Just when I started playing WoW for the firs time, Blogs get hit with anti-WoW material non-stop...
Lol, but I can see how it's so addicting. I just spent 3 hours leveling Skinning from 0-225 / Herbalism 0-125. Since I did recruit-a-friend thing, I'm @ level 50 after just 30 hours of gameplay, so I guess it hasn't taken a huge toll on me yet. Understandably though, I think about WoW even when I'm not playing, so if I don't control this, I can tell it will already be worse than my addiction to Diablo 2 (which I used to play for 6-8 hours a day).
I just hope it won't get in the way of me finishing my Master's. I keep telling myself that once I get to level 80, and get top-tiered gear, I can just play casually, like raids a few times a week and PvPs (just like regular StarCraft games).
Did I get myself into some heavy shit?
51342 Posts
raiding takes around 3-4 hours of the night, and you can't really stop every once in a while.
My WoW playing history. I'm kind of surprised my 2009 stint only lasted 2 months. I leveled a Druid to 80 within 2 weeks again, but I got bored and burned out really quickly because I don't enjoy WoW PvP very much and didn't really have a desire to raid.
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On April 24 2009 15:26 GTR wrote: raiding takes around 3-4 hours of the night, and you can't really stop every once in a while.
That is a bit misleading, since it entirely varies based on what guild you are involved with, how successful you are and during what period you are raiding. High-end competitive guilds will raid a lot more then a casual guild which only gathers on a semi-regular basis. But even high-end guilds will raid mostly when new PvE content is released and will raid in reduced capacity in other periods. Lastly, guilds do not raid all the time since they will have days in a week when no raids are held and it is common for guilds to take "breaks" during periods when most of their members are busy (as in during holidays).
I actually went to a Psychiatrist. And he didnt help much... I rather got him to sign me "not fit for duty" from military service, just to spend it on WoW.
about seeing a psychiatrist, I have. My school one. She didn't really understand gaming addiction. But they can help.
On April 24 2009 02:57 Zoler wrote:Show nested quote +On April 24 2009 02:40 Khaymus wrote: For me, Starcraft is what keeps me away from that game. I hate to admit that I have a blast playing WoW (even tho the PvP is horribly horribly unbalanced and broken).
SC is almost as addicting as WoW, but it's waay better 
eh? SC is hardly as addictive as WoW,
If SC and WoW were drugs SC would be pot and WoW would be heroin
On April 24 2009 03:19 Jayme wrote:Show nested quote +On April 24 2009 03:14 Shivaz wrote:On April 24 2009 03:03 ThePhan2m wrote: Well, Starcraft can be addicting. Still, its time limted. you can stop do something else.
In WoW, you have so much to do and raid 4 hours at the time. And it never ends, allways new stuff to keep it exiting. Imagine Starcraft with patches every 3 months that changes the game in whole new cool ways. From my experience WoW does not have that much content at all. It took me 3 month to get to lvl 70, and then 1 week of doing heroic instances. The other 1 month and half I was doing arena and tier 4/5 raiding (which was new around the time I played). Lol @ always new stuff to keep it exciting, every WoW instance is like the same shit. The only thing that keeps WoW raids exciting is the amount of retards on WoW that somehow manages to fuck up even during the easiest bosses. IMO the only reason WoW seems to have much content is because of so many terrible gamers on there that finds even the simplest shit hard. I laugh at the thought of some of these people trying old style AQ40/Naxx, those instances were not for bad players. C'Thun was such a creative fight too.. and so was most of Naxx. A total shame they replaced the team that made those.
BWL C'THun and Naxx were my favourite raids, but im pretty sure the BC raids were harder until they got nerfed to cater for the sea of noobs.
nice job dude, I had a tour of WoW that was ridiculously addictive back in 05-06 for about a year, my friends and I all quit at the same time.
then we came back for the expansion and didn't do raiding, we quit shortly after because arena and pvp are boring.
Dominican Republic463 Posts
On April 24 2009 14:49 TheosEx wrote: Just when I started playing WoW for the firs time, Blogs get hit with anti-WoW material non-stop...
Lol, but I can see how it's so addicting. I just spent 3 hours leveling Skinning from 0-225 / Herbalism 0-125. Since I did recruit-a-friend thing, I'm @ level 50 after just 30 hours of gameplay, so I guess it hasn't taken a huge toll on me yet. Understandably though, I think about WoW even when I'm not playing, so if I don't control this, I can tell it will already be worse than my addiction to Diablo 2 (which I used to play for 6-8 hours a day).
I just hope it won't get in the way of me finishing my Master's. I keep telling myself that once I get to level 80, and get top-tiered gear, I can just play casually, like raids a few times a week and PvPs (just like regular StarCraft games).
Did I get myself into some heavy shit? you should get a friend who knows how to lvl, lvl 60 with RAF usually takes 7-8 hours
WoW is terrible. I have played it on and off since release but I usually only play for a few weeks before it gets boring and I cancel and come back in a few more months.I recently somehow ended up in a hardcore raiding guild with a friend and it was alright before Ulduar came out cause it was literally a 1 night a week commitment, but now it's like 5 days a week, fuck that. I just stopped logging in
I don't think mmorpgs are bad really, the idea of exploring the world and doing things one time around is cool, but I don't feel the need to constantly repeat shit for slightly bigger numbers on my items. It just saps the fun out of things
I've been considering messing around with lord of the rings online since it only costs $10 atm
i quit WoW about two years ago after playing many hours everyday for three years. good job dude.
mmm i use my comp wayyy too much as well....
my suggestion, get a diff hooby
So, there is a problem again. About a month ago I slowly started playing again on an free month account I realized I had. A friend asked if I was keen on playing. I started a new char, a Paladin. Soon the month is over, and the plan was not to renew anything but to quit. Also I got studies I need to tend to, exams comign up in about a month, and this do not solve anything. But i feel seriously that I wanna play, even though its more destructive. I cannot believe this is happening since ever until couple of months ago I had no whatsover intentions to have interest to start playing again. And yesterday, I sent a mail to blizzard asking to get my former chars back (1 lvl80 and 3lvl 70) >.< I dont know why I'm doing it. Its stuipid.
On April 22 2010 21:20 ThePhan2m wrote: So, there is a problem again. About a month ago I slowly started playing again on an free month account I realized I had. A friend asked if I was keen on playing. I started a new char, a Paladin. Soon the month is over, and the plan was not to renew anything but to quit. Also I got studies I need to tend to, exams comign up in about a month, and this do not solve anything. But i feel seriously that I wanna play, even though its more destructive. I cannot believe this is happening since ever until couple of months ago I had no whatsover intentions to have interest to start playing again. And yesterday, I sent a mail to blizzard asking to get my former chars back (1 lvl80 and 3lvl 70) >.< I dont know why I'm doing it. Its stuipid.
if youre serious about quitting, dont put yourself into positions you can slide back in. It's a slippery slope, just avoid any temptation altogether, even if it seems like a small harmless step.
Failing that,you can try very hard to manage your time etc, but honestly I think you should just avoid it completely and not take the risk.
I feel the same but i don't think i'm as badly addicted. My problem is more procrastination. I have tons of finals during the three next weeks and instead of really studying ( well more like cramming ) i browse TL and play 2v2 on Iccup.
Procrastination sucks >.<
On April 22 2010 22:13 Boblion wrote: I feel the same but i don't think i'm as abadly addicted. My problem is more procrastination. I have tons of finals during the three next weeks and instead of really studying ( well more like cramming ) i browse TL and play 2v2 on Iccup.
Procrastination sucks >.<
Hey dude, this exactly is the problem!!! I do everything else, and think there is enough time, and in fact I'm ignoring the problem until its to late. That is clearly a sign of me playing again. I bought this procrastitantion program on the web, and was about to follow it. But i never got around to read properly trough it LOL. Procrastination triumf over Procrastination program >.<
imo, you should really try to not think about it. think of the reasons why you quit in the first place and remember them. it won't be easy to quit an addiction but the first step is to not let it get to your mind.
Have some self-respect and start doing something else that does not involve the computer, this way it's less likely you'll end up getting back into bad habits.
Either that or just play some other game. Atleast it's not WoW.