I have many pet peeves. I don't know if that's how its spelled, but just because I can't spell it doesn't mean I don't mean it. Also, I would make a joke about how I have so many weird pet peeves that I think I'm crazy if it weren't for the fact that its not cool to be crazy anymore. It's really old, it doesn't make you more interesting, stop it. And it's no longer cute to be evil either, knock that off.
Some random pet peeves of mine are: outraged suburban mothers, pornos that insist on including shots of the guy's face, the word "N-word," ugly people in sportscars, bisexuals.
And then there is the quasi-intellectuals. Bear in mind, I might be one of them, but if so I wouldn't know because I'm too busy being right, and proving I'm right with superior grammatical skills and incorrect references to logical fallacies I heard about in a philosophy class once. The rest of them I looked up on wikipedia, and I understood all of them immediately and I will continue to understand them again and again until I actually do. What separates me from the rest of the elitist internet idiots is that every once in a while I actually realize what a retard I am.
Getting back to the subject at hand, my pet peeve is not about quasi-intellectuals in general. I'm gonna zero in on a particular part of that persona in this blog, and that is the ones that write essays about stuff and put them on forums on the internet. I don't have anything against the essays, sometimes they are great, even when I don't agree with what its saying. My pet peeve is with the titles.
Sometime in grade or middle school, we got our first essay writing lessons. To make things simple, the teacher usually told everyone to use the same format for everything. And everything included the titles. This is the format they would use for every single one of their essays:
<Subject>: A <Angle>
This gives us titles like
Automining: A Fresh Perspective Bush: A Stupid Doodooface Anal Sex: A Pain in the Ass
See, before you write me off as currently retarded, my personal definition of pet peeve is not an annoyance I can rationally justify. If it was a list of things that annoy me for a rational reason, I would have included Affirmative Action and attractive women. A pet peeve to me is something that, while I can explain my reasoning behind it, is not inherently bad, but still annoys the shit out of me for some reason.
Titles of the above format annoy the shit out of me for some reason.
Because the thread The Goddamn Economy: A Civilized Version (found in general) was thusly formatted, I didn't read it when it was first posted. I only read it just now because I was bored and it turned out to be a very interesting read!
It was specifically for the essay formatting reason that I in the end abandoned the Battle.net forums. Pretty much every single time someone thought they had a new idea (and by default forgot that forums usually have a search function) they would write it up nice and neat and then tack on that stupid ¤%& title. Whenever I see that formatting I always question whether the person posting it is fresh out of middle school or if he/she/it only had the one writing class. And by making that distinction, I am already assuming the essay won't be worth reading.
I'm a grammar nazi, even though mine is by no means perfect, but I never point out spelling mistakes on the internet. Why? Because it's the internet. Goddamnit. But this title formatting thing has been eating away at me for years and I just thought I'd share.
I also have a pet peeve about the phrase "Trust me," and the word "Seriously."
United States3824 Posts
I have a pet peeve about posting something interesting in this box
If it works and is effective I don't see why not.
Its like having a pet peeve against using quotation marks or something. Without them its harder to read. He could've titled it "A Civilized Version of the Goddamn Economy" or somesuch, but the way he has is the best imo. Its clear, concise, and it tells the audience what the rest of it is about.
Actually, I don't understand your frustration at all. I suppose you would have a point that its unoriginal and boring if he was releasing essay after essay with '<Subject>: A <Angle>', but to judge a person as an idiot for using a conventional way of writing a title would point towards you being the fool.
I think you are limiting yourself if you refuse to read titles formatted such.
I have a pet peeve about people who think anyone cares about their idiotic irrational dislikes to very specific things.
Middle School Paper Format: An Angry Rant
On February 05 2009 13:40 404.Nitrogen wrote: Middle School Paper Format: An Angry Rant
I clearly defined what I thought a pet peeve was. Therefore I will not say that I have a pet peeve against people who reply to something they barely read. I can rationally explain why that annoys me.
I wasn't judging anyone as an idiot. I praised the economy article. I was just writing a blog entry about an irrational emotional response of mine. I don't expect anyone to understand my frustration, because I don't either. Everyone has these things, I thought it might amuse someone else to read about my weird thing because they might recognize themselves.
armed_, I'm sad to hear you didn't care for my brilliant, dead serious blog entry. After all, what you think means the world to me.
Edit: and it's not an angry rant, that was my attempt at humor
When you look back at this blog post three years from now you'll facepalm yourself and be unsure whether to laugh or be ashamed.
Then you'll proceed to quickly edit out the text.
Sorry, it came off as an angry rant so I responded for such. although you don't judge people as idiots, butuneducated or 13 years old. Thats probably where I assumed you assumed they were idiots.
Why don't you like trust me or seriously.
Meh, you can't be awesome and cool all the time. If you're too afraid to suck every once in a while you're gonna become a boring person.
randombum, yeah I can see how you thought that, what I meant was that even though I can intellectually deduce that using that format doesn't mean you're retarded or a kid, it's the first place my mind goes whenever I see it, and I cringe. I did say I was retarded. Just like sexual innuendo, sometimes the association just comes and won't go away :p
Again, the reason I don't like trust me or seriously are pet peeves so they don't really make sense. "Trust me" immediately brings to mind a used car salesman showing every single one of his teeth and "seriously" when used as the first word of the sentence just registers to me as "this sentence will be spoken in a high pitched voice", like "seriously, she thinks she's being a good christian!"
Makes me twitch.
I share your first peeve.
I myself have not read the "The Goddamn Economy: A Civilized Version" thread for exactly the same reason, though i will now proceed to read it now that you have clarified it is in fact interesting.
The other two peeves, are entirely logical, since words are, effectively, symbols that represent ideas it is natural for each person to have at least a set amount of "words" that they relate to their own ideas rather than the ones accepted by society and placed into a dictionary. Seeing as you have already gave us what your correlations for these words are, I can safely say that; cars salesmen, and high pitched religious righteousness, irks even the best of us and thus it is, as previously stated, entirely logical.