This is my first ebay purchase ever. I am kind of left alone to figure things out myself. After setting up a paypal account I kind of understood the "paypal the money, then receive your goods." I also heard about various scams on ebay and such common sense phrases like "if it sounds too good to be true do not do it." But being a first timer on ebay, I find it really difficult to pick apart scams from people who want to do serious business with you.
I wanted to buy a shirt for a buddy's birthday and here is the bid:
Does it occur to you the shipping seems kind of...expensive? Although this person is selling all the shirts for 125 dollars, I asked if he does sell one by one and he says it will be 50 dollars for a t shirt which includes shipping in the price.
So after much pm-ing and emailing, he sends me an email on my gmail saying:
Then after that, he ended the bid so I cannot search it up on ebay anymore.
Does that mean I have to send him 50 dollars first, then my t shirt will *maybe* come in the mail? Or is there some sort of money release, collateral or guarantee?
I already read his feedback and it is at a hundred percent with only 7 comments and they all seem pleasant. This is part that gets me.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance, TL!
ps: hmm my image isn't loading, here is the url to the jpg: http://img223.imageshack.us/my.php?image=111pm1.jpg
If the actual item isn't listed on ebay, and the transaction doesn't go through ebay you aren't covered for any theft or loss of items/money. Make sure he puts up the item on ebay with a buy it now price, they you pay it and off you go.
So I have to email him back and tell him to put a "buy it now" option on the bid?
Can you explain how that is safer? XD
...because you are buying through ebay one way. ebay has, like nataziel said, coverage for thefts and loss of items/money (kind of), and right now you are just sending a guy money and he is sending you the shirt. no ebay is involved in that transaction.
Yeah, he has to relist the item (the one shirt you want) with a buy-it-now price (that you both agreed on, including postage) and then all you have to do is hit buy-it-now and you're away, from there you just follow all the prompts and ebay shit, it's pretty self explanatory
aaah, i see. so ebay will cover my 50 dollars in event of him NOT sending me the shirt, correct?
just another question: if he does decide to NOT send me the shirt via ebay "buy it now" what does ebay do? reimburse me with the money? call the cops after him?
I wouldn't trust deals that are too good to be true, or shady sellers with only a few sales. It is not hard to forge a few. Always make sure the deal is done through ebay and not separately through other contacts with the seller. I have just started using ebay myself and may be a bit overly cautious. Had trouble trusting a seller with almost 10k positive feedback because i just thought the deal was too good.
here is an updated email from him after I replied "can you relist as a buy it now?"
"If i relist it then it will charge me another $4 plus a final sale from $50 which will come up to $12.95 added $4 up to 16 i am sorry. i am sorry. i will if you will offer me $66 for the item if not thank you for you time. "
lol.........50+4 = 66? and where did the 12.95 come from?
On a side note, make sure that you have a credit card connected to your paypal account so that you are using that cc to pay for the transaction because if you do get scammed, credit card companies are more likely to help the you than paypal.
Based on just his email he is full of BS. Final Value fee on $50 is like $2, and relisting buy it now is around $1.50.
Ebay fees are annoying, but he is silly. Buy it from someone else ;p
I just read the image you posted.
Anyone can request money through paypal if they know your email address, so him doing that in no way means paypal or ebay will cover it if you never get your shirt. This guy might be legit, just greedy and stupid, but its not worth the risk.
I just cancelled all contact with him. ^^ Thank you all for contributing, greatly appreciated!