I work in a Hakwon, teaching english 1:1 mostly to businessmen who want an excuse to get off work for an hour, I think it's the most awesome job ever because generally I would never have a chance to meet these kind of people normally, often we have a set curriculum of things we should talk about, but often the conversation will drift into : Golf, Soju, Foreigners, Korea etc... A typical line is 'Wait?!? You're a foreigner and you like spicy food?!?!?!? what the hell, impossible!'
So, I'm a pretty likeable guy, most of these businessmen leave my class saying that it was awesome and that they will book me again in the future (starting to sound a little dirty), I always find some way to connect with these guys and usually my classes just end up being really fun and interesting.
Today, one of my students came into class, I looked at his folder and I noticed it said he liked Computer games (He is like 35 working at Lotte duty free store as a shift supervisor, so a pretty high up dude). So I thought I'd have a little fun and shifted the conversatino subtlely to starcraft ('SO HOW ABOUT THOSE ZERGS HUH? YEH YOU KNOW'), to my delight, he was like 'yeh, I play starcraft in the pc bang with my friends, we have little leaguges), I told him that I loved playing the game, and long story short I now have a Bo5 scheduled with one of the shift supervisors for one of the largest stores in Seoul. with the loser having to pay for Soju in an after game party we have planned.
Seriously, this job is just amazing like that sometimes. After work today I have just been drinking heavily for a couple of hours and now I'm going to go to the PC bang and play a couple hours of SC with my buddy, so the spelling in this blog is probably not awesome!
Interestingly enough though, we talked about the pro scene for the last 10 minutes or so. we talked about Boxer, and he said he was his favourite player, and I said Jaedong was mine, but OOC I asked him who his favourite player was, and he said Ma Jae Yoon, so I asked him why it was and he said 'Becuase he destroys everyone' (I swear to god this is how he said it), I just thought that was an awesome sentance, he was talking about Ma jae yoon's golden days, and how he was gonna return. Pretty awesome stuff.
As a final note, this is gonna be a ZvT Bo5 between a completely drunk businessmen and instructor, so expect a fantastic replay pack!!11
I'm almost certain more awesome things happened today to me related to starcraft but I cannot remember what they are, I will update as neccessary!!!