Having never been to such an event in my life, not to mention meeting beautiful women. I said yes. I drove over to Corvallis, my old hometown, Wednesday night and spent the night at Inc's apartment. Spent most of the day playing SC on his computer and when he got back from class, I did his Spanish homework while he stomped nerds on Iccup. Good times. We talked about SC2 alittle and random projects that are circulating around the community.
We picked up one of his friends at around 1pm or so and headed up to Seaside from Corvallis. It's about a 2-3 hour drive. I ended up not paying attention while I was following Inc's car and almost missed the exit. Luckily Inc is a super nice guy and stalled the ENTIRE lane of traffic so I could get back over.
Finally reached Seaside and the first thing Inc's mother does is give me a magarita. Hmmm. Delicious. It was fun to meet Inc's family/friends and introduce who I was. They were very surprised a nerd like me would do something like this but hey, I didn't have anything else going on and it was my day off so, why not?
The Pageant was fun to watch. I mean. It was cool to see all their different talents like singing and dancing. Uncontrollable had one of the best performances. She was singing AND dancing. Although, I really did like the one girl who sang opera. Usually you imagine huge people singing opera right? This girl was freaking TINY and was belting out these deep cords and everything. Was really cool.
I wish I could have taken pictures during the event but I was prohibited. The girls came out in Bikini's and danced too. Was kinda weird but whatever. Hot girls in Bikini's. Not going to lie and say I didn't enjoy it. They also had them dress in evening wear and they all looked beautiful. At least the one group that went through. The other group is tonight I think.
There was also Q&A stuff which was pretty silly. Most of the questions were stupid.
Anyways. Was fun hanging out and getting to know Inc and Unc better. Not to mention all the family involved! Thanks for inviting me and I hope all goes well tonight!
Pic to prove I'm not lying!