I went to chill with some buddies today. We ate Mongolian BBQ at some restaurant with the shittiest service imaginable. Well...I mean it was $6.45 for a dinner, so I guess we can't expect the best service, but it still irks the shit out of you when you the waitress AVOIDS eye contact with you and gives you a fucking death glare when you ask for a refill. We tipped $1.45 on a $43.65 check. Fucking assholes.
God, I'm an asshole, but fuck them. We're fucking customers and this is America, where customers can be obnoxious to fucking hell and get away with it.
Afterward, we headed out to some random kicback this one guy knew about. Except for that guy, none of us knew the host or anyone else who was going to be there. Naturally, we decided to crash the place anyway. What I saw there was, to be honest, a first.
I saw an entire backyard full of latino ravers. I have never seen that before. I've seen latino ravers, I've seen a LOT of asian ravers, I've seen white ravers, and I've seen the occasional black raver. I have never seen this many latino ravers in one place before, and it solidified my complete and utter dislike for the subculture.
Raves are fucking stupid. If you love raves, good for you. I'm glad you have fun there. I can't stand them. The music is terrible, and you're bound to be bored at best and miserable at worst if you're not rolling on E.
However, what we had here was a full blown mini-rave in the backyard of this guy's house. It was chill at first because they were all chill guys...but that only lasted as long as the music was drowned out by the conversations. Then the music got louder, and suddenly all the stoned kids started moving to that shit, and I couldn't help but stare in wonder at how they could do that without embarrassing themselves.
God, I'm a judgmental asshole, but god, it was weird.
It left me with a feeling of desperately wanting to drink more so I could stop giving a shit and instead focus more on the cute chick one of my buddies brought with him. I love that guy, but it's always fun to mess with your friend when he's trying to get with someone. It's like trolling in real life. You know he's trying to hold onto her attention and spit his game, so naturally, as his bro, you just go in and embarrass him, say something wittier than him, and all around just dick him for the hell of it. He wasn't happy at the end of the night. (:
God, I'm an asshole, but god it's fun.
Ah, but let me get back to the part about wanting to drink more...as much as I wanted to, I just couldn't. They had TWO types of alcohol: Natural fucking Light and Vodka.
This is what I hate about crashing random parties and kickbacks. You never know what the fuck conditions are going to be like there. Sometimes it's great and they're fully stocked and they're very generous and everything's great. Other times they're not stocked at all, and it was BYOB, except you didn't fucking know because you don't know the people there...you only knew the friend of the friend of the host who hasn't even arrived there yet. So as a result, you can either leave and pick shit up and come back, or you have to look around and find the guy or group who's the most stocked, kiss his ass and become his best friend, and finally pray that he'll share some alcohol with you.
This little kicback was an in-betweener.
Now, there are two types of drinkers when it comes to vodka. There are those who are just fine with it, and there are those who have had one of those horrible fucking nights because of that shit and just can't ever bring themselves to raise a glass of it to their lips again.
I'm one of the latter.
But I tried my best with the Natty, but couldn't do it anymore after three. I realized the negatives were outweighing the benefits. It tasted like ass, and its weak-ass bitchy watered down bullshit wasn't doing shit for me...
...so I got to watch a bunch of stoned kids rave around all queer to bad electronic trance music.
(DISCLAIMER: I had a good night. I'm just bored and wrote whatever came to mind. I tend to get disgruntled, depressed and douchey after I'm back, drunk and by myself after a night out.)