I'm going to record my dreams here. I've been experiencing some weird dreams lately, some lucid, some not. It happens often when I forget to take my medication for a day. Then all sorts of bizzare stuff happens. I often write down the cool ones, but this blog will serve that purpose well. Plus, you can read and analyze how fucked up they are. Don't except them to make sense, its all stream of conciousness.
3/30 I'm 1v1ing someone in a game of Starcraft. The map is Diablo 2 Act 2 Maggot Lair. I am Zerg, he is Terran. He does some rush to force me into 1 base play. I go lurkers, he stays 1 base trying to finsh me off. I need an advantage before he runs over me. I turn into a Giant Cyclopse and smash his Vessals. I carve out the middle of the Vessal like a pumpkin and place them on top of all my lurkers. The marines cannot hit the lurkers because they are protected, but the spines still hurt them. We starve eachother. Then I turn into a Caterpillar, and he turns into a fly. There is a rope in the middle of the map and he proceeds to climb it. I stand on the bottom and watch him. He falls, and I eat him. But before I can finish eating him, he disconnects.
I am riding a red tricycle to the Mcdonalds closest to me at 2 am in the morning. They are open. I park my tricycle in the bike rack and an old couple laughs at me. I say "Do you like the bike? I didn't feel like taking my car."
I am in a dream mmo. That's right, a massive multiplayer gam that starts when you begin dreaming. There are puzzles, a lot of puzzles. Portal-like puzzles where you only get a certain amount of moves before you lose. When you lose, razers go across the room cutting you into several pieces. It hurts, and I have to start over a lot. I am with a few people. I can only identify two people. There is a girl whom I did a english project with in high school, and then there is Ken Leung as Miles from Lost, acting like Miles, aka an annoying douche. We couldn't finish the puzzle and die a lot. Then the girl and I start making out, a lot...over and over and over again.
I'm running away from something when a pickup truck pulls by telling me to get it. I jump in, its a bunch of knockle dragging redneck hayseeds with water ballons. They have guns, but they only shoot water ballons. We proceed to torment two little kids next to the road by proceeding to shoot them with water ballons. Then we felt bad and let them shoot us with ballons as well. Afterwords, we drive off.
Someone is after me and my family. I'm hiding at a friends house with my mother. The lady chasing after me is in a red SUV, and proceeds to drive into the garage, smashing a car. Then my high school psychology teacher comes to the rescue with her mini cooper. She spawns in the house and drives the car out of the 3rd floor window and chases after the red SUV. Then my friend Chris pulls up in his Nissan to help chase the SUV too. They come back, it was unsucessful. We try to go back in the house, but we ring the wrong house. We meet our neighboors, they come into our house. There are guns all over the place, and a little chinese baby is playing with pistols.
I'm flying around in a Comic book-like world. X-men try to get me to fight with them against a giant robot but I refuse. I fly away, and the X-men turn on me! Asshats. I fly off fast, and end up in a world of hentai and anime porn. I try to look around but I'm accelerating too fast. I pass it by within seconds. Darn.
/end dream
I wake up with a massive headache and an urge to shit really really bad.
Did you mean vivid dreams?
I believe Lucid Dreaming is when you control your dreams. You're dreams are really f'ed up though, wth.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing, I don't think it's lucid. But crazy dreams
what medication are you taking...
just a note. people tend to forget their dream completely.. even though someone can recall it after 3 minutes of dreaming it. jotting your dream immediately will help prevent that.
i always lose when i am playing starcraft in my dreams, crushing defeats also, i wake up and im like what the fuck
Fun read, really can't remember the last time I had a dream 
On March 31 2009 02:33 Tensai176 wrote: Did you mean vivid dreams?
I believe Lucid Dreaming is when you control your dreams. You're dreams are really f'ed up though, wth.
Vivid dreaming is probably a better term. Lucid dreaming is what I'm hoping to achieve though.
On March 31 2009 03:11 redtooth wrote: what medication are you taking...
effexor anti-depressants 112.5 mg
On March 31 2009 02:33 Tensai176 wrote: Did you mean vivid dreams?
I believe Lucid Dreaming is when you control your dreams. yes the correct terminology would be vivid but lucid i've done lucide dreaming b4 and it's hard to master but it's basically u controlling ur dreams... though ther er some uncomfortable side effects...
Those are some detailed dreams. Shit, I can barely even remember my own dreams, I only remember like 1 dream per month!
On March 31 2009 01:56 ktp wrote: I am in a dream mmo. That's right, a massive multiplayer gam that starts when you begin dreaming. There are puzzles, a lot of puzzles. Portal-like puzzles where you only get a certain amount of moves before you lose. When you lose, razers go across the room cutting you into several pieces. It hurts, and I have to start over a lot. I am with a few people. I can only identify two people. There is a girl whom I did a english project with in high school, and then there is Ken Leung as Miles from Lost, acting like Miles, aka an annoying douche. We couldn't finish the puzzle and die a lot. Then the girl and I start making out, a lot...over and over and over again.
Teehee this reminds me of the movie hyper-cube.
I love Robert Louis Stevenson. I read 'Olalla' (a short story by him) yesterday before I went to sleep, and I awoke after a very pleasant sex dream starring myself alongside one of the female characters in the story. My first sex dream that I can recall also. Yay 19th Century mind porn!
LOL WTF. Are those all in a night's sleep?
On March 31 2009 06:10 Lemonwalrus wrote: I love Robert Louis Stevenson. I read 'Olalla' (a short story by him) yesterday before I went to sleep, and I awoke after a very pleasant sex dream starring myself alongside one of the female characters in the story. My first sex dream that I can recall also. Yay 19th Century mind porn!
Sex dreams are the best. The closest I've ever gotten in a sex dream was third base, with a lot of making out also.
On March 31 2009 06:25 Aerox wrote: LOL WTF. Are those all in a night's sleep?
Yes, it all happened last night. I wake up sometimes in between each one, and other times is no transition at all.
I tend to have pretty vivid dreams as well. I once dreamed I was swimming in a public swimming pool when I realized the top part of my skull was missing and my brain fell out into the water, though still connected by a few nerves. I scooped it up and put it back into my head before going to a break room nearby and putting a finger into a cup of hot coffee to see if everything was still working properly.
On March 31 2009 02:33 Tensai176 wrote: Did you mean vivid dreams?
I believe Lucid Dreaming is when you control your dreams. You're dreams are really f'ed up though, wth.
dreams are so frigging epic...until you try to explain it or you just plain forget it.
Writing down a dream or even just recalling it often dilutes the experience because of a lack of nuance and proper state of mind. How great it would be to be able to see others dreams as they happen. I need sleep.
Canada7170 Posts
I've been working on getting lucid dreams, it's such good therapy lol www.ld4all.com