On November 24 2008 07:15 Try wrote: I hate it when anyone asks you if you "Want to do them a favor." Bitch, no one WANTS to do you a favor. No one WANTS to pick up your goddamn family or friend at the fucking airport or help you with your fucking calculus homework. No one WANTS to spend time helping you out with no benefit to themselves. The only reason they would do it is cause of social debt or guilt.
This is what I was talking about in my last post. I'm actually someone who WANTS to do stuff for people who are my friends [ the only people who I accept to do favors ]. If they are generally close friends I don't mind.
On November 24 2008 05:54 DwmC_Foefen wrote:Show nested quote +On November 24 2008 01:06 NrG.ZaM wrote:On November 23 2008 22:18 DwmC_Foefen wrote: I get angry when people are walking slow in front of me and you can't get past them... Like in a shopping street or something This, a thousand times over. It especially pissed me off in high school. The campus was fucking huge and there's all these fucking morons standing around babbling with all their idiot friends, taking up space, maybe taking a single step every minute, and the clock is ticking, we all have places to be. "HAHAHAHA OH MAN DAT'S A GOOD JOKE- HEY LOOK A BUSY CORNER, LET'S STAND THERE AND CONTINUE THIS FASCINATING CONVERSATION!" Holy shit, hurry up and get the fuck out of the way, no wonder you're late to every class and failing everything, you're too busy being slow and plotting various ways to piss everyone off by standing around like an asshole. The campus has a lot of buildings, with empty space in between, but it's the principle of the thing. If you're gonna stand around outside, at least be out of the fucking way... Dear lord, I totally understand what you're saying sjeesh, I was laughing my ass off:p It really urges me to smack their faces in the ground of just punch them or something.... grrr
It doesn't matter where you go either. Any place where you have to interact with people they will show you just how moronic they are.
Example: I work in a DIY store, and part of my duties is to move freight on the forklift trucks. There is a specific, out of the way aisle in the back for bulk freight that the lifts are allowed to drive on inside the store. Now, it doesn't matter WHAT the motherfuckers are looking for in the entire store (4 or 5 foot ball fields long and maybe 3 wide) but they always find their way into that back aisle and will stand around at blind corners or just walk directly down the fucking middle of that aisle so you can't get around them, and of course they walk as slowly and methodically as possible. Either way they don't move when a 6500 lb piece of equipment + load WITH A LOUD FUCKING HORN is coming right at them. I've had countless dumbasses pop right out in front of me from one of the side aisles and freak out like a deer in the headlights when they see me stop 10 feet in front of them, even though I've been laying on the horn the entire time while I've been moving. They just act so surprised "OMG BIG LIFT COMING AT ME". Well yeah, but you heard me coming for damn near a minute beforehand. FUCKING PAY ATTENTION. They just don't care. And that's not preoccupation. That's stupidity. Intelligence is a hereditary trait, and it's purpose is to help ensure survival. They obviously don't show it.
On the actual point of walking behind people....yeah they actually know you are there, they just don't give a shit about you, and won't move because you're not more important than them avoiding the effort to take two steps to the side. Such is the mentality of a person that only thinks of themself (AKA a fucktard). Little old ladies are the worst. They shoot looks at you like you're stalking them or something but continue to just plod around directly in fornt of you. Two stepsto the side, ma'am, and I'll be fucking gone.
On November 24 2008 07:44 Rekrul wrote: LOL
i visited usa and my parents asked me to mow the lawn for them so i said sure then started looking up a lawn mowing service in the phone book then they got angry at me
you're fucking priceless, and so are your parent
they want their 20+ yo son to mow the lawn
i've never said that phrase before "do you want to do me a favor?" its just ridiculous. i think "no i dont WANT to do you a favor" but then i say out of curiosity "k......."
if you don't want to do favours for people then don't do favours. if you don't want to come across like an asshole, tough luck?
I love doing favours for people i love doing favours for. I do it because it helps them, because they appreciate it, because i know that me spending my time on their cause has caused a chain reaction of events where they will be inclined to spread that feeling with others they like doing that for.
If those things don't happen when i do a favour for someone, i won't do them a favour. That doesn't make me an asshole, that makes them the asshole.
Makes it pretty simple.
Then again, when i ask someone to do a favour for me, i go out of my way to make sure that they know i appreciate it. I usually offer to pay them - usually better than if they had done it for a stranger - or take them out for a night of drinking/drugs/fun, or make them dinner, etc.
I hate asking people for favours. If i do, 1) realize i appreciate it. 2) if you don't want to do it, either don't do it, or pretend that it's not such an inconvenience that you're going to ruin my day for having asked you.
what i hate more than any of the above though, are people who do me favours - without having asked them to! - and then expect something in return. those people really piss me the fuck off.
Nice thread rek. er i mean .. who was the OP again? RIGHT yube! sorry about that.
Canada19447 Posts
wow ok
This is what i think of your blog.
Mexico1178 Posts
i do like to do favors for ppl.. especially for tl
Why are mods allowed to post child porn?
On November 24 2008 09:18 Nytefish wrote: Why are mods allowed to post child porn?
if you think that's child porn then i feel bad for you
and if you were joking, well, your jokes are even worse than mine
Doing favors for people just so they can take advantage of you sucks ass too.
"Hey can I get 20 bucks?" "What for?" "I'm starving and I have no money for a few days" ..a few days later "I need more money." "What happened to the 20 I gave you?" "Oh I bought it for cigarettes, I need more kthx"
Fucking unbelievable that people would do shit like this
i hate asking people for favors & i never do it because i don't like to put people on the spot. i would never ask to borrow money or anything from someone, i even have a hard time asking someone to pick up a shift for me. in fact i've never done that, except one time to a girl who i've picked up like 30 shifts for
and the fat bitch said no. figures
You really let people walk all over you, huh? :O Don't do that Yubee, it makes me sad The reason isn't that you do people favours, it's that you do people you aren't friends/friendly with favours.
Mexico1178 Posts
you can always ask me a favor ub
which brings us to knowing who u can trust in this cruel world! us high schoolers have it pretty easy we're all nice to each other :D at least in AP classes lol
On November 24 2008 12:19 HeavOnEarth wrote: which brings us to knowing who u can trust in this cruel world! us high schoolers have it pretty easy we're all nice to each other :D at least in AP classes lol lol ap classes. what is it like? "yo you got tuesdays hw!?!?"
3861 Posts
is working as a volunteer for something and not getting anything in return the same thing as a favor?
On November 23 2008 22:14 yubee wrote: TLDR
You laid down the beats in that crotchmaster song?