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United States3988 Posts
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United States32026 Posts
And I just simply disagree ewith the term mind control. To me, that means you're mind is controlled and you don't have the option of changing back. Something like the Machurian Candidate or Clockwork Orange, etc etc (I know it's fiction, but still). Call books, tv, movies, etc stimuli, influences or something along those lines. I totally agree with you that all these things have a large impact on a person's views, some moreso than others. The only thing is that I wouldn't say it necessarily 'unwittingly effects our thinking' I mean, maybe at a young age (what you reference with Iran is true) but that implies that people are incapable of critically thinking and possibly totally rejecting a concept presented in a book, show, stimuli or whatever. At the same time, there isn't really an arbitrary age where people are capable of thinking critically, and some are just so stupid that they never get there. Even if certain stimulis from your youth do shape you, there's nothing stopping you from reshaping your beliefs as you learn. I can't even figure out why, since my family and most people I consider influences tend to be on the liberal side, but I was slightly pro-Republican for a bit as a teenager. Maybe some kind of rebellion shit, some anti-Gore (I really didn't like him) but hell, I was even anti gay marriage for a bit. Now I think that's the most blatant, government-sponsored discrimiation there is. I still lean left on social issues, but certainly am right on some stuff... it's constantly evolving. I am an independent at heart (and had been listed as once since I was eligible to vote in 2003 or so), but I registered for dem for the 2008 primaries to vote against Hilldog. I disliked her a lot... just seemed so totally insincere. I probably could have stomached her if she won, but I was also very confident that she'd get obliterated by McCain (who honestly wasn't TERRIBLE, but had the misfortune of being a Repub after one of the most despised presidents of recent memory) I know one or two anecdotes don't mean much when compared against the population as a whole, but something to think about! and regarding the UK thing, that is fucking scary. That country is rapidly becoming like the regime in V for Vendetta. When I was there this summer, it's fucking scary how many cameras there are. Fuck man, even having traffic cams all over lights here (and we don't even have a lot by me) bothers the shit outta me. | ||
United States32026 Posts
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United States3988 Posts
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United States3988 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + Climategate U-turn as scientist at centre of row admits: There has been no global warming since 1995 Feb 14 * Data for vital 'hockey stick graph' has gone missing * There has been no global warming since 1995 * Warming periods have happened before - but NOT due to man-made changes http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1250872/Climategate-U-turn-Astonishment-scientist-centre-global-warming-email-row-admits-data-organised.html U.N. climate panel admits Dutch sea level flaw OSLO Sat Feb 13, 2010 12:09pm EST OSLO (Reuters) - The U.N. panel of climate experts overstated how much of the Netherlands is below sea level, according to a preliminary report on Saturday, admitting yet another flaw after a row last month over Himalayan glacier melt. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE61C1V420100213 Utah delivers vote of no confidence for 'climate alarmists' feb 12 The US's most Republican state passes bill disputing science of climate change, claiming emissions are 'essentially harmless' http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/feb/12/utah-climate-alarmists US climate skeptics seize on blizzard Feb 11 02:57 PM US/Eastern US opponents of climate change action are seizing on a record snowfall in Washington in hopes of killing legislation to curb carbon emissions, which already faced uncertain political prospects. UN climate change panel based claims on student dissertation and magazine article The United Nations' expert panel on climate change based claims about ice disappearing from the world's mountain tops on a student's dissertation and an article in a mountaineering magazine. Published: 9:00PM GMT 30 Jan 2010 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/environment/climatechange/7111525/UN-climate-change-panel-based-claims-on-student-dissertation-and-magazine-article.html Climate chief was told of false glacier claims before Copenhagen Ben Webster, Environment Editor Jan 30 The chairman of the leading climate change watchdog was informed that claims about melting Himalayan glaciers were false before the Copenhagen summit, The Times has learnt. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/environment/article7009081.ece Scientists broke the law by hiding climate change data: But legal loophole means they won't be prosecuted Last updated at 11:21 PM on 28th January 2010 Scientist at the heart of the 'Climategate' email scandal broke the law when they refused to give raw data to the public, the privacy watchdog has ruled. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1246661/New-scandal-Climate-Gate-scientists-accused-hiding-data-global-warming-sceptics.html India, China won't sign Copenhagen Accord Jan 23 The Indian and Chinese governments have had a rethink on signing the Copenhagen Accord, officials said on Saturday, and the UN has also indefinitely postponed its Jan 31 deadline for countries to accede to the document. An Indian official said that though the government had been thinking of signing the accord because it “did not have any legal teeth and would be good diplomatically”; it felt irked because of repeated messages from both UN officials and developed countries to accede to it. http://beta.thehindu.com/news/national/article93870.ece?homepage=true Calls for UN climate chief to resign Jan 24 It is time for the embattled Rajendra Pachauri to resign as Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC). He is steadfastly refusing to go, but his position is becoming more and more untenable by the day, and the official climate science body will continue to leach credibility while he remains in charge. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/geoffreylean/100023489/pachauri-must-quit-as-head-of-official-science-panel/ Glacier alarm 'regrettable error': UN climate head Jan 23 The Indian head of the UN climate change panel defended his position yesterday even as further errors were identified in the panel's assessment of Himalayan glaciers. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/environment/article6999051.ece UN abandons climate change deadline Jan 20 The timetable to reach a global deal to tackle climate change lay in tatters on Wednesday after the United Nations waived the first deadline of the process laid out at last month’s fractious Copenhagen summit. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/87479ee2-0600-11df-8c97-00144feabdc0.html Senate not seen passing climate bill in 2010 Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:22pm EST WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate is unlikely to pass climate change legislation this year after going through the contentious health care debate, and will focus on a separate energy bill that has more bipartisan support, a key Democratic senator said on Tuesday. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE60I3NA20100119?feedType=RSS&feedName=environmentNews&rpc=22&sp=true Actor Danny Glover Says Quake 'Response' For Screwing Up Climate Summit In Copenhagen Jan 15 Actor Danny Glover believes that the Haitian earthquake was caused by climate change and global warming http://blogs.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/timblair/index.php/dailytelegraph/comments/pact_with_gaia/ Climate change alliance crumbling Dec 22 2009 http://www.ft.com/cms/942fc036-7589-11db-aea1-0000779e2340.html Climate talks deadlocked as clashes erupt outside Dec 16 2009 COPENHAGEN (AP) - Danish police fired pepper spray and beat protesters with batons outside the U.N. climate conference on Wednesday, as disputes inside left major issues unresolved just two days before world leaders hope to sign a historic agreement to fight global warming. With the talks clearly deadlocked, Connie Hedegaard, former Danish climate minister, resigned from the conference presidency to allow her boss, Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen to preside as world leaders from 115 nations streamed into Copenhagen. She was to continue overseeing the closed-door negotiations. http://apnews.myway.com/article/20091216/D9CKDRM00.html Tear Gas Fired At 'Struggling' Climate Talks Dec 16 2009 Climate talks at Copenhagen have reached a standstill despite a warning from Gordon Brown that world leaders must not "duck" the challenge of reaching a deal. http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Climate-Change-Prime-Minister-Gordon-Brown-Sets-Out-To-Rescue-Foundering-Talks-In-Copenhagen/Article/200912315501340 Fewer Americans worried by climate change: survey Dec 15 2009 NEW YORK (Reuters) - Al Gore's pitch for saving the planet from global warming appears to be falling on increasingly deaf ears, a Zogby Interactive survey shows. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE5BE5NO20091215?feedType=RSS&feedName=lifestyleMolt&rpc=22&sp=true Developing countries boycott UN climate talks Dec 14 COPENHAGEN (AP) - China, India and other developing nations boycotted U.N. climate talks on Monday, bringing negotiations to a halt with their demand that rich countries discuss much deeper cuts in their greenhouse gas emissions. Representatives from developing countries - a bloc of 135 nations - said they refused to participate in any formal working groups at the 192-nation summit until the issue was resolved. http://apnews.myway.com/article/20091214/D9CJ48I00.html Hundreds Held During Climate Change Protest 10:53pm UK, Saturday December 12, 2009 Police say 968 people have been arrested during a climate change protest in the Danish capital Copenhagen. http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Arrests-During-Climate-Change-Summit-Protest-Copenhagen/Article/200912215498816?lpos=World_News_Carousel_Region_1&lid=ARTICLE_15498816_Arrests_During_Climate_Change_Summit_Protest_Copenhagen UK University to probe integrity of climate data Dec 3 2009 LONDON (AP) - A British university said Thursday it would investigate whether scientists at its prestigious Climatic Research Unit fudged data on global warming. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9CBVM701&show_article=1 Researcher: NASA hiding climate data Dec 3 2009 The fight over global warming science is about to cross the Atlantic with a U.S. researcher poised to sue NASA, demanding release of the same kind of climate data that has landed a leading British center in hot water over charges it skewed its data. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/dec/03/researcher-says-nasa-hiding-climate-data/ | ||
United States186 Posts
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United States186 Posts
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United States3988 Posts
As for not responding to your post quickly, there are several reasons. First, I'm pretty busy and in addition my internet connection is slow at home (the only place I can access tl), so watching youtube videos is inconvenient. The other reason is that this isn't really a discussion thread....people are free to post contradictory info without pages of debate. The final reason is because I like to have time to think about what people post and not respond hastily (see how much time it took to respond to hawk's post). Obviously its hard for me to continue posting articles when there are open posts to respond to, so at the latest I respond when I have new material I want to post. As for the video itself, the applause of journalists is meaningless because those same journalists are maintaining the status quo, so what else would be expected of them? I think its a good thing for there to be some tension in the questioning in this particular case, because the subject is pretty damn important. The prof refused to give a strait answer. While everything the prof said was technically correct, he didn't come out and say that "if my colleague did in fact delete or distort data intentionally he should be removed". The prof himself says he's given 3,500 interviews (why the hell does a scientist need to give so many interviews), so he is obviously a professional. It appears he won the confrontation even though he didn't give a strait answer, personally attacked the journalist, and brought an armed man into the situation (bringing guns into a debate means you lost). If you look closely, there are definitely elements of the delphi technique being used by him (see my previous post). Now we can see, months later, that there is actually some legitimate merit in questioning these "scientists". In the article below, there are a number of things that have come to light since that journalist made a "fool" of himself. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/7332803/A-perfect-storm-is-brewing-for-the-IPCC.html I agree that short video clips can be, and are, misleading. (Remember, I consider everything to be mind control.) Hopefully people will post additional info if needed. | ||
United States186 Posts
He did not personally attack the journalist, he attacked his credibility and his bias as "fair and balanced." Given how faked the video clip you posted is, can you honestly even pretend for a second that his disparaging remarks aren't true? Also, there was no armed involvement whatsoever due to the questioning, from what we know. The longer clip shows this quite clearly, but evidently they were confronted by a guard elsewhere who didn't want them recording and by combining that in the shorter clip they associated the two events, which from all evidence seem to be completely unrelated. As for his "delphi techniques", that's not even relative as he simply says he doesn't know what's going on. I know it may seem strange, but general courtesy implies that you don't put words in other peoples' mouths if you aren't familiar with the scenario. And if you're going to post things that are "coming to light" in the scientific community, you should probably stay away from the opinion section of a newspaper. I welcome reading a scientific article which backs the things which your commenter simply states as fact without any evidence or references whatsoever, but I'd be floored if you actually found one. | ||
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