Bye cruel World...... of Warcraft - Page 5
Blogs > ThePhan2m |
United States898 Posts
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United States1268 Posts
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Norway2739 Posts
On April 23 2010 03:13 BDF92 wrote: go to the password change page and tell a friend to faceroll on the keyboard before it's too late! can easily get it back by secret answer to question, everything is possible. But yea, definitly shouldnt have keept that copy around. Often people tell me "pull yourself togather man etc" or "just do it, quit" . That isnt good enough. You cant say that to people with addictions or people with problems. That will only feel them more uncofortalbe when they fail again. People need to explain, give me info, reasons story, motivate me to not play, show me the real world, not just generalize: "find another hobby" but rahter, try this, its fun "explain" etc. I have written down reasons when I quit why not to go back in, its just that I havent found the time to read them yet >< but yea, I will. Thanks for the support for those who have. feel free to show more support if anyone got any good sites/ideas or anything at all | ||
United States74 Posts
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United States260 Posts
What I have to say is: First of all, if you want to stop playing you have to cut ties with the friends (rl and online) that are as addicted as you are. Second: ask yourself - How can you justify spending so much time in-game? What real-world value are you getting out of it (hint: the answer is none.. in fact you are paying to waste time)? I would tell myself various things to justify so much logged time (I was in HS mostly when I played and college for some of it, and I played a lot.) Another thing that helped me quit was the pending Expansion WotLK which at the time I was getting frustrated with my guild (we were bashing our face against BT, I never raided Sunwell) and had little interest in leveling my toon to 80. I have other addictions which I would have an extremely hard time shedding no matter what someone else told me so I can truly relate with you there. I recommend that you quit WoW for good, just forget about the game.. realize that you would rather be doing something else with your time. Find a hobby/interest/passion(this is the best) which you can invest any free time in learning about or researching (I spent a lot of time with various interests after I quit WoW and it was very refreshing.) Find another game that's far less addictive. I started to play TF2 with a friend who was really into it and I started watching tons of SC VODs and playing sc:bw with same friend. Most of all - get a job or spend time (and effort) studying (I worked in a bakery for 6 months before moving to another state to pursue other interests and schooling.) It's too easy to be LAZY .. WAY too easy. However it is so important, for one's own mental and physical health and stability to be progressing - moving forward towards something - a goal. That's another thing which may help you - set a goal and don't let yourself not achieve it. If you fail, FORGIVE yourself but learn from it and find new determination to succeed. No one is stopping you but yourself. (motivation can be cliche, sorry for that.) I think cold turkey is the way to go. It may or may not be a good idea to tell your online or RL friends that you won't be back. If you tell them, then there's the added motivation of not wanting to fail knowing that when you relog everyone will be there also knowing that you failed (they probably won't care but still.) If it were me again in that situation I would literally have cut ties immediately with everyone/thing WoW related. It's easy for me to say that but it's like a breath of fresh air. You can also research overcoming addictions for general advice on the subject. It will be hard to quit, and it will be all too easy to come back to it. Just know that you have the resolve to, even in your darkest hour, when you've got the credit card out, just waiting to press "recover account" (or w/e), you CAN still at that point decide not to do this. And when you do, do not think about what you're going to be losing or missing out on, but instead what you have to gain and how happy you will be once you have moved on to YOUR life not your TOON's life. That was longer than expected and I really hope it helps. Cheers and GL | ||
Macedonia13017 Posts
Its just a matter of will power... I hope you quit. The question is do you really wanna quit?? If you are addicted and wanna quit try commiboi advice... that looks preety reasonable to me. | ||
United States2061 Posts
Grow some fucking balls | ||
So no fek
United States3001 Posts
On April 23 2010 09:38 Hypnosis wrote: I dont get why it's so hard to quit this game.. It's not. I played for a year, got high in the arena rankings (1950 3v3) and then one day i tried to sell my account because i got bored, got scammed and just said "oh well" and never came back. Grow some fucking balls Was hard for me to quit. I played on an off for 3-4 years, taking breaks ranging from a week to six months, but I always came back. What finally led to me quitting was the quality of my guild degrading (old people leaving, too many new faces coming in), so I transferred servers with a small group of friends. Joined into a decent guild, and actually got some raid time. Though the mage and the hunter I transferred with got far more time than I did, as a rogue in a guild that already 4-5 other regular rogues; even if there was only one other decent rogue in the guild. When I did get to raid, I was put on bitch duty (double Anesthetic FoK spamming), which didn't really bother me too much; while debatable if it was truly necessary, that's how they wanted it done, and I was just happy to raid. I was in the guild for about 2-3 weeks before I started to burn out again. Before I transferred off the terrible server I was on (it seriously has to be the worst US server in existence), I was a bit miffed because I couldn't raid, and that was the only real activity in the game that I enjoyed once level capped. Even so, I still had a decent amount of friends on the server, so it wasn't too bad. After I transferred, I got a chance to raid, though still not as much as I would have liked, but I didn't have nearly as many friends. Sure, if I had given it more than 3 weeks, I probably would have fit better in the guild, but during that time, I only talked regularly to one or two of my new guildies. So I did the same as you. Attempted to sell my account, go scammed, got everything back (and somehow made a profit out of it), but it had killed all my determination to play. I still had a month on my main account (with a rogue and paladin), and six months on an alternate account. I logged in a few times over the next week, and then after that, uninstalled the game and haven't been back since. | ||
United States2061 Posts
On April 23 2010 09:50 So no fek wrote: Was hard for me to quit. I played on an off for 3-4 years, taking breaks ranging from a week to six months, but I always came back. What finally led to me quitting was the quality of my guild degrading (old people leaving, too many new faces coming in), so I transferred servers with a small group of friends. Joined into a decent guild, and actually got some raid time. Though the mage and the hunter I transferred with got far more time than I did, as a rogue in a guild that already 4-5 other regular rogues; even if there was only one other decent rogue in the guild. When I did get to raid, I was put on bitch duty (double Anesthetic FoK spamming), which didn't really bother me too much; while debatable if it was truly necessary, that's how they wanted it done, and I was just happy to raid. I was in the guild for about 2-3 weeks before I started to burn out again. Before I transferred off the terrible server I was on (it seriously has to be the worst US server in existence), I was a bit miffed because I couldn't raid, and that was the only real activity in the game that I enjoyed once level capped. Even so, I still had a decent amount of friends on the server, so it wasn't too bad. After I transferred, I got a chance to raid, though still not as much as I would have liked, but I didn't have nearly as many friends. Sure, if I had given it more than 3 weeks, I probably would have fit better in the guild, but during that time, I only talked regularly to one or two of my new guildies. So I did the same as you. Attempted to sell my account, go scammed, got everything back (and somehow made a profit out of it), but it had killed all my determination to play. I still had a month on my main account (with a rogue and paladin), and six months on an alternate account. I logged in a few times over the next week, and then after that, uninstalled the game and haven't been back since. See its a dead end game that douchebags just LOVE to keep playing. Somehow they get pride out of killing a computer over and over again with 20 other fat nerds. The best part of the game was arena, the competitive aspect..Even that was ruined though because everyone has the same fucking gear from playing BGs all day long for months and months and you play on the same fuckin maps with the same combinations. Then everything becomes obsolete when blizz decides to release a new expansion where the greens are better than the epics you spent months getting. It's an endless cycle of bullshit of nothingness. It's the best MMORPG I have ever played, but the main flaw is that it takes SO MANY HOURS to get really good, then it all goes to waste in 5-6 months. Starcraft is actually hard, it's actually rewarding and you can dominate if you have skill. WoW is comprised of hordes of faggots with no life. If you play WoW and are "good" at it you MOST LIKELY are 1) a douchebag that loves to one up other retards in well designed games 2) a socially awkward kid that has only played beer pong once and probably has never smoked weed 3) terrible at SC:BW (ok just because you are C- doesnt make you good) 4) failing classes 5) masturbating like 12 times a day to hentai (LOL) ok i despise WoW now as you can tell. | ||
Vietnam10817 Posts
On April 22 2010 21:20 ThePhan2m wrote: So, there is a problem again. About a month ago I slowly started playing again on an free month account I realized I had. A friend asked if I was keen on playing. I started a new char, a Paladin. Soon the month is over, and the plan was not to renew anything but to quit. Also I got studies I need to tend to, exams comign up in about a month, and this do not solve anything. But i feel seriously that I wanna play, even though its more destructive. I cannot believe this is happening since ever until couple of months ago I had no whatsover intentions to have interest to start playing again. And yesterday, I sent a mail to blizzard asking to get my former chars back (1 lvl80 and 3lvl 70) >.< I dont know why I'm doing it. Its stuipid. Come on, you can do it. I played WOW hard core back in the day as well. But I quit right before BC and even untill now I am so glad that I did that. The feeling of WOW did come back now and then but I just looked the other way and never going back again. I was in a top 3 guild of a very well known server(finish NAX at level 60). When I quit, I delete everything(top healer in the guild), I also delete my WOW guildmates from any chat client(Yahoo, MSN) so they can never contact me to lure me back. I avoid read any news about WOW, even untill now I still keep that habit, I dont read about the new contents, nothing. Just delete everything man! And go PLAY SC2. SC2 can be addictive but unlike WOW, it will not ruin your social life. Do it for your own sake!! | ||
Norway2739 Posts
On April 23 2010 09:38 Hypnosis wrote: I dont get why it's so hard to quit this game.. It's not. I played for a year, got high in the arena rankings (1950 3v3) and then one day i tried to sell my account because i got bored, got scammed and just said "oh well" and never came back. Grow some fucking balls People are different. When you feel you master something really well (obviously already invested alot of time in it) and you enjoy it, it gives u good feeling cuz you know you can do everything. When life isnt going well, its very easy to go back to stuff you know how to handle or control (aka WoW) For instance, if im playing BW, and I kinda am horrible (D+) level and keep loosing and loosing to the same protoss shit race with arbiters and imba mobility 1a2a3a over and over again. Its kinda sad, you dont feel any kind of reinsurance that you are any good at all compared to other people. Even though I have visisted some web pages WoW related, I've allways keept distance to not start, and it hasnt been in my mind at all that much. 10 months without WoW and without anything interest in starting again. Like 2 months ago, I wouldnt have though I would be playing WoW today, It was very sudden impulsive idea to start again, and boom you get stuck abit for hours cuz its fun and you feel you have control and knowledge compared to my noob friend who asked me to join him play. Thanks for the support! I'm going to quit, some peoples answers really helped. my game time expires 25th, and I'm not going to renew it. | ||
Netherlands125 Posts
I played alot of wow to like 1 year or something on lvl 60 but i sucked then. i quitted for 3 years only to come back but suddenly i used keybinds started to do arena and ye i played much better because of that then playing at lvl 60 without keybinds and alot of rage ![]() | ||
United States1278 Posts
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Sweden117 Posts
You really need to change habits, try to get some other hobbies that does not involve the computer. | ||
Norway883 Posts
On April 24 2010 00:57 ThePhan2m wrote: People are different. When you feel you master something really well (obviously already invested alot of time in it) and you enjoy it, it gives u good feeling cuz you know you can do everything. When life isnt going well, its very easy to go back to stuff you know how to handle or control (aka WoW) For instance, if im playing BW, and I kinda am horrible (D+) level and keep loosing and loosing to the same protoss shit race with arbiters and imba mobility 1a2a3a over and over again. Its kinda sad, you dont feel any kind of reinsurance that you are any good at all compared to other people. Even though I have visisted some web pages WoW related, I've allways keept distance to not start, and it hasnt been in my mind at all that much. 10 months without WoW and without anything interest in starting again. Like 2 months ago, I wouldnt have though I would be playing WoW today, It was very sudden impulsive idea to start again, and boom you get stuck abit for hours cuz its fun and you feel you have control and knowledge compared to my noob friend who asked me to join him play. Thanks for the support! I'm going to quit, some peoples answers really helped. my game time expires 25th, and I'm not going to renew it. LIsten, D+ in BW nothing to be ashamed of and more of an accomplishment than what most people do in Wow. There are many D, D- and D+ players here, and although many have moved on to SC2, there are plenty of low/medium players in SC2 too, just play some friendlies now and then if you need a break from the ladder. I have been tempted to go back so many times, but luckily I gave away everything, including sharding whatever I could not.Then I deleted the naked character. It still took several years before my WoW nick died out in msn conversations and whatnot. The important thing is to actually move time away from the computer and into school, work, family, a new hobby, whatever you think you can feel good about. And when you invest those WoW-hours into new areas, good things might just happen. Good luck og lykke til ![]() | ||
United States3518 Posts
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Norway2739 Posts
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Sweden6375 Posts
On December 11 2012 20:01 ThePhan2m wrote: Cant believe I still feel so drawn to this stupid game >.< I'm so tempted to play Mists of Pandaria. I have quit gaming all togather, but it still feels so tempting to play WoW. I have a GF now, and I dont want to lose her, but feel idiotic thinking about starting again. So don't. Just remember all the bad parts, then remember how much worse the game has gotten over time. Leave WoW as a good memory and don't play it now and ruin it. The game is literally not fun and eats your time like a bitch anyway. Let it go. | ||
Deleted User 109835
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United States8366 Posts
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