United Kingdom5399 Posts
No more cancellations. Sorry guys, bad week. Anyway, due to FlaSh owning the poll here (http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=111042 ) he's the next person to get a card from his foreign fans.
All messages submitted to the last OP have been saved so please don't worry about resubmitting.
You can read about both of the previous projects here;
How to Join In:
I'm now going into the making stages, and I'll set a pre-PL finals delivery date within the month.
=) you are cool. (this is for nevergg, not flash)
On June 09 2010 16:17 NeverGG wrote: All messages submitted to the last OP have been saved so please don't worry about resubmitting.
You need to change part of the OP. I think you copy/pasted and didn't edit out the part where you're sending this to Jaedong. Should read Flash. :>
User: nayumi Nationality: Vietnamese Message: You show me how Starcraft can be played perfectly! And get that Golden Mouse, it's yours!
Messages need to be:
~ In Korean or English. ~ Less than 300 words. ~ One per forum member. ~ Directed to Jaedong himself. ~ Not offensive.
I know it's just a copy&paste mistake but made me chuckle
Washington, D.C9933 Posts
welcome back, i am glad to see you here again =]
Username: skinnyrl Nationality: dutch Message: Flash you showed us some dominance starcraft lately showcasing your brilliance!!! Now keep the dominance going show everyone your the master and keep up the name GOD Young ho  Also it would be cool if you would do some cool ceremony. I hope for you you keep doing good your so young and you can keep up with anybody. You can be proud with that. Flash Fighting
Oh whoops didn't see the OP, mah bad. Glad you're at this again
Username: arbiter_md Nationality: Moldova Message: Your TvP is pure gold. You came up with so many sweet builds, and made me love watching your games. It's incredible how you fight in what others would call a hard match up. Thank you for your games and keep it up!
Username: prosatan Nationality: Romanian Message: Come on Flash , win the Golden Mouse and the Golden Badge! If you can't do, it no one can.
Username: losso Nationality: Bulgarian Message: Hi! I started getting into progaming at the time when you did your first OSL run in 2007. Ever since you have been the greatest starcraft player of all in my eyes. You have made happy thousands of fans all over the world with your recent well-deserved success. Please keep it up so one day everyone will call you a Bonjwa. I know you > jaedong so just keep crushing him like you did in the last MSL Finals! Proleague 08-09 was a very depressing time for KT fans like me. However this time you are the best team and this is your chance to win it all! Proleague finals are always the most emotional moment and seeing you help KT win the gold would make me so happy. Hope to meet you at WCG!
Username: geetarzero Nationality: Vietnamese Message: You are what makes Terran awesome, and what makes Protoss and Zerg look like a joke.
Username: bobbeh Nationality: French Canadian Message: I wish I could buy you a steak!! Do you have horse meat in korea?? It's really good you should try it! Don't stop being awesome Flash!!
United Kingdom5399 Posts
o.O someone edited it for me? Thanks guys. Keep them coming.
Username: [TA]deL Nationality: Australian Message: As a KT fan I am really pleased with how I have seen you develop into the greatest player - truly a worthy successor to the KTF greats like Nal_rA. Continue to entertain and inspire us with your play and best of luck in all your progaming intentions!
Username: Kino[tbw] Nationality: Swedish Message: I really enjoy watching you play perfect Starcraft, i hope you reach even higher (if that even is possible). Good luck in future games and the next OSL, the Golden Mouse is yours!
Username: bmml Nationality: British Message: You never cease to amaze me with your impeccable games, you're a stunningly good player and I hope you keep delivering fantastic games for as long as possible! Rooting for you to win the golden mouse and badge! Lee Young Ho HWAITING!
Username:Iplaythings Nationality:Danish Message: Hello Lee Young Ho, I wish you the best of luck. I enjoy watching all your games, and I want to cheer for you wether you win or lose. Allways remember to take a a break, and not burn out like you were close to last season! Flash fighting!!
Username: Scaramanga Australian <3 you youngho
Username: Puosu Nationality: Finnish Message: Be careful not to bankrupt the whole business by forcing OGN to create you the Gold, Platinum and Diamond mice.
Username: SuperaddE
Nationality: Swedish
Message: I'm amazed that one can play such perfect starcraft as you do, you never cease to amaze me and I know that in time you will get your golden mouse I always look forward to seeing your games. Good luck in the future. Show them what a bonjwa really is.
Username: DorF Nationality: Sweden Message: You're awesome dude , don't let us down !
Username: KristianJS Nationality: Norway Message: I can't tell you how happy seeing you win your last two starleagues made me. Please keep fighting and win many more, we know you can do it! But please also make sure not to burn out! Flash fighting!!
Username: gillon Nationality: Swedish Message: Lee Young Ho, taking Starcraft to the next level! Please continue to show us the brilliance we've learned to expect from you so far, you truly are the greatest!
Username: BloodDrunK Nationality: Bangladeshi Message: 젊은 리 아호, 당신도 최고입니다. 제발 모든 사람을 치고 및 토너먼트 우승을 계속합니다. 자신을 돌봐 곧 애인을하시기 바랍니다. 내가 3 당신을 <. 안녕.
Username: Mrwl Nationality: Sweden Message: Flash, you play the singely most amazing Starcraft I have ever witnessed. Mechanics, strategy, gamesense. Name it, you got it. Please continue to show people around the world that Lee Young Ho is the master of Starcraft. Fighting!
Username: niyaro Nationality: Russian Message: Keep being inspiration for us all! You are truly one of the greatest progamers that ever played Starcraft~
+ Show Spoiler +
Username:ccgaunt nationality:USA message: Flash! You are the reason I started watching proleagues again. Even though I play Protoss it's great seeing you play. Keep up the amazing work!
Username: flatfish Nationality: Poland Massage: Dear Flash, I will not eat and sleep untill you take what is for sure your Destiny. Triple OGN and MSL championship. If i can see it here, from Poland, than i'm sure you can see it too. Now - stop just looking, grab it!
Username: fijosh Nationality: Czech Message: Keep up the good work, you are without a doubt the best player out there! 이영호 fighting!
Username: ggrrg Nationality: Bulgarian Message: You are the best reason to watch starcraft! Go win the Golden Mouse and the Golden Badge!
p.s. thank you nevergg!
Username: only_human89 Nationality: American Message: Flash you're the best there ever was and probably ever will be. Starcraft: Brood War's popularity may not last forever. And your skills will not either. So destroy everyone while you still have both. Especially Jaedong, who is the only other player I respect nearly as much as you. Remember that you are the Ultimate Weapon. Show no mercy.
Username: Sleepytime Nationality: Danish Message: If I could be any progamer in the whole world, then I would choose to be you. You're the best StarCraft player, and every time you destroy someone, you made it look so easy. 이영호 Fighting!
Username: Simsar Nationality: Sweden Message: Keep going Flash! We fans are all watching your every move with great enthusiasm!
Username: 7mk Nationality: German Message: Hey Flash, please dont listen to 송병구 that it's a bad thing to take a break from Pro League when you're very busy with individual leagues. No one wants to see you overworked and burned out, not even your anti-fans. As a Jaedong fan I hope you two meet each other in the finals a lot more often.
can you please just reopen the closed thread? =O
Username: Nal_rAwr Nationality: Korean in the USA Message: 이영호 화이팅! Win the MSL and OSL and become 본좌 #5! I believe!
Username: VManOfMana Nationality: Mexico Message:
FlaSh, since the beginning you have shown the talent, skills, and discipline to be one of the greatest players in all time. To me, you already are the greatest. You truly are The Ultimate Weapon.
OSL last season. MSL this season. Golden Mouse next season!
이영호 Fighting!
Username: uppTagg Nationality: Sweden Message: In my eyes you're already a true Bonjwa! You deserve the Golden Mouse, go get it!
United States7481 Posts
deleted, didn't see that posts from teh 1st thread were saved
Username: RushWifDietCoke Nationality: American Message: Keep up the good work Flash, you remind me of a Terminator. Eat your meat and stay strong.
Username: The_Australian Nationality: Australian Message: As a zerg player, you're one of the few terran players i can stand to watch and i look forward to each of your matches. Thank you for showing us amazing, entertaining starcraft games. Your foreign fans all love you, Flash Fighting!!``
Username: zORk Nationality: Italian Message: Flash i think you are the best pro gamer ever, you are just amazing I never miss your games.Maybe you dont know it but you have a lot of fans outside korean I hope that his card will encourage you to keep playing amazing games as you always do. I know u will get the gold mouse this time.. and also if there is people that disagree your a bonjwa for me! 이영호 Fighting!
Username: bubblegumbo Nationality: Taiwanese
Message: I've been following your career as a fan since you first showed up as a favorite to win the GOM TV Star Invitational. I am a big fan of your determined personality and hope you continue to overcome the obstacles to your goals just like you have for the past 3 years. You are the Ultimate Weapon. The Platinum Mouse awaits!
Username: Bjwithbraces Nationality: American Message: Flash, I haven't been watching the Starcraft scene for long, but you've been a dominant force ever since I have. I love to watch you play, I stay up till 4am my time just to watch your games. Just wanted to let you know that win or lose, you'll always have a fan over here in America. Keep fighting, and best of luck always! P.S. Meat is amazing
UsernameTechnique-x17[/b] Nationality:USA[/b] MessageIts just ridiculous how amazing you are in all your matchups. A season without you dominating just seems impossible. Lee Young Ho fighting!
Username: Revy Nationality: American Message: Your determination of late has been a true inspiration. It sounds silly to say but I try harder at work because on occasion I think to myself that's what Lee Young Ho would do. Continue to try hard and win your golden mouse!
Username: TheAntZ Nationality: Bangladeshi Message: You probably dont realize how many fans you have worldwide, so I hope this card will show you! Thousands of people outside of korea continue to be amazed by your play and dominance, and I'm one of them. Also, I saw from Nal_ra's Old Boy series that you like Death Note. Thats funny because when I see you play against Jaedong it seems like I am seeing Kira and L trying to outwit each other  Flash Fighting!
Username: Hamp Nationality: Norwegian Message: Your timings and the control you have over your units make every game you play in amazing to watch and it has made you become the best gamer I have ever seen, and this is inspirational to all the noobies out here like me. If you manage to keep the quality of your play at this level, which I'm sure you will, then there is no way to stop you from truly being reckognized as the greatest starcraft player of all time. Flash Fighting!
Username: Zeburial Nationality: Sweden Message: You are one of the best Terrans I've ever seen. Keep on fighting!
Username: mski.zendex Nationality: Filipino Message: Keep up the good work! Never lose confidence in yourself even in the most dire situations. Don't stop reaching out for your dreams.
Username: LittLeLives Nationality: Filipino Message: 이영호, I don't have much to say that hasn't already been said, but I want to wish you happiness and success in all of your future endeavors. You seem like a cool guy, like if you were my friend I'd be hanging out with you a lot. You have many fans for a good reason. Keep it up. 이영호 fighting!
Also, NeverGG you rock for doing these projects everything you do! Too awesome.
Username: Martylang Nationality: The Netherlands Message: I send you this message because I want you to realize that you have allot of fans all over the world! Never stop playing 이영호 fighting!
Username: MutaDoom Nationality: Canadian Message: You never cease to amaze me. You're one of my favorite Terran players, and I hope you continue to demolish everyone. <3
Username: FantacY Nationality: United States Message: 이영호, over the past year and a half I've been getting more and more excited about watching your games. You are truly an amazing player and a genius. Your play style is truly awe-inspiring. Good Luck in the future and hope you get your Golden Mouse =]. Hwaiting!
Username: Cirno Nationality: Canadian Message: When I found out how fast you became a skilled progamer I was amazed. You make starcraft look so easy when in fact it's very difficult. I just want to wish you luck in all your future endeavors and I hope you continue to lead a happy life. <3
Username: nurle Nationality: Canadian Message: You are so good that you make the average progamers look like noobs Keep playing like a beast FLASH FIGHTING!
Username : anTi_ Nationality: American Message : Greetings from America Lee Young-Ho! You are my favorite player and I have watched all your televised games since the GOMTV star invitational. Next OSL, the Golden Mouse is yours!
Username: carebear91 Nationality: Singaporean. Message: Flash fighting! Don't give up
Username: ProoM Nationality: Lithuanian Message: Lee Young Ho, you're the best, don't be upset about the games you lost, focus on your future games, stay confident and believe in yourself! We, your Lithuanian fans, do! Good luck in the next OSL, I hope you will win the Golden mouse, you deserved it =].
Username: Kong John Nationality: Denmark Message: You are truly on of the best progamers to have ever lived. Keep being awesome!
Thanks for doing this NeverGG!
United States10328 Posts
EDIT: sorry, I posted in the first thread too. sorry for repost. + Show Spoiler + Username: ]343[ Nationality: USA Message: I have been a Flash fan since I started watching progaming in 2008. I am so glad that someone my age is the best Starcraft player in the world, and was able to overcome a period of mediocre results to come back even stronger than before. Your skills are mind-blowing; keep it up! Flash hwaiting!
Thanks nevergg!!
Username: MrBlue Nationality: USA Message: Keep being awesome! It's amazing to think someone as old as me is as good as you!
Username: D10 Nationality: Brazil Message: You truly are an inspiration for anyone who likes competitive RTS, I barely watch BW games recently, but I never miss a flash game, me and my friends created a WOW guild called "Flash Bonjwa" in your honour!
Username: ArsenalGunners Nationality: Canada Message: Hello Young Ho. You are pretty much the only reason I follow the pro scene and if I ever were to go to South Korea it be to watch you play. Im also going to spend my well wishes elsewhere you seem to have the playing starcraft thingy handled. I wish you the best of luck with your ideal girl Nicole and if you two do ever hook up please have her introduce me to Kim Hyunah. Okay so you are not the only reason I would visit but you’re in good company. P.S. don’t know if anyone has told you this but your name translates pretty funny into English.
United Kingdom5399 Posts
On June 09 2010 21:32 Nal_rAwr wrote: can you please just reopen the closed thread? =O
Username: Nal_rAwr Nationality: Korean in the USA Message: 이영호 화이팅! Win the MSL and OSL and become 본좌 #5! I believe!
That's not within my power. Also it's mentioned in the OP that all messages from the first post are saved. So please don't resubmit them if you already submitted. Cheers.
Oh woops, nvm, hahaha. I already posted in the first thread. My bad
Username: Bjornkavist Nationality: Canadian Message: You are too good at starcraft!! You are probably one of the most entertaining players to watch, and we all really appreciate what you bring to the Starcraft Community.
Username: SiegeFlank Nationality: American Message: Flash, you're a huge inspiration to us all. Keep up the awesome work.
Username: DrivE Nationality: USA Message: Flash hwaiting! You are my favorite pro gamer. When you play, remember you have lots of foreigner fans rooting for you!
Username: ilj.psa Nationality: Peruvian Message: What makes it incredible is that you always find something to work on, and you achieve it to perfection. You are my favorite progamer by miles. Flash Fighting!
Username: Kwidowmaker Nationality: Canadian Message: Destroy everyone in 2010!
Username: Prototype Nationality: Swedish
Message: Flash, what can I say that hasn't already been said? If ever you doubt your place as one of the greatest Starcraft players in history; remember that no one has ever played the game on a level comparable to that which you are playing at right now. You are a source of inspiration to all of us; as players, fans and individuals. Good luck with your Starcraft career, and any and all of your future endeavors.
"God" Young Ho Fighting!
Username: ComusLoM Nationality: Norwegian Message: I have no idea why I doubted your potential when I first saw you play. Ever since then I've just seen one perfect game after the other. Lee Young Ho hwaiting!! Hope you get the Golden Mouse in the next OSL!
Username: Pidgeotto Nationality: Canadian Message: Keep up the amazing work sir. I hope that the Property rights issues are solved so that I can continue to enjoy watching your works of art.
Username: uSt)LaLA Nationality: Canadian Message: Flash fighting ^-^. Keep up the good work, we believe.
Username: 4iner Nationality: American Message: If you lose to an allin by effort, don't feel too bad ; ). Also, please try this sometime in practice: forward factory in a TvP game where you scout a double nexus early enough (maybe on a two player map.) Don't make an add on; go for a fast vulture to do probe harass without bunker rushing.
Username Shinshady Nationality: Canadian/Malaysian Message: Thank you for being an inspiration to the everyone with your young age and such powerful domination over the entire scene. I hope you continue to do well in your career even if you decide to pursuit something else other than Starcraft. You are one of the reasons why I still watch the game for your unfathomable play as well as your quick and insightful decision making. Continue to have fun with the game and good luck winning the golden mouse~!
Username : zoltanqc Nationality : Canadian Message : You are an inspiration for many people to try and work as hard as you do. GG!
Username: faction123 Nationality: Australian Message: I hope the fact that you have so many foreign fans as evidenced by this card makes you smile! Your play is watched in awe by millions of people around the world, and to all of us you are the best. Me and all of these people hope you continue to play for years to come.
Username:Tru_Power22 Nationality:Canadian Message:Flash; You are pure win formed into the body of a man. You builds are awesome, macro unmatched and micro immaculate. I want to see you take the Gold, Platinum and Diamond mouse. Oh, by the way - good job with beating Jaedong, he is a great player and beating him 3-0 is amazing! Best Regards.
United States4549 Posts
Username: Smix Nationality: Korean Message: 영호야~ 미국에 있는 누나다 ^^ ㅋㅋㅋ 너 때문에 스타를 보게됐는데 2년 동안 지켜봤어~ 그 2년동안 많은 일들 겪으면서 더욱더 성숙해지고 또한 선수로서 성장한것 같아서 보기 너무 좋구나~ ㅎㅎㅎ 앞으로도 무슨일 있어도 네 팬들은 널꼭 응원하고 있을꺼야~~~ 이영호 시대로 향해 달리자! 아자아자~ ^0^
Username: 13ThirtySeven Nationality: Korean Message: 안녕하세요? 캐나다에서 늘 스타크래프트 중계를 즐겨보고 있습니다. 어느날 제가 외국친구들 한테 리쌍록을 보여준 후 한국 이스포츠에 많이 관심을 가지게 되었습니다. 친구들과 밤을 새면서 스타리그 결승전을 시청한 기억도 많이 있네요. 우리 해외팬도 잊지마시고 좋은게임 많이 보여주세요. 화이팅! ^^
Username:Epithet Nationality:Chinese American Message:Flash - your builds, micro, and macro are all incredible! I look forward to every game you play. I'm rooting for you to get your golden mouse! Flash fighting!!!
On June 10 2010 07:41 NeverGG wrote:Show nested quote +On June 09 2010 21:32 Nal_rAwr wrote: can you please just reopen the closed thread? =O
Username: Nal_rAwr Nationality: Korean in the USA Message: 이영호 화이팅! Win the MSL and OSL and become 본좌 #5! I believe! That's not within my power. Also it's mentioned in the OP that all messages from the first post are saved. So please don't resubmit them if you already submitted. Cheers. Sorry for re-submitting Thought you remade the new thread because you lost the messages somehow.
Just in case you got both of mine, apoligies.
United Kingdom5399 Posts
On June 10 2010 18:13 Iplaythings wrote:Show nested quote +On June 10 2010 07:41 NeverGG wrote:On June 09 2010 21:32 Nal_rAwr wrote: can you please just reopen the closed thread? =O
Username: Nal_rAwr Nationality: Korean in the USA Message: 이영호 화이팅! Win the MSL and OSL and become 본좌 #5! I believe! That's not within my power. Also it's mentioned in the OP that all messages from the first post are saved. So please don't resubmit them if you already submitted. Cheers. Sorry for re-submitting Thought you remade the new thread because you lost the messages somehow. Just in case you got both of mine, apoligies.
No probs It just makes it easier on me if I don't have to check for doubles.
Username:Hugo(Sphere) Nationality:American Message: You are the greatest! GOM Star Finals against Stork, OSL Semis against Bisu remain two of my favorite series of all time. You are an inspiration. Keep on winning!
Username: MGren Nationality: Swedish Message: Your dedication to this game is inspiring, and your matches are always great to watch, keep it up!
Username: Mykill Nationality: Chinese (living in Canada) Message: Keep winning your doing great! Don't die to rushes please
Username: Pawsom Nationality : American Message: Flash you are my favorite progamer! Keep up the good work!
Username: Jayson X Nationality: Swiss Message: You are a true champion. To me you are Bonjwa. I salute you young warrior!
Username: bITt.mAN Nationality: Swiss Message: Keep up the good work, I always cheer for you, but please please don't loose to Kang Ming again ^^ and also please keep up you studies. Lee Yong Ho hwaiting!
Username: anch Nationality: Chinese American Message: Please do us Americans a favor and come to Blizzcon this year (and destroy everyone). I am tried of seeing CJ players in these invitationals. Flash Hwaiting!
Username:heynes Nationanlity:German Message:Dear Flash, i´m a big fan and i´m stunned by your playing style you truly take Terran to the next level. I hope you stay well and healty. Your just the best Lee young Ho fighting !!
Username: ThePhan2m Nationality: Norwegian Message: You are the only reason I still follow pro-gaming. I really hope you get the golden mouse. I will cheer for you! Lee Young Ho Fighting!!
Welcome back Nev
Username: Holgerius Nationality: Swedish Message: Thank you for all the countless hours of entertainment you have provided! Your immense skill and dedication is a great source of inspiration. I wish you the best of luck in life as well as in Starcraft!
Username: pr0jekt Nationality: Puerto Rican Message: Please stop being so good and give Protoss a chance! Nah, but seriously, you're awesome, your games are fun to watch, and you should be the next bonjwa. Don't worry about your twitch, it is endearing and the ladies still love you (myself included). Even though I'm Protoss, I'm rooting for you. You are a breath of fresh air to the game and you have a good attitude and lots of spirit. Go Flash!
Username: ComeAndGo Nationality: Chinese Message: You are the greatest terran of all time, show the doubters and haters that the flash era has finally began. I know you're only losing a few games here and there so you don't completely destroy the starcraft scene. There are many foreign fans cheering you on, so win the OSL this season and claim that golden mouse.
Edit: sorry... didn't read the part about saving messages from previous thread
things like those should be in red font or something
Username: Chux Nationality: Peruvian Message: Flash You have showed the world what you are cappable of. Please continue to amaze us with your solid performance. We all cheer for you man! Remember: you have fans all over the world! even in South America! Good luck next season and get that golden mouse for the love of god!
Username:pablols Nationality:Chilean Message: Hey what's up sir, you are the best, make sure you eat and sleep well! I look up to you, good luck!
Username: Lovin Nationality Danish Message: You were the player that made me love Starcraft! Keep being awesome! Lee Young Ho Hwaiting!
Username: Khenra Nationality: Dutch Message: I've always known you would become the great player you are now. Seeing you win the OSL against your rival Jaedong made me really happy. Please continue to show us great games and I'll cheer for you along the way!
Username: Armathai Nationality: German Message: Lee Young Ho, as long as you play, I will never stop watching BroodWar! Your timing, control and mind games are a whole new level, I wish you all the best in your future!
Username: NicksonReyes Nationality: Filipino Message: 하나 둘 셋 이영호 hwaiting! I know you are currently the best player and you did deserve a golden mouse but I guess it wasn't the time for that yet. Just try harder this season winning both starleagues and also having your team win the proleague. Your only enemy is yourself and if you were able to conquer yourself, there would be no one stopping you. Goodluck with Jaedong and Nicole and 소녀 시대를 사랑하십시오 kekeke.
Username: Piste Nationality: Finnish Message: Go Lee Young Ho! The best player on earth.
Username: 대필 작가 Nationality: USA Message: 해피투게더를 보니까 니콜은 한국말 전혀 못하는 것 같은데 이영호선수가 영어공부를 많이 해야싶네요. 아무튼 이영호선수는 세계에서 제일 잘하는 선수고 계속 잘하셨으면 좋겠어요. 이제동선수를 3:0으로 이겼다니 참 대단하시네요. 시간대가 안 맞아서 경기를 보려면 보통 새벽 3씨까지 잠도 안자고 있거나 새벽 5씨에 일어나는데 님이 그렇게 열심히 노력을 하는 것을 보면은 졸리지도 안아요. 열심히 하는 모습이 보기에 좋습니다. 이영호 화이팅~!
lol o_O ^^ cool korean
Username: Kenpachi Nationality: Korean American Message: Continue to do well and I hope you and Jaedong shows more entertaining games.
Username: catabowl Nationality USA Message Lee Young Ho, you are the #1 Starcraft player in the whole world right now. And you are truly awesome. The eye twitches, whether on purpose or not, grab everyone's attention and they root for you to win! Best of luck and keep winning! P.S. If you know what Facebook is, the Foreigners have a Facebook Page dedicated to you! Lee Young Ho Facebook
Username: nozaro33 Nationality: American Message: I have been watching you for 3 years and will continue to do so for as long as you keep playing! Will forever cheer for you!
United Kingdom5399 Posts
Deadline updated since we seem to have gotten most peoples' messages already. If you haven't left one then please do!
Username: Cedstick Nationality: Canadian Message: Use Ghosts with lockdown defensively in your main to stop recalls before they happen. That would be awesome.
Username: s0lstice Nationality: USA Message: I never miss a match you are playing in because I know I will be amazed, and I know I'm not alone. Your foreign fans love you! Lee Young Ho Fighting!! P.S. It was very nice of you to help Nal_rA practice for qualifiers.
Username: Saklaner Nationality: Chilean Message: Lee Young Ho Fighting! You are an awesome player, go get that golden mouse! Lots of cheering from the other side of the world!
Username: Pandain Nationality: USA Message: Flash, you are the sole reason i really got into starcraft in general. Just want you to know you will always be bonjwa in my eyes, and i'll be rooting for you all my life.
Username: pred470r Nationality: Bulgarian Message: FLASH FIGHTING. Never give-up and win the golden mouse. <3
Username: ZiZi Yo Nationality: European ( ^^ Message: Always do your best and thank you for bringing happiness to all of us. I will cheer for you today, tomorrow, forever!! 이영호 파이팅!
P.S.: 사랑해~!! ♡ P.S. 2: 이영호 + 포카리스웨트 = 대박!!! ㅋㅋㅋ~~~ ^_^v
Username: Nemesis Nationality: Canadian/Filipino Message: I have always been amazed by your play ever since I watched the GomTV GSI. Hurry up and get your golden mouse and double title already! LEE YOUNG HO HWAITING!
Username: dtnmang Nationality: Vietnamese Message: Lee Young Ho hwaiting, Golden Mouse waiting!
Username: Lebesgue Nationality: Polish Message: Just want to say you are by far my favourite player. I wish you all the best in your life and hope you will win many more starleagues in the future. It is always a pleasure to watch you play and if not for you I would have quit watching and playing starcraft long time ago. Don't lose your confidence and win the Golden Mouse!
Username: Johnlee Nationality: American/Korean Message: 이영호! 난 한국말을 잘몾하지만, 니가 스타를 너무 잘한다고 말하고싶어. 니가 세상에서 제일 잘하는겄을 잊지마. 혹시 김택용처럼 스럼프 드러가면.. 이겄만 기억해: 니가 제일 잘해! 스타1 이 끝나면, 스타2 를 잘하기 발할께. GL HF~
Username: DarthThienAn Nationality: Vietnamese-American Message: You and your playing are the reason why I still get excited watching Starcraft, after all these years, and with Starcraft 2 coming out. Your amazing wins never surprise me, and even when you lose, I still root for you! Keep winning! You are truly the Ultimate Weapon ^^. Lee Young Hwaiting!
Username: streamofhonour Nationality: Singapore Message: Hello Flash, its truly amazing seeing you play every time. Your plays are a huge reason why I have never left watching Starcraft. Hope to see you continue to play at such a beautiful level! Lee Young Ho Hwaiting!
Username: Lexpar Nationality: Canadian Message: Flash you have gotten better and better to the point where now it seems like you can not be beat! I saw your game against Baby and I cried for hours until I watched the replay and realized that you where only playing with your mouse.
Username: Gridlock Nationality: English Message: BONJWA! Keep fighting. GG
Username: meeple Nationality: Canadian Message: Congratulations on all your victories!! I hope for the best for your future... bonjwa
Username: David.NDY Nationality: American Message: Thank you for the memories, past present and future.
Username: Sc1pio Nationality: USA Message: I learned how to play terran by studying your play. Lee Young Ho hwaiting! Get that Golden Mouse!
Username: L0thar Nationality: Czech Republic Message: Hi Flash! You have been my favourite player since your first OSL win because I saw the extreme potential you have - the potential to become maybe the best Starcraft player ever. Even during times you didn't do so well I still cheered for you and recently you repaid every little bit of that trust with amazing games and great victories. I'm really proud to be your fan and I hope you will get many trophies in the future! And even if darker times should come again, rest assured that you will still have many loyal fans who stand by you. Lee Young Ho fighting! GLHF in your life!
Username: Tump Nationality: American Message: Lee Young Ho, you are an inspiration to any passionate gamer! Your dominance in the Korean Starcraft scene is known worldwide. I first saw you play in the Gom TV Invitational against Stork. Your play renewed my interest in Starcraft and introduced me to a competitive scene I never quite grasped the depth of. Ever since, I have been following your games in the Starleagues and Proleague. I eagerly await the day you hold the Golden Mouse as your own. FlaSh fighting~!
Username: FragKrag Nationality: USA Message: The Golden Mouse is yours good sir! You are an inspiration to Terrans all around the world, and we are all waiting for you to win that mouse! I've been your fan since you beat Bisu on Monty Hall and I have never regretted it!
United Kingdom5399 Posts
Heads up! I'm closing this project on the 1st to go into the making stages. So if you want to leave a message you have about 2.5 days. Thanks to everyone who has left one so far. I'll tally up the total number on the 1st.
Username: Kerotan Nationality: English Message: Everytime you win, its not even close, everytime you lost it seems like it could have gone either way. Lee Young Ho for starleague! Flash fighting!
Username: gdroxor Nationality: USA Message: Flash! Watching your games and your creativity are what got me excited about Starcraft. Looking at past and present players you are still the one I enjoy watching the most. Keep up the good work! Lee Young Ho fighting!
Username: Samurai- Nationality: Slovenia Message: Flash, you are the only reason i still watch starcraft, you are the best... Keep going, never give up, greetings from little Slovenia.
Username: TwoToneTerran Nationality: USA Message: You are by far the most impressive and inspiring player I've ever witnessed. I've been a huge fan ever since you kicked Bisu out of Daum OSL. I'll never stop cheering for you! Good luck!
Username: CKSide Nationality: USA Message: You're an inspiration to all starcraft players everywhere! keep on playing and know that you have fans all over supporting you no matter what! Flash Fighting!
Username: Baxter Nationality: Australian Message: Congratulations on all of your accomplishments lets add that golden mouse to that list!! FLASH FIIIIIGHTIIING!
Username: radadaundandan Nationality: Bulgarian Message: Flash my man keep it going! Proove the non-believers that you really are the Ultimate Weapon! Greegs from Bulgaria!
Username: GByteKnight Nationality: USA Message: Watching your replays gives me a standard of play to aspire to, even though I will never reach it. GL HF!
Username: IseeFish Nationality: Canada Message: You beat Jaedong at Starcraft! You are amazing, you are legend! But can you beat him at dancing? Good Job. Please become the best player of all time.
Username: quad Nationality: Swedish Message:
![[image loading]](http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/8715/flash02.jpg) Hello Flash, hope you like this drawing. This is how I think you would look in the Starcraft universe! Good luck on your future endeavors!
United Kingdom5399 Posts
Closing this on the 1st. Thanks for all the messages! Today is your last chance to leave one so please do!
Username: Loser777 Nationality: Chinese in USA Message: Your tanks appear to have 50 attack and 20 armor in TANK (pung pung) mode. HOW DO YOU DO THAT!?!?!? Good luck in the OSL -you deserve the Golden Mouse more than anyone.
Username: Quintos Nationality: Canada Message: Your foreign fans wish you the best, and that your Terran dominance continues with everything we love about it. Keep up the fantastic playing so I can spend my late nights (watching SC live) in awe. Flash Fighting!
Username: Necosarius Nationality: Sweden Message: I've been watching you play for years and I'm a big fan of yours, keep up your fantastic play and get your golden mouse! Flash fighting!
United Kingdom5399 Posts
OFFICIALLY CLOSED FOR MESSAGE SUBMISSION. All messages left after this comment will *not* be used. Thank you for your help and I will now get on with making it and set a delivery date once it's finished.
Sad that I missed out on this 
Flash flighting!
United Kingdom5399 Posts
HUH? Except for the fact that it's going to take at *least* seven hours plus for me to make it. I can't magic it out of nowhere O.o; (Plus I haven't even got enough money to take the subway to events now.) Be patient.
Username: nbaker Country: USA Message: Flash, I was touched by your all-kill wearing Violet's jersey against Wemade Fox. Thank you for playing Broodwar with so much heart and innovation. Fighting!
Name: Chris Country: USA
Watching you play made me decide to start following Starcraft. I look forward to watching every game you play, and stay up way too late to cheer you on live. Keep being amazing, and don't push yourself so hard you hurt your wrists again. KT Fighting! Flash Fighting!
@NeverGG: is it possible to edit/update the 2010 messages? If its not too late, that is =)
Name: Tom Country: USA
Flash, your play is absolutely sublime. You've taken Starcraft out further than any of your peers, because you consistently play the deepest game, playing a metagame that stretches out over weeks and months. So happy that you and the rest of KT seem to found a good tactic to win the rest of proleague. Please visit Chicago sometime, I'll take you out for drinks. FLASH FIGHTING!
Name: mnesthes Country: Vietnam Message: Flash I've been your fan since 2008 and you've never ceased to amaze me since then. You're the most talented and successful gamer I've ever seen and you always will be. Lee Young-ho hwaiting!
P/S: please visit vietnam some time again, I missed it when you came to my country in 2009
BoldMan USA "Flash is the StarCraft god!"
Name:Vallabh Mamidipudi Country:India Message:You have one of the most amazing starcraft players I have ever seen and you are the most inspiring Terran player ever,I hope you win dual starleagues again but please take care of your wrist too,Lee Young Ho Fighting!!!
P/S: Please visit India too sometime with your teammates.
Canada5155 Posts
Name: Shaun H Country: Canada Message: You are indisputably the best Starcraft player ever. There has never been, nor is there currently, a player that comes close to your skill. I'm a diehard Bisu fan, but I have to admit you are the better player. You are so good it hurts. Much respect.
Name : pkyz country : singapore message : flash~ i'm a huge fan of you!. you awesome why i'm continuing to watch brood war. I hope that you will have a speedy recovery for your wrist!. get well soon!. lee young ho fighting! :D.
Username: XinRan Country: USA Message: I have been cheering for you ever since your series vs Jaedong in the 2008 Bacchus OSL, You have always been my favorite player, both in game and out of game! I hope your wrist gets better soon. Good luck in the future!
Name: Anthony Hlaing Country: Australia Message: I got into Brood War and play Terran because of you, your strategy and multitasking inspire me; I'll be cheering for you in the MSL, OSL and Winners' Leagues. FLASH FIGHTING!
Name: Ha Country: Vietnam Message: You're the reason i started watching SC. Your game is always amazing and pleasant to watch. Also, take care of your wrist. Lee God Young Ho fighting
Name: Troxior Country: United States of America Message: Dear Flash, you make me respect and love the game of Brood War to levels that even reach beyond Boxer's accomplishments. You continually show amazing matches and please your fans, especially this one. Please continue to have good health and play your fantastically sexy style that makes you win pretty much every single game. <3 FLASH FIGHTING!
Name: Kyung Country: United States Message: 안녕하새요 ㅋㅋㅋ. 한구말 못하니까, 내 말이 쯤... 애가 쓰는거 가트죠? ㅋㅋ 미국 애서 한국말 안배워서... 재송함니다. 형 스타 너무 잘하시고 있어요 ㅠㅠ 재밋개 놀면 미국애 잇는 팬들이 조와 해요. 화이팅!
+ Show Spoiler +flash's eyes will bleed from my fail korea. :/
Name: RunningDuckMan Country: Hidden Kingdom Among the Willows Message: With such splennder you astonish your foes! You must have the wisdom of a great monkey,
^JK -_-
Name: Puppykiller Country: USA Message: Your builds are very cool and i always try to copy them but it is hard. Gogo release mega gosu terran guid!
United Kingdom5399 Posts
On March 08 2011 12:13 VManOfMana wrote: @NeverGG: is it possible to edit/update the 2010 messages? If its not too late, that is =)
Yep, go for it. I'll be including all the messages submitted to this and the other op. Provided they're updated before I print out on the 10th it's all good.
who are the guys in the pictures? i only recognize slayers boxer and nada
Name: Qian Ya Country: USA Message: Everyone has a dream, but very few have the courage to pursue it, and fewer still can achieve it. I'm happy that you were able to find your passion and pursue your dream. Thanks for your hard work and amazing games! I hope you continue to excel! 안녕하세요 영호씨! 올해에 한국말은 초음 배워서, 한국말 잘 할수없어요. 그래도, 저는 쓰고 싶어요. ^^ 영호씨가 건강 하기를 바라고 게임을 계속 잘 해요. 영호씨 화이팅!
Name: Byron Country: USA Message: Mr. Lee Young Ho, you are the best starcraft player ever. You are my favorite player and I love to watch your games. I hope your wrist heals soon. Good luck in the OSL, MSL, and proleague.
Name: Dennis Country: Sweden Message: Flash, you are destined to wear the jeweled crown of Brood War upon a troubled brow. It is we, your fans, who alone can tell thee of your saga. Please work hard and win alot!
On March 08 2011 17:49 Manimal_pro wrote: hi
who are the guys in the pictures? i only recognize slayers boxer and nada
from left to right: boxer ...savior? nada flash bisu
United Kingdom5399 Posts
On March 08 2011 19:34 entocheets wrote:Show nested quote +On March 08 2011 17:49 Manimal_pro wrote: hi
who are the guys in the pictures? i only recognize slayers boxer and nada from left to right: boxer ...savior? nada flash bisu
Correct, but please don't discuss things in this thread. It's for messages only thanks.
Username: Piste Country: Finland Message: LEE YOUNG HO HWAITING!! The best player ever.
Name: Cedric Cook Country: Canada Message: when I started learning Starcraft, people scolded me about building turrets, and kept pushing me to cut corners. I lost a lot. You taught me that you can never have enough turrets <3
Name:Wan Sze Onn Country:Malaysia Message : Flash when the going get tough's the toughs get better as they said you are an inspiration to me not only as a pro gamer but as a person who's mentally strong in mind who never stops to improve to achieve their best in the field they seek to be successful in . I believe your wrist will recover and lay down the practice time in order for your wrist to heal . With that I wish you to be the best terran in the history of bw keep winning flash I am your biggest fan ^^.
Name: Ensar Kurt Country: Netherlands/ Turkey Message: Mr. Young Ho, you are a true inspiration to all BW fans. You are a fantastic player and I love watching you own some chobos, you are my favorite player and I love you as a human being. when I heard about your wrist I was shocked and I hope you feel well and play it safe with your wrist, if I could, I would ask GOD to take the pain away and give the pain to me, I really would. please get better soon, I am your biggest fan and you are tryly GOD YOUNG HO. I worship you please get well soon ^^ .
Name: Jorge Leon Country: Puerto Rico Message: Flash, the way you play is unreal and a delight to watch. I hope your wrist gets better so you can dominate for many years to come!
Name: Matthew Hill Country: Canada Message: You are one of the greatest StarCraft players ever! Fighting!!!!
Name: Jelle de Ruiter Country: Netherlands Message: I'm sad that I will most likely never been able to tell you this directly as i'm just a far away fan. However, I would like to say that I will always continu to support you and I hope you will continu to dominate Starcraft: Broodwar untill its very end. Flash, you're an inspiration for the entire Starcraft community! Fighting!
Name:Michael Flores Country:Canada Message: Flash, Lee Young Ho, I was touched by your game against WeMade Fox, Reverse All-Killing with Violet, Woo Jung Ho's jersey. I hope your wirst gets better. I hope Reach, Park Jung Suk, and Yellow Hong Jin Ho have been rubbing off on you. I hope you bring more entertaining games to PL, MSL and OSL. Fighting!
Name: Pat Country: U.S.A Message: Dear Flash, you've been my favorite player since I got into watching BW in the last few years. Right now you're in Godmode, and I hope that your wrist problems don't interfere with you becoming the greatest player in the history of this game (even more than you already are!)
Name: Samuel Country: Canada Message: Dear 이영호, I always played StarCraft but you're the one who made me start watching professional leagues. When I was young, my father always told me that turrets can win games but I never really did it because I thought he was joking. Seeing the best player using turrets like that proves that my father was right haha. I also want to travel to South Korea one day so I can watch you and all the Korean professional StarCraft players on live matches. Anyway, good luck for the rest of your career!
Username: VManOfMana Nationality: Mexico Message:
FlaSh, since the beginning you have shown the talent, skills, and discipline to be one of the greatest players in all time. To me, you already are the greatest. You truly are The Ultimate Weapon.
Golden Mouse last year. Golden Badge this year!
이영호 Fighting!
Edit: sorry for double post. Forum did not let me update the original message.
Username: Raii Nationality: Filipino Message:
Hyung, you are by far the most talented player in history. You have amazing mechanics, godlike star-sense, and psychic anticipation. I love the way you play. You (together with Yohwan-hyung) are my Terran heroes. I play Protoss, but there are a lot of things I can learn from you. Please play well and keep fighting! We Filipino fans hope for the best! Lee Young Ho Fighting!
리 영 호 격투! 전체 최고 우리는 당신을 사랑 해요! -필리핀 팬
Username: radadaundandan Nationality: Bulgarian Message:
Dear Lee, you are a living legend! You are the most solid player of all times and you are the only reason left that keeps lots of people interested in the BroodWar pro-scene! Keep the great work coming and all the best! Flash Fighting!
Name: Neco Nationality: Swedish Message:
Hi Flash! I have been your fan for a long time. When you won EVER and Korean Air Season2 I was so happy! ^^ I think you are the best player of all time and I hope you will win a lot more in the future. Lee Young Ho fighting!~
Name: Johan Martinsson Country: Sweden Message: Ever since you beat Bisu on Hitchhiker back in 2007 I have been your fan. I can't think of anything better than sitting down and watching one of your games. I hope you keep on playing for many years to come and I will keep on watching your games. And I will always be your fan. Lee Young Ho FIGHTING!!!
edit: probably is too late but if it by any chance reaches flash it is well worth trying
Reading OP is hard.
On March 08 2011 12:01 NeverGG wrote: Bumped due to re-opening message submission for the Sunday 13th deadline. I hope everyone who wasn't around before can submit because we don't have that many messages yet!
She re-opened the project.
Name: Vaughn Country: South Africa Message: Flash, you're a legend! I love watching your games and I'm always amazed at how you can win even in the most impossible situations! Keep it up! Destroy everyone!
---- I know it is probably late, but he is my favorite progamer, so I figured its worth a try!
Name: Mayhem Country: Sweden Message: The fifth bonjwa, making everyone think terran is overpowered.
Name: Kanat Country: Kyrgyzstan Message: Your games are brilliant, your wins sometimes look impossible, your opponents win only when you allow them to. I know that without those losses it would be impossible for you to stay unpredictable and after 75% it is really hard to push it any higher and that is why your winning percentage is perfect. I wish I could ever talk to you and watch your games live.
Name: Johnathon Country: United States Message: Flash!! You sir make it all look too easy, and you truly are the best player to watch out of any pro gamer. Keep winning everything like the bonjwa you are! Lee Young Ho Fighting!! :D
Username: Nanashin Nationality: American Message: Ever since seeing highlights of your participation in the Daum OSL of 2007 I have followed your career. Despite stumbles and obstacles along the way, your tread never faltered, that is truly inspirational. Forthright and burning with the will to power through any opponent, stolid and focused on honing yourself and units into a crushing forcing, this duality that you exemplify has made for exhilarating and tantalizing games that serve as glimpses of what perfection could look like if it existed. Though you may never hear all of our voices, a great many of us cheer for you and will continue to do so.
KTF Magicms, KT Magicns, KT Fingerboom, KT olleh, KT Rolster FIGHTING! Lee Young Ho FIGHTING!
Name: Alan H. Country: Toronto.Canada Message: Flash! You make Terran look so easy to play! I love using Terran thanks to you! I even changed my X-Box Gamertag to your user name as well! FlaSh Mi Hee! Shame someone took KT FlaSh oh well! I still watch your old VOD's back in the days when you were 16 years old and they still amaze me every time I watch them! Keep it up FlaSh! Good luck in the feature OSL/MSL tournaments and even the Proleagues!
Hope I'm not too late >>
Name: Song Country: Canada Message: Yo Flash~! I'm likely not as knowledgeable as many of your other fans but I admire your amazing skill all the same, you're easily my favourite player and you make every game extremely entertaining to watch (like you against Fantasy on Benzene)! I wouldn't be surprised if you won all the gold titles this year and I'll definitely be cheering for that! God Young-Ho fighting!
United Kingdom5399 Posts
Keep them coming - as announced in the Violet delivery thread this project is still open.
name: Trevor B. Nationality: American Message: You are my favorite player and the reason why I started playing Starcraft. I hope you continue to succeed and reach your goals whatever they might be. Keep on fighting and I shall keep on cheering for you!
Name: Frozenhelfire Country: America Message: You're the man Flash. One of your games on heart break ridge was the first pro video I ever saw, and I continue to watch your games even though I can't understand the commentary. Keep the tanks pumping and remember that polar bears are extremely fluffy, cuddly, and warm bundles of joy!
Hope this actually goes through this time 
Name: Ken Country: US Message: 안녕하신가요 ㅋㅋㅋ 오랬동안 이영호선수를 봐온 팬입니다. 미국에 사는 관계로 유튜브에 올라오는 동영상으로만 보다가 지난 여름 한국에 가는덕에 하나대투MSL 결승전을 현장에서 봤네요. 여기 팀리퀴드 멤버들이랑 같이 같는데 처음에 뭣도 모르고 이제동선수 팬녀석 따라서 그쪽에 앉아있다가 이영호선수쪽으로 끌고 온 기억이 나네요 ㅋㅋ. 근데 너무 빨리 끝내서 좀 실망했어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ. 팬으로서, 그리고 이스포츠를 사랑하는 사람으로써 이영호선수한테 한가지 바라는게 있다면 게임만 잘하지 않았으면 하네요. 예전에 임요환선수가 그랬죠, 프로게이머도 다른 분야의 프로들처럼 게임만 잘하는게 아니라 롤모델이 되야한다고. 성적도 좋고, 팬들과 자주 대화하고, 이스포츠를 알리기 위해 노력하신다면 진짜 팬으로써 금상첨화가 아닐까 생각합니다. 아무튼 이영호선수 화이팅!!!!
Name : Joseph Ciccone Country : New Hampshire, USA Message : I have been a gamer since I was very young and few people have ever lived up to my expectations as pro gamers. My first experience with e-sports was in the early days of counterstrike, and teams like team 3d. complexity, etc. Then starcraft got big and I was lucky to see some of the rising stars take over. No one compares to you tho, Lee Young Ho, the amount of power & control you show in your games distinguishes you from all the other players. 2010 was probably my favorite experience of your play, watching you win pretty much every tourney out there is impressive. Anyways, I look forward to the rest of your brood war career and when you decide to switch over to sc2. I expect you to smash everyone there!!!! gl hf gg