so i'm at this company event, right... there's this girl, she's 23, japanese, and she's really cute
so me and about 5 people sitting at this big round table; only empty seat is next to me. we're talking... in the middle of the meeting, she stands up and then moves to sit next to me, i'm like wtf...
anyhow, then she tells me at the end of the meeting that even though she's not my "official" mentor that if there's any help or questions i have, i should feel free to drop by her cubicle and ask
so later, online, i get her email and she gets my msn
it's funny, we're talking, and lucky me i know my japanese dramas. turns out she totally digs that shit so we cruise it for an hour or so, sending youtube clips to one another.
then she's like
XXXXXXX: you made me cry XXX(L)China: ...sorry... XXXXXXX: pure... such a sad ending... XXXXXXX: now you owe me. XXX(L)China: owe you what XXXXXXX: coffee
eh, she still doesn't know i have a girlfriend
hell, i don't even know if she's single or not
this is going to be one fun summer. i'm beginning to like work more and more :D
man cheating sucks dont cheat plz otherwise GL HF
You watch too much jap pr0n :O
If you cheat you are an fucking asshole. Do you know what happens to cheaters?
ya let's endorse vandalism
i agree though, cheating is bad~!!
but yeah she's definitely into you haha
Australia3316 Posts
Its not cheating if you don't know.
It's not cheating if you get 'raped', ie forced into having sex
but srsly, be a man, and control yourself
get away!
do whatever makes you happy
If things are good w/ your girl, I'd let it drop. If things aren't good with your girl, then (shrug) If you're going to dump her then keep communication with the japanese girl.
If threesome post pics.
On June 04 2008 21:12 DhakhaR wrote: THREESOME
That's a real MAN'S way!
You should let her know you're taken and you might get yourself a good friend. If not, I foresee disaster.
United States24514 Posts
On June 04 2008 19:15 G.s)NarutO wrote:If you cheat you are an fucking asshole. Do you know what happens to cheaters? He'll have to drive a Ford!? Don't do it!
A lil summer fun never hurts. You are young(i suppose +- her age), you should make most of it. Remember girls in this life period usually have more than one open relationship especially if they are attractive. Careful though do not fall in love with her. GL
Don't cheat. If you think your current relationship has the potential to go places, don't do this to it. If it doesn't, cut your losses and move on with your life.
I won't cheat--just going to flirt around is all. I mean, my gf is going to be in Hong Kong this summer so both of us have this understanding that we'll fool around a little etc. etc.