Transcribed by Lee Sora @ Daily E-Sports
Jaedong: I'm so happy that I could fly.
Q '죽음의조'에서 첫 생존자가 됐다.
Q: You were the first survivor from the Group of Death
A 처음 조편성이 됐을 때부터 생각을 계속 했다. 이영호 선수나 김택용 선수에게 최근 계속 패하는 모습을 보여주면서 팬들에게 멋진 모습을 보여 준지 너무나 오래 된 것 같더라. 오히려 이번 기회에 좋은 기회가 왔다는 생각이 들어 정말 열심히 준비했다.
A: I've been thinking about the group a lot since the group was formed. It's been quite a while since I've been able to show my fans amazing games as recently I continued to lose to Flash and Bisu. I thought that this would be a great opportunity [to show amazing games], so I prepared really hard.
Q 이영호에게 그동안 약한 모습을 보였다.
Q You've looked weak against Flash for a while now.
A 그동안 영호와 게임을 하면서 항상 이길 것 같다는 생각으로 게임을 했지만 결과는 좋지 않았다. 게임 내적으로도 답답한 적이 많았다. 하지만 조금만 극복하면 확 달라질 수 있을 것이라 확신했다. 이상하게 (이)영호랑 경기를 하면 이상한 실수를 하는 경우가 많아 그 부분을 고치기 위해 노력했다. 오늘은 생각대로 플레이가 잘 됐다.
A: Whenever I played with Flash, I always went into the game thinking that I will be able to win but my results weren't very good. I've also been quite frustrated within the game. But I was certain that if I overcome some things just a little everything can change completely. Strangely, I've made a lot of weird mistakes whenever I play with Flash and I worked hard to prepare that aspect. I was able to play well just as I've imagined today.
Q 염보성과 대결할 맵이 저그가 좋지 않은 라만차였다. 준비하기 힘들었을 것 같은데.
Q: The map you were supposed to play Sea on was La Mancha, a bad map for Zergs. It must have been hard to prepare.
A 라만차가 테란이 정말 좋은 맵이더라. 연습하는데도 애를 많이 먹었다. 뭔가 산 너머 산이라는 생각이 들더라. 라만차를 넘어도 상대는 이영호 아니면 김택용 아닌가(웃음). 그래도 나는 나를 믿었다. 힘들 때마다 경기석에 앉으면 마치 신이 내려와 경기를 하는 느낌이 들 때가 있었기 때문에 감을 믿었고 오늘 만족스러운 경기를 보여줄 수 있었던 것 같다.
A: La Mancha is a really good map for Terran. I struggled quite a bit even in practice. It felt like crossing mountains after another mountain. Even if I am able to get past La Mancha, I would be playing Flash or Bisu after all [laugh]. But I believed in myself. Even during difficult times, when I sat down to play the game, there were times where it felt like god has descended down and played [for me]. Because of that I trusted my instincts and I was able to show satisfactory games today.
Q 조편성이 완료되고 난 뒤 어떤 생각이 들었나.
Q: What were you thinking after the [MSL] groups were formed?
A 조지명식 때는 정말 배가 고파 힘들었다. 그런데 숙소에 가서 조편성을 다시 보니 날짜가 가까워 질수록 이조가 32강이 맞나 싶더라(웃음). 기분도 새로웠지만 기다려지기도 했다 정말 복잡한 감정이 생기더라.
A: I was really hungry during the group selection ceremonies so that was difficult. So when I went back to the dorms and looked at the groups again and again as the date drew closer I wondered if this group was really in the round of 32 [laugh]. It felt quite new and I really anticipated it. I felt a lot of complicated emotions.
Q 16강 상대가 신예 김기현이다.
Q: Your opponent in the round of 16 is Reality, a new player.
A 신예이긴 하지만 특유의 패기 넘치는 플레이가 있기 때문에 방심하지 않고 이영호라 생각하고 준비할 것이다. 조금의 틈도 없이 완벽한 경기를 보여주고 싶다.
A: While he is a new player, his play is very unique and spirited, so I don't want to let my guard down. I will prepare thinking that I am facing Flash. I want to show a perfect game, a game without the slightest flaw.
Q 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말이 있다면.
Q: Is there anything else you would like to add
A 팬들께서 걱정도 많이 했지만 기대도 많이 해주셨던 것 같다. 올스타전 팬사인회 할 때도 죽음의 조에서 꼭 올라가라는 말을 하시더라. 그 덕분에 올라갈 수 있었다. 정말 감사 드린다.
While many of my fans worried about me a lot, I think they also had a lot of expectations. Even during the signing event during the All Star games, fans told me to advance out of the group of death. I was able to advance because of this. I'm really thankful.
또한 연습을 제일 많이 도와준 (구)성훈이에게 고맙다고 전하고 싶다. 오늘은 정말 모든 분들께 고맙다. 지금 기분이 날아갈 것 같다(웃음).
Also, I want to thank HiyA who helped me practice the most. Today I'm really just thankful to everyone. I think my feelings is so up right now that it can just fly away [laugh].
Source: Daily e-Sports
CoffeeJelly's translation of Flash interview. It's a bit different from Korean (the Korean is very very manner), but it's good :O
On April 22 2011 06:28 CoffeeJelly wrote:
- How does it feel to be the last survivor of group D?
▲I'm very happy to have survived the death group. Today, I thought I'd either get two wins or lose all my games but I manage to win the last game and advanced. Even though I lost to Jaedong, I was able to pass so it worked out. I will perform better in the next game.
- For the first game you played, the proxy barrack was scouted, what are your thoughts?
▲ I prepared a special tactic for today, but it didn't work as planned. I felt very disappointed as a result.
- Did you prepare these special tactics due to the map?
▲ During the SWL final, Bisu used one gate fast expand and triumphed, so I was thinking about returning the favor. (Laugh)
- Explain about your match against Jaedong in the winners match.
▲ I didn't prepare anything special against Jaedong. I was very confident I would win, because it was a vZ on Circuit Breaker. Jaedong played very good today, and I wasn't able to demonstrate my superb lategame play. A 1-1 upgraded army is rather resilient but I still lost all my forces easily and it was very discouraging. After the match, I didn't even have the will to think about the next one. I started panicing.
- What do you think you could've done better?
▲Though its in hindsight, I feel if I used vultures all in, that unit can't lose, but I couldn't help it that I didn't have any scans left.
- What were your thoughts after the group ceremony?
▲ To be honest, I thought this would be a tough fight if the groups were split this way. Even though I am very pessimistic, I will try to relax more.
- In the Ro16, you will be playing Really.
▲ He is a very good player, so I can't underestimate him. I will prepare accordingly.
- In the all star game, was using carrier a psychological tactic?
▲ I never thought about it that way, maybe if I did I would be a genius (laugh). All star was prepared exclusively to cater our fans; I was only having fun.
- The SPL 5R is about to start.
▲ I won't say anything here but strangely, the power level of my teammates has increased overwhelmingly. It's giving me a headache (Laugh) especially Hoejja and Barrack; you can expect those two to perform exceptionally if they can play as well as they did in practice.
- Did you expect to advance with Jaedong?
▲ I am very happy about my own advancement. I never thought about who I was going to advance with, including jaedong, because they are all good friends with me. I feel bad about the rest that did not advance.
- Any last word?
▲ Recently, I had a few personal issues which made it difficult for me to play. I want to thank Reach for giving me a lot of support. Some of my fans might not know this, Reach was a pillar of support to me. I am very thankful to have him and hope he will help, not only myself, but the rest team so we (KT) can be even better.
** Thanks for the help! If anything needs adjustment let me know.
- How does it feel to be the last survivor of group D?
▲I'm very happy to have survived the death group. Today, I thought I'd either get two wins or lose all my games but I manage to win the last game and advanced. Even though I lost to Jaedong, I was able to pass so it worked out. I will perform better in the next game.
- For the first game you played, the proxy barrack was scouted, what are your thoughts?
▲ I prepared a special tactic for today, but it didn't work as planned. I felt very disappointed as a result.
- Did you prepare these special tactics due to the map?
▲ During the SWL final, Bisu used one gate fast expand and triumphed, so I was thinking about returning the favor. (Laugh)
- Explain about your match against Jaedong in the winners match.
▲ I didn't prepare anything special against Jaedong. I was very confident I would win, because it was a vZ on Circuit Breaker. Jaedong played very good today, and I wasn't able to demonstrate my superb lategame play. A 1-1 upgraded army is rather resilient but I still lost all my forces easily and it was very discouraging. After the match, I didn't even have the will to think about the next one. I started panicing.
- What do you think you could've done better?
▲Though its in hindsight, I feel if I used vultures all in, that unit can't lose, but I couldn't help it that I didn't have any scans left.
- What were your thoughts after the group ceremony?
▲ To be honest, I thought this would be a tough fight if the groups were split this way. Even though I am very pessimistic, I will try to relax more.
- In the Ro16, you will be playing Really.
▲ He is a very good player, so I can't underestimate him. I will prepare accordingly.
- In the all star game, was using carrier a psychological tactic?
▲ I never thought about it that way, maybe if I did I would be a genius (laugh). All star was prepared exclusively to cater our fans; I was only having fun.
- The SPL 5R is about to start.
▲ I won't say anything here but strangely, the power level of my teammates has increased overwhelmingly. It's giving me a headache (Laugh) especially Hoejja and Barrack; you can expect those two to perform exceptionally if they can play as well as they did in practice.
- Did you expect to advance with Jaedong?
▲ I am very happy about my own advancement. I never thought about who I was going to advance with, including jaedong, because they are all good friends with me. I feel bad about the rest that did not advance.
- Any last word?
▲ Recently, I had a few personal issues which made it difficult for me to play. I want to thank Reach for giving me a lot of support. Some of my fans might not know this, Reach was a pillar of support to me. I am very thankful to have him and hope he will help, not only myself, but the rest team so we (KT) can be even better.
** Thanks for the help! If anything needs adjustment let me know.