If people want to see SC or SCII be treated with the respect thats given to a real sport then they need to treat it like a real sport.
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Dental Floss
United States1015 Posts
If people want to see SC or SCII be treated with the respect thats given to a real sport then they need to treat it like a real sport. | ||
Taiwan1296 Posts
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Hungary3932 Posts
On January 16 2010 19:52 7mk wrote: I can see how fans of kal must have been annoyed but it's not the same because it's not like kal was aware that they showed it I know its hard for me to take part in any debate involving Kal because I have a reputation (that i've earned) for being a Kal fanboy. Still, I think I'm not being biased here. Maybe I do feel worse for Kal than as if the same was done to JD, but I would still say its wrong. Kal seeing it or not is not the (only) point. They disrespected him on national television. (and dont tell me shit like he disrespected himself by losing 3-0 or whatever.) Imagine going home after such an event, and your friends telling you about how "they were flashing images of Flash way before you even typed out (even before you killed 2 bases and the hive of his) in game 3. Everybody knew you were going down" I see how its kinda rude to stay in a lost situation in a random iccup game. But in a Bo5 semifinal in one of the two highest ranked tournaments out there? You goddamned earned your right to stay as long in a game as you damned please, and the very broadcast of the tournament should not disrespect that, or they are just ridiculing themselves, and their own tourney. | ||
2107 Posts
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United States537 Posts
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United States2395 Posts
On January 16 2010 21:01 KristianJS wrote: That is incredibly rude and unprofessional of them. I mean seriously, can you picture that happening in any other serious sport like tennis? Of course not, because it would be incredibly disrespectful to the player assumed to be losing. Tennis is about the only sport I can think of in which things of this nature don't occur - baseball, basketball, football, soccer and more than likely most international sports have the same phenomenon, where once a match is assumed to be wrapped up, the commentators will talk about the winner's next match or what the loser did wrong before the game's even over, and they look foolish when the "winner" winds up losing the game. To me, this is the same kind of thing - it was just done in a really shoddy manner. I think if it was done less tackily, there'd be a whole lot less complaint about the whole thing. As is, what was meant to be hype wound up being a controversy because it was pressed way too hard and wound up being intrusive. If you're bothered just by the fact that they declared a winner "early", remember that it happens in other sports all the time. | ||
Sweden961 Posts
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United States7751 Posts
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United States10657 Posts
On January 16 2010 21:24 LF9 wrote: Rude or not, it's ridiculously cheesy. e-sports BADLY needs to stay away from this type of thing, because to be taken seriously as a competitive entity, it needs to have a certain air of "professionalism" that others have already alluded to; this clearly does NOT involve earning any sort of comparison to WWWE, or anything like it. Can you honestly see a popup in the corner of the screen, near the end of the NFC Championship game in American Pro Football, with Peyton Manning's face, and he starts laughing, and points to the camera, and says "muahahaha, you may taste victory on this day, Brett Favre, but I await you in the SUPER BOWL! VICTORY WILL BE MINE!" That would be utterly ridiculous and unnecessary (and doubly so if it happened at halftime). True competitive sports don't need anyone to invent drama around them; the drama comes, of its own accord, and in its own ways. It need not be fabricated, and to attempt to do so only undermines the integrity of the entire thing. There is fabricated drama all over the media in nearly every single sport. I've cringed at how over the top announcers and talking heads will go on about Football(american). I mean have you never watched NBC televise the olympics? It seems like at many of the events, the media choses instead of focusing more on the competition, they focus on some heart wrenching side story to "draw in the audience-". Drama is good for sports, it just has to be carefully cultivated, and excellently presented. Both the MSL and OSL have so much to learn in both of these regards and entertainment as a whole. For example: a big problem I have is they don't require the player to do any fan interaction after winning a series. The most recent example is Flash vs Kwanro. Flash quickly bows (while in the dark I might add...) and then dissappears back stage. They need to teach the players that they are first a professional gamer, but second, by the nature of professional sports are also an entertainer. Go out gesture to the crowd a little. Smile at them, make eye contact. Show them through body language how happy and grateful you are for them appreciating your work. Don't just do it in a standardized watered down interview. The way the netizens reacted I think is more an expression with the overall disappointment in the quality of show they are being delivered. I completely agree with you, great sports entertainment has drama injected into it though the nature of games and how they are presented. Not from artificial flare or awkwardly delivered hype. | ||
United States33087 Posts
If you look at the production, the announcing, the promotion, and everything about e-sports, it's done with a lot entertainment and song&dance in mind. Only professional wrestling goes more overboard than progaming. If you are outraged, then it's because you believe progaming should be different than it is now. But it's wrong to blame MBCGame for anything right now, because they were doing something completely valid within the existing framework. No one has got together and told OGN and MBCGame that we should get away from all the pomp and show. MBCGame was just doing standard business. It's fine to say E-sports should move in a different direction, but MBCGame is blameless in this incident. | ||
United States537 Posts
That isn't to say that drama has no place; it does, but only at appropriate times, and my biggest gripe with this fiasco is that it felt too forced. It was a deliberate interjection by the production company, attempting to elicit a certain type of response. I am sure they know more about the culture than I ever will, it is their job, but maybe I'm not out of line to suggest that every once in a while, they can be a little off base at to guessing what the fans really get out of watching the program. | ||
Sweden208 Posts
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Dental Floss
United States1015 Posts
On January 16 2010 21:53 Waxangel wrote: there's a big divide between where e-sports is actually at, and where fans imagine it's at. If you look at the production, the announcing, the promotion, and everything about e-sports, it's done with a lot entertainment and song&dance in mind. Only professional wrestling goes more overboard than progaming. So essentially your point is that some people view e-sports as a legitimate sport and they are mad about this, while other people view e-sports as less serious, and they aren't mad about this? Well, I guess I'll agree with that. | ||
Philippines2916 Posts
So... cut them some slack? | ||
United States3302 Posts
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2107 Posts
On January 16 2010 21:40 Niton wrote: Tennis is about the only sport I can think of in which things of this nature don't occur - baseball, basketball, football, soccer and more than likely most international sports have the same phenomenon, where once a match is assumed to be wrapped up, the commentators will talk about the winner's next match or what the loser did wrong before the game's even over, and they look foolish when the "winner" winds up losing the game. To me, this is the same kind of thing - it was just done in a really shoddy manner. That's not the same thing. The commentators are supposed to talk about the match critically and if they think it's over for sure then there's nothing too wrong with them talking about the next match already. But that's not the same as having the result actually announced directly on the screen in such a silly fashion by the producers themselves. That doesn't happen in any serious sport as far as I can recall, because it would be disrespectful. For the professional commentators to think the match is over is one thing, they're giving their professional opinion. But when the producers stick in something like that it's basically like saying "even a complete idiot can see this game is over" which is just wrong. I'm not saying it's a massively disrespectful thing and it brings shame to MBC or anything, but it's just the kind of thing which shouldn't be done on principle. | ||
Poland12466 Posts
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United States537 Posts
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China3094 Posts
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United States3249 Posts
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