Finally the day and hour has come, that I have got enough strength and courage to do this. World of Warcraft is now finally a chapter in my past.
I have posted before on several occations that I've played this game massivly, propably more than any on this site. I quit several times, only to begin again for new reasons. I started in EU beta january 2005. Getting hooked big time while going in high school. Last half year before high school is over, and I'm playing WoW. Over 30 days missed of school during that last year, screwed everything. Playing is all I did after high school was over, for a year. Until I forced myself to study again, sold my account. That didnt go well, it has its effects and habbits. Only to start again half year later messing up rest of a year in college. Buying back my account. How can I be so weak and stupid doing this?? Basically running from the real world, playing instead, for days and days. Again I quit, this time, for over a half year and I seriously thought it was over. I abandoned my chars and everything by will. Sick of it. I thought that would do it. It had to be a CHOISE. Then to get sucked back in again later that year (2007), missing the game, all the new stuff that made my char so much better! It was wierd, it was addiction, feeling drawn, thinking about what I could accomplish again in that game. Spending loads of money again on a net cafe, to play, to mess up another year of study. Quitting school, resting, working, playing again for about 7 months until I got sick, quit. to start again couple of months later, this time more determined to play(bored) And again, I feel all this pointless time spent, and come to realize, slowly, what I'm doing. I feel I grew up during the past months. And now, I'm sitting here... where I moments ago, sold everything on my WoW chars, given it away to some friends and random noobs. Characters deleted one by one, until the last champion of them, a part of me, is gone. That lived as me for 366days, and now that part, is forever gone, deleted. What part is this? a good ridance, nothing worth, fictional, stupid, waste of time, a dedication of my effort, of ME into NOTHING, waste. What kind of stupidity is that? I regret ever getting curious about this game. I regret ever wanting to get good at this game. And now, finally my chars are all gone, I've grown balls. Before I only saved everything carefully on my chars, to maybe use it later. Saved all gear, told the guy I sold one to take care of it. SCREW THAT! I didnt have the balls to delete them. But now, finally, beeing 22years old, wasting the last 4 years on a stupid game. It feels GOOOD, to shard everything, sell everything, have nothing left. and then DELETE!! SCREW WOW! its over....... this time forever!
PS. I will have gaps to fill, would appriciate if people would give some tips how to recover lazyness, and other experienced stuff by spending so much time at a comp. For instance get motivation to read etc. Thanks for reading 
edit: uppdated april 2010
ThePhan2m Norway. April 22 2010 21:20. Posts 1553 So, there is a problem again. About a month ago I slowly started playing again on an free month account I realized I had. A friend asked if I was keen on playing. I started a new char, a Paladin. Soon the month is over, and the plan was not to renew anything but to quit. Also I got studies I need to tend to, exams comign up in about a month, and this do not solve anything. But i feel seriously that I wanna play, even though its more destructive. I cannot believe this is happening since ever until couple of months ago I had no whatsover intentions to have interest to start playing again. And yesterday, I sent a mail to blizzard asking to get my former chars back (1 lvl80 and 3lvl 70) >.< I dont know why I'm doing it. Its stuipid
Belgium9944 Posts
Wow. First time I'm not advising someone to start playing StarCraft.
Keep it up bro. Just get back into college and have a nice time with some friends.
Similar story for me although maybe not quite as dramatic. I probably missed half my classes this semester, didn't do jack shit and would just spend 2/3 of my time in solitude, in front of computer, doing all kinds of things. I've been recovering this week though, and the thing that really seems to have done it for me is social connection. By this I mean that school and other active activities lose meaning when I'm lonely but when I think of how I can play a significant role in society and in the social circles I have IRL, my motivation for these things just comes back naturally. I've been studying and going to school all week this week, and I think you can too. You just have to find stuff you have a natural ability in, and identify with those as you can really be a significant part of many of the social circles you probably shy away from at the moment as long as you know your role. Finding those things might be difficult, though, but start with writing down what you're good and less good at, and go from there. I'd be very surprised if you didn't find anything outside of WoW.
Start being goal-oriented or always "be pressured" when there are deadlines to be met; If you actually put your mind to pressuring yourself to read books and have good grades; you should have a new life a head of you.. GL HF anyway
StarCraft isnt that addictive. I'm propably gonna play it abit, hopfully not much. need to turn the whole sitting infront of the comp tide. But the fact is, most of the time, I played PvE (player versus enviroment, aka comp AI with others) and the silly fact, its so simple once you figure it out. Imagine playing vs comps over and over again in Starcraft. lol
Nice job and congrats, I have played WoW before. But I never understood how people got so addicted to that stuff, I quit after playing for about 5 month due to boring/lack of content. (Yes I played arena as 1900 ratings in 2s as a hunter during season2/3, and I raided end game instances)
good job for quitting that shit.
WoW sucks now. I loved the story line and was really into it for a few years. Even though the game was slow paced before, it still took thinking. Now its so dumbed down- they are really just mashing everything up. They are really taking out the skill and coordination that used to be needed and made the game fun/challenging.
Trust me, you arent missing much. I still have my account open but havent played more than a few hours since christmas. I guess its just for the people who I used to play with, I drop in and say hi.
Starcraft is a much better option, actually takes skill and practice. A crippled monkey could own face randomly mashing buttons at WoW. Sad times, it was a great game in the beginning. Everything gets old- so I hope youre really done.
There was a notorious guy in my old guild who kept quitting and comming back. Couldnt decide. Then, he finnaly sold his account. That was it right? No. About a month later he just started a new one and power leveled a hunter untill he could make a DeathKnight.
Just be sure youre done man. Its fuckin BS
If you just want to spend time away from the comp... Apart from work and school, just engage in things that will express your creativity. Try painting, or writing, or drawing. Try building something, or inventing something you'd find useful.
I don't know about motivation to read. The best motivation to read, is to find a book with a really good writing style that you enjoy. Sometimes I listen to classical music when I read. Sometimes I don't. I can try recommending some very good books:
The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien (story about soldiers and PTSD in Vietnam; very compelling writing style).
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick (Sci-fi about an apocalyptic future discussing humanity and ethics)
Solaris by Stanislaw Lem (Sci-fi about a mysterious living ocean that screws with the human's studying it. More humanity + Ethics)
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams (Sci-fi about a human who escapes Earth before it's blown up, and travels the galaxy. Very funny, and enjoyable writing style).
Dirk Gently by Douglas Adams (about a detective named Dirk Gently who has to solve a mystery involving many fantastic elements. Again, very funny, entertaining writing style).
Cereus Blooms at Night by Shani Mootoo (Trauma narrative about a girl... Graphic and maybe not for everyone).
Lilith by George MacDonald (Fantastic elements thrown into a man who's lived an empty life and has to discover himself. Very cool imagery and symbolism and general writing style thruough)
Harry Potter (everyone loves Harry Potter, shut up. Might not be worth reading since you probably know half the plot twists though)
A Wizard at Earthsea Ursula Le Guin (another kind of childrens/but good for adults book, about a man who denies a part of himself and it takes a literal form and haunts him until he can conquer it)
Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve (Children's novel, sort of, very cool steam punk novel. You'll feel like you're playing Final Fantasy reading it. It's about a post apocolyptic era where all cities and towns have become mobile and are eating each other to feed themselves).
I <3 harry Potter.
Specially the last book, I had a really good time reading it. I read the whole thing in one day and I still remember every piece of it .
And Yes, the books are very much worthwhile since the movie just cuts the fuck out of them :o.
Don't ever read Twilight tho.
jesus christ, good job for quitting FINALLY. are you sure youve quit though? and if so how certain?
I quit wow the summer before college when I graduated from high school. That was three years ago and I still feel like I have an urge to start playing again. Crazy addictive. I am positive that if I kept playing through college that I wouldn't be graduating in 4 years if at all.
At first I thought you were someone I know.. really similar. good job on quitting. The easiest way to stop being lazy is just to stop using your computer for any entertainment at all. You could try that if all else fails.
i understand how you feel
happened to me with d2 lod in middle school
literally threw away my life
Dominican Republic463 Posts
Good job, I quit too few months back, haven't looked back. I know I finally quit cause usually, when new stuff/patch comes out, I usually start playing again. And I couldn't care less about Ulduar...
On April 24 2009 02:23 funkie wrote:I <3 harry Potter. Specially the last book, I had a really good time reading it. I read the whole thing in one day and I still remember every piece of it  . And Yes, the books are very much worthwhile since the movie just cuts the fuck out of them :o. Don't ever read Twilight tho. Yeah, but I think you have to treat the movie and the book as separate works. Like Fight Club. Everyone loves that movie. If they read the book, they'd probably say it was better, but that doesn't make Fight Club a movie not worth seeing. Starship Troopers too, great book, great movie. Different feeling when you watch/read one or the other. The Harry Potter movies are fun enough, but it was an entirely different atmosphere and feeling for when I read it :O
Not saying I disagree with you at all... I just wanted to note that :X
i feel you man, i have a similar thing going on with dota
On April 24 2009 02:28 Chef wrote:Show nested quote +On April 24 2009 02:23 funkie wrote:I <3 harry Potter. Specially the last book, I had a really good time reading it. I read the whole thing in one day and I still remember every piece of it  . And Yes, the books are very much worthwhile since the movie just cuts the fuck out of them :o. Don't ever read Twilight tho. Yeah, but I think you have to treat the movie and the book as separate works. Like Fight Club. Everyone loves that movie. If they read the book, they'd probably say it was better, but that doesn't make Fight Club a movie not worth seeing. Starship Troopers too, great book, great movie. Different feeling when you watch/read one or the other. The Harry Potter movies are fun enough, but it was an entirely different atmosphere and feeling for when I read it :O Not saying I disagree with you at all... I just wanted to note that :X
Yeah I know, but like if he's going to "avoid" reading the books because of the movie, I thought I should give my opinion on why the books are way way better .