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This is just 1 night of fun in eve for me =]
Most of the Hatchery/scbw know me as Lucefir, I have a few accounts Lucefir (Drake specialist 8m sp), Nidiem (Minnie/Hurricane Specialis 7.5m spt), Fil0 (Gallente everything specialist 41m SP).
Eve in a cold single server 100k+ playerbase strong, thats normally very unforgiving though quite fun you can have space battles involving literally thousands of ships and real pilots. Its free to trial and I could give you a free xtended trial and a good tutoring and even pay YOU a good deal of in game currency for subscribing as well as your own personal mentor)
Combat scanner probes are scary because were in squishy ships designed for blowing up npcs and in a rather hidden area and the probes allow pirates to scan us down and blow us to bits.
An arazu is a badass Covert recon ship capable of fucking up someone warp drive from the furthest distance of any ship in the game, and it can moved while invisible and come out of the shadows and fuck your day up.
Anyways so the blogging begins,
Well, since I moved out to Emol havent done much in the way of pewwing PvE or otherwise and
decided to take some iniative today. Took my (Brand spanking new) Arazu into Eifer and
starting probing shit found a Vaga ABing around at a gatesafe asked for backup in corp, got 6
people on the eifer gate in Emol in 2 minutes, the Vaga warped off as soon as our Rapier got
in system though unfortunately.
About 30 minutes of nothing happening me screwing around and probing in my Arazu, decide to go
1j further into Gus and got a Hawk on scan (for some reason I thought it was a Variation of
the moa lol) and I couldnt get a lock on him, but the mag site he was at wouldnt go past 98%
(In an arazu using combat scanner probes, no core probes on me and no scanning bonuses or
rigs) get a few dudes in frigs on the other side of the gate in emol because I think Im
jumping a HiC not an AF, and am getting pissed wiggling my probes back and forth hoping for a
100% hit. FINALLY I get one, also got a probe on scan too (not in gang).
Anyways someone Fail jumps (For those of you that dont know when you jump without being asked
to by the FC) when I say Ive got him on scan, (Luckily the guy is pretty dense to begin with).
I land on grid with him and slowly lurk towards him, I get within 40 km, OH my WD just in case
and point him, drones come out and engage. I burn towards him and scram him just to be safe,
3pt WD on him now (Hes super fucked). Our Blackbird, 2 Rifters and a Kestrel and pew him to
the ground! I get my first kill in a Recon and I know it was one of the other Newbies first
kill ever! Good times no losses. (I know that vaga will be back)
While Probing around in Eifer though I noticed like 6 cosmic signatures so I decide to probe
them out and ship up in a Helios and probe the shit out, first site to 100% 6/10 Plex
(faptastic if it escelates).
Nigh, alas no PvE combat ship within 50 jumps and I CBA to fit up
a shield ishtar to do the damned thing so I ask our great leader Kwark to come and help me
with the Plex in his reliable shoulderpad ship The great drake!
After a bit of research on the plex (Minor Angel Annex) I come to find out the plexs second
room apparently has 1600 dps incoming and multiple scramming/webbing frigs and we decide upon
me using Kwarks Scimmy alt to run the thing and dualboxxed drakes all Kwarks accounts.
Since I was using his account/ship he wanted to split the plex 80/20 with me, and after a bit of negotiation/waiting time we decided upon 65/35 and escelations if they happen 50/50.
The delay in getting to the plex was brilliant! The normally scary 1j from Highsec Eifer was
now completely void of souls other than Hatchery Fellows. We even brought in a Noctis (very
fragile industrial super-salvaging ship) to salvage since the system was so quiet. We had 5
Hatchery pilots in Eifer.
The dps came in trickles and piddles kwarks shield never dropped below 80% it was rather
anticlimatic/A waste of a pilot. Meanwhile didn't have much to do with my time so I parked my
alt on the accell gate* in a cloaky and set up that eve on my second Monitor to see if anyone
was deciding to follow us as I was spamming to watch for Combat probes noone wanted to rob us
of our riches luckily, though luck prolly had a lot less to do with it than the fact that we
had 5 Hatchery pilots in system.
Anyways! After all the space dust settled we got an escelation and the hunt was on to kill the
Angel overlord scum! The next destination was in Null and our glorious leader had to eat
breakfast and scoop his drones and then we would embark on our expedition!
The expedition was wholly uneventful except I almost lost my damn Vexxor to the explosion in
the Final escelation room (I lost an ishtar 2 weeks ago to the same damned mechanic this hull
class has no EHP) Luckily I was buffer tanked and got out with 76% structure Kwark looted and
I warped out leaving my drones , I pulsed the D-scanner to see what was up not a whole... oh
shit Buzzard and 6 Combat scanner probes. I set home dest for Emol and im 2 system out before
kwark tells me to come back and scoop my drones, I tell him to gtfo asap because theyres
combat probes on scan (Would have told him earlier but figured he would scoop and go xD). And
we all make it safely home to Emol.
By the by the spoils were awesome from the plex, 850m Micro warp drive.
Please let me know how I could make this more interesting if you liked it or what you thought of my blog. Havent slept in a while and decided to write this during DT.
ps.Ignore the lack of quotations or apostrophes that key is broken on my keyboard)
Fly safely o7,