On July 05 2004 05:43 jtan wrote: Awesome game=) If pJ had gone to his bottomright island with those carriers he might have held a draw or even win since the most resorces still was there.
Remember that draw game with Hellghost and nazgul?
the terran still had 3 exps running...
also, pj had poor macro, over 4k minerals/gas for a long ass time while terran rarely (if ever) had over 1.5k
he had like 5 exp running... did u count the islands?
On July 05 2004 21:41 Million wrote: Very good game, but I don't get one thing, why didn't PJ attack NaDa's main when NaDa put all his gols around temple? All of NaDa's production is at his main, if PJ can wipe out even half of the facts he might not have lost since he cripples the terran production capabilities...
yes this thread is old but im bumping it because i just now watched the replay, i dont keep up with alot of tl.net stuff... but this replay cannot be PJ. Theres no way id believe that he struggled this much with this terran, i dont remember exactly but i recall thinking to myself "why does he still have only 5 gateways 14mins into game". And why did he not just go carrier, and whats with this sloppyness... recaling an army onto mines. Hell no this isnt PJ or nada and if others have already said this, oh well cuz i didnt read any other replies.