The question that naturally arises now is if Starcraft 2 replaces Starcraft in Korea and if so in what time, what will happen to e-sports in general and similar questions.
I feel that Starcraft 2 will eventually replace Starcraft but it’s not going to be an instant process. It will take at least 6 months before Korea starts adopting Starcraft 2 and I’m guessing probably a year until the end of competitive Starcraft comes!
On a more global level I can see more countries strengthening their e-sports, Starcraft 2 competitions in particular.
Blizzard are basically making Starcraft 2 to be a competitive game and improving battlenet as well, what specific things are new in battlenet we'll have to wait a bit more to see but I think Blizzard will be revealing more on battlenet at the WWI 2008 in France!
As far as the gameplay goes it looks good but hopefully we'll either see some automations removed, degraded or new stuff added to compensate for the loss of skill automations contribute.