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IdrA to become well mannered
Greg “IdrA” Fields is well known for being bad mannered. He looks down on many players with disdain, and makes no apologies for his harsh and brutally honest criticisms of other players. The Korean scene is especially very critical of IdrA, with the players putting a target on his back, and the fans put off by his lack of manners. Today, in a press conference the so-called “bad boy” of Starcraft 2 has announced that he's decided to turn over a new leaf and become the best mannered Starcraft 2 player.
IdrA's first action after this sudden change in attitude, was to offer a truce to Koreans by changing his name from “Greg” to “Grack.” Koreans often had trouble pronouncing and spelling his name correctly, so IdrA decided to change it to alleviate any confusion and attempt to mend the wounds of his previous bad manners, saying, “I really do care what people think, especially the Korean fans.” Grack also stated that he “would like to become better friends with BoxeR, since he alerted me to this confusion with my name.” He also apologized specifically to BoxeR, saying, “I'm sorry for correcting you on the spelling of my name. It was disrespectful to you, the Emperor.”
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Mwzfx.jpg)
Grack “IdrA” Fields promised to “gg” after every game
Next, Grack apologized for playing his race, Zerg. He elaborated by saying that “Mutalisks are ridiculously strong. They're fast, their attacks bounce to 3 targets, and can kill just about anything. I realize now how I've been abusing them, and will reduce my use of them in the future.” Greg went on to say that Hatcheries are way overpowered, so he will try to expand less, since always having an extra expansion on his opponent is “just unfair.” In addition to cutting back on Hatcheries and Mutalisks, IdrA will also cut down on the Banelings as “they do too much damage to those poor, poor Marines.”
Grack continued to reverse his previous statements, by saying that Terrans are perfectly fine. He even dismissed the recent Code S Ro16 race distributions by saying the disparity of 9 Terrans and 3 Zergs is “just a fluke. If anything, Terrans are underpowered. They're forced to make tons of Marines, which have very little hit points, and they have to damage themselves to do any damage. Marauders are weak, too. Planetary Fortresses are so weak, they have to constantly be repaired by 20 SCVs. And MULEs cost way too much energy, you can only get like 4 down at the same time, and 1 MULE doesn't even match the income produced by 4 SCVs.”
Grack ended his press conference with a heartfelt apology.
”Lastly, I would like to apologize to my dear friend, avilo. Your complaints about Terran and TvZ were completely justified. I'm sorry for calling you 'fucking awful', saying 'your micro is bad and you don't know how to macro', and saying you need to 'learn how to play the game instead of being dependent on allins'. All-ins and cheeses are a completely viable strategy and always will be. I may even start doing some myself. I actually built a Spawning Pool before 13 supply earlier today against the AI. It was liberating.”
TeamLiquid.net admins responded to Grack's sudden change of heart by saying they'll still temp ban him every other day anyway, because "it's just too damn fun."
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