to happen unless there are some incredible community programmers who could do this modifying only the original battle.net server structure(like iCCup has) to make this work, as Blizzard will no longer support BW.
On April 26 2011 21:10 infinity2k9 wrote: There is literally no point to anything like this. The only thing i would like to prehaps see is like someone mentioned, VERY minor re-balancing of a few weaker units. For Queens, Spawn Broodling maybe to 125 energy. Things like that.
Bro you need to keep up with the scene. Spawn broodling has been used in ZvT mech alot these days.
On April 26 2011 21:10 infinity2k9 wrote: There is literally no point to anything like this. The only thing i would like to prehaps see is like someone mentioned, VERY minor re-balancing of a few weaker units. For Queens, Spawn Broodling maybe to 125 energy. Things like that.
Bro you need to keep up with the scene. Spawn broodling has been used in ZvT mech alot these days.
And Spawn Broodling for 125 energy would be ridiculously imbalanced looool
On April 27 2011 06:24 Gao Xi wrote: As much as I like BW, for it not working on Windows 7 is a big deal for me. Since it just freezes i can't play as much BW as i want to. And I need to play some BW when SC2 gets boring for me, it does quite often.
I have a Windows 7 PC and it doesn't crash in there it only locks up when I alt tab alot.
On April 27 2011 05:41 lbmaian wrote: Wow why the hate for an BW mod for SC2? Has the BW community gotten so insular that they can't even appreciate this? If you're satisfied with how perfect BW is, then why care at all for how SC2 turned out?
The Korean scene for BW is still amazingly strong, and I don't see that dying for a long time. If you're a BW fan just because of the likes of Flash and JD and <insert your favorite player>, I don't get what you have to worry about (at least for the next few years).
On the other hand, if you were/are a hardcore ICCUP player, then I can see where you're coming from, since so many talented foreign BW players have left for SC2 waters, and the foreign scene is still dying (despite the best efforts of Sayle et al).
Can you stop generalizing one idiot for the rest of the BW community?
That's like us generalizing the SC2 strat forum for every SC2 player out there.