So I just feel like writing some anecdotes about my gay roommate and his experiences with other guys. How do I know about these? No, he didn't tell me. I didn't read through his private messages on Facebook or his diary. I know about them because I was there. In the same room, 9 feet away from all the action.
So, first story. This was near the beginning of the fall semester, my roommate and I are both freshman, and have known each other for 2 or 3 weeks. I actually didn't know he was gay. He might've sounded a bit gay, but I couldn't tell and didn't really pay attention to it. We didn't really hang out much - we hung out with our own group of friends - but we chat sometimes and are on good terms. I guess this is the kind of relationship I prefer with roommates.
I discovered his true sexuality when I walked into the room around 10:30 AM. I just finished class and breakfast, and was going to take a nap. I open the door and what do I see? My roommate and a another dude (let's call him John) in bed without clothes on. John is this tall black dude, met him a couple times so I know him as an acquaintance. The thing is, I didn't leave the room when I saw the huge flurry of blankets to cover themselves up and when I heard the "WHOOAA!!" of getting caught naked with a significant other. I just say "Oh hey Chris (my roommate). Hey John." and proceed to sit at my desk and get on my laptop....
Um yeah I don't know why I didn't leave.
A couple minutes later I went to the bathroom and when I came back, John was gone and Chris apologized for not telling me beforehand. lol
Second, weirder story.
So this one occurs near the end of fall semester. It's around 3 in the morning on Saturday, and I'm sleeping. Suddenly the door opens and I'm woken up, but I usually keep pretending I'm sleeping and go back to sleep. This time, I hear someone else's voice...must be a dude he brought back from a night out clubbing...shiiiit. Basically, I try to go back to sleep and cover my ears tightly with the blanket and pillows so I don't have to hear the slurping and other obscene noises. A lot was still heard though. A lot of making out... at one point, Chris is like "hey there are condoms in that drawer" - he sounds drunk - and I think "FUCK." Fortunately, the guy he brought be saves me by saying "hell naw, we can't do dat shit here!" lol another black dude.
Anyways, they keep making out and eventually fall asleep, and so do I. I wake up early the next morning to find the black dude gone and Chris still sleeping.
Third story, worst one. This was about a week ago. I was watching some epic BW VODs before I go to sleep, and I get a call, it's from my roommate Chris. Shit, if it's this late, it means he wants to use the room. I don't feel like giving up the room since I'm about to go to bed, but I don't wanna tell him anyways. Don't pick up. So he texts me asking me if it's ok to use the room. Gaaahhh I don't respond. I really should though....
About 10 minutes later, he and some kid (looool it's another black guy) come into the room and I'm pretending to be asleep so I have an excuse for not answering his call and text. Wow he is drunk out of his mind, but the black dude is sober. Black dude is like "omg what should we do your roommate is sleeping" but Chris is like "yeah whatever just get your ass in bed, I'm horny as fuck" I actually wanna laugh to myself. They start making out and the other guy asks Chris if he has condoms, but fortunately, Chris says that he doesn't wanna find them. Chris has something else in mind...
They argue some more but Chris wins because he's drunk and just keeps saying stupid shit. Then Chris convinces the black guy to give him a blowjob. It was actually a kinda funny conversation:
Chris: yo just shut the fuck uppp and suck my fuckin dick.
Black dude tries to get out of it
Chris: No dude just suck my dick. Suck it.
Black dude tries to get Chris to let him fuck him if he gives blowjob.
Chris: yeah whatever we can fuck later just fuckin suck my dick already.
He eventually gives and and starts sucking Chris's dick which sounded so fucking gross holy fuck. I tried covering my ears, tried thinking about something else, even tried imagining that the black dude was actually a girl giving a blowjob... lol none of those really worked.
Halfway through, the black dude asks Chris "omg hey are you cumming yet, cuz I'm so fucking tired man."
Chris: yeah (sarcastic) just keep suckin my dick
Black dude protests
Chris: No just fuckin suck my dick
Black dude: come onnnn I've been sucking for like so long I'm tired
Chris: Dude just suck my dick. I promise I'll give you the best fuckin blowjob ever if you keep sucking.
Black dude: I'm tiredddd
Chris: No dude you don't get it I'm gonna fuckin suck your dick for AN HOUR if you keep suckin.
More arguing back and forth, and eventually the black dude keeps sucking and Chris cums.
Chris tells the black dude to lick the cum off his chest (don't ask if he actually does, I have no clue). Black dude tells Chris not to wipe the cum with black dude's clothes, and so Chris says "Well yeah so fuckin lick this cum off my chest." Black dude now wants to fuck, but Chris (fortunately) starts saying stuff like "yeah i fuckin hate it when people criticize me, im just sayin, don't be so fuckin difficult. i hate it when people criticize me. just sayin." and then falls asleep without giving a shit what the black dude has to say.