On June 22 2010 12:59 GTR wrote: terrible concept and ruins the whole concept of proleague
It does, and the strategy is probably nothing special.
It will probably something similar to a player saying he has a special rush strategy, i.e. 5 pool instead of 6 pool. Nothing special.
and the point of this is.. what now?
How will this even help them? Wth kind of strategy is this...
A bit like the "strategies" I was sdoing with my friends at soccer when I was 12.
When you suck, you suck, when you are good, you are good, that's what I remember from it.
Maybe STX coachs are bored...
Maybe this decision will force players to practice harder so they get sent out often. Everyone wants attention right??
On June 22 2010 12:52 LunarDestiny wrote: Lets be serious now. Because of the new rule that players aren't reveal before their matches, it is better for the teams to not show potential players before their matches and give the option of throwing WTF players at the other team with more WTFness. I don't know if everyone else just skipped over this post, but...
I think you've been given a mistaken impression. Only during Winner's League is the next player chosen during the match. During rounds 1, 2, 4, and 5, the players are chosen beforehand (by submission to the referee?), but not revealed until moments before they play. That's been my understanding. That's why the KeSPA referee is so prompt about giving the coaches a slip of paper telling them the other team's pick for the next match, moments after each set ends.
Since the picks were already made, hiding the players by keeping them backstage can't keep your opponents guessing about who you are about to pick... because they know they've already been picked, and they already don't know ahead of time. This tactic can only, at most, cause confusion for the NEXT match you will play, if it causes the next team you are scheduled to play against some confusion about who you will likely select for their match.
But this is incredibly unlikely. There are cameras everywhere. Your opponents are going to know who's with you regardless. This is probably just to get inside the other teams' heads. But, I don't think any other team is going to fail to see through this.
this is one of th dumbest things, ohoho they're going to "secretly" send out calm and kal instead of openly doing it
On June 22 2010 13:25 cursor wrote: To me, its obvious enough, they want them playing Starcraft back there.
My guess is, maybe they found some statistics on players playing better when they warm up before "booth" matches. Could even have to do with people having a better win ratios in "2nd matches" rather than getting stomped when they are "cold".
I guess 12 hours a day just isn't enough. The more practice the better right? This seems like the most likely reason to me.
STX has to be the most hated team on TL.net. Even with three superb rounds of PL and two constant top10 ranked players on the KeSPA rank they still just barely manages to pry some few faces onto power rank.
My guess is that it's because of nerves. They keep playing with such low confidence no matter how good they've played previous games or seasons. Maybe they feel this will help somehow.
On June 22 2010 12:52 3clipse wrote:Maybe they're performing ritualistic animal money sacrifices to Satan sAviOr in order to win more games.
has stx ever had tossgirl even as a benched player? if so, can pinpoint me there?
I can see how it can potentially take off some of the pressure from a player but in general it seems like a terrible idea. It robs completely the fans from seeing certain players and decreasing the time they can see others...
On June 23 2010 06:14 olof wrote: STX has to be the most hated team on TL.net. Even with three superb rounds of PL and two constant top10 ranked players on the KeSPA rank they still just barely manages to pry some few faces onto power rank.
I don't know why. I just don't like STX.
I never liked Kal for some reason. I hated Calm for some reason that I don't really know of. I never really liked Hwasin or considered him handsome. I don't really dig Shuttle.
I do dig Tossgirl though.
And I very much enjoyed STX mastercup final.