I miss rekrul ban drama and drunken ban sprees, those were priceless.
progaming gossip.
drama still pops up though which provides temporary amusement.
Then its back to boring
but i also think the weather and exams has to do with it, its nice here now and i don't sit inside as much, summer is coming and I'm doing more now out doors. Also people are studying for exams.
even so, TL is still amusing and #1 procrastinating tool.
been like this for a while. a lot of the personalities either post a lot less, got banned, moved to liquid poker and/or just stopped visiting.
Yeah, back when I was a lurker it seemed like almost every other thread was a classic. Ever since I started posting things have gotten more serious...maybe I should go back to lurking.
In all seriousness, it's probably because a few years ago TL was a smaller community and with a small community it's easier to rip on people and have a bunch of non-serious threads without anyone getting pissed off. Now that the membership is alot higher, there's a greater chance of any potentially great thread being turned into a flamefest by someone getting offended, or feeling the need to preach their beliefs (I don't really have anyone particular in mind, so no one take offense to that please). So as a result alot more people feel a need to avoid making threads like that.
I'm just pulling that out of my ass, but it seems to make sense to me at the moment.
That does seem to make sense but people have always been preaching.
I definitely noticed it
I blame it on QI
United States20661 Posts
I noticed it as well.
On May 09 2008 12:04 Folca wrote: I dont know whats wrong, is it just me or is it something else Did TL just like, become less active, less fun? i cant really explain it in anyway Last week, and months ago, when i was bored to hell I would just hang out in TL, reading posts, nice "water cooler" discussions, but now theres like SERIOUS discussions, racism, omg so much stuff has been going on, there has never been so much of a "chill" relax kind of thread anymore,
Today, now that im super bored, I logged to team liquid, but all i see is all about TSL and all those things =_= please just tell me if its just me, i dunno whats goin on :D
I cant explain it, has the Mod's been banning too much stupid ass threads, that we should a good laugh, but at a longer durance? Whats goin on man, I was always fun filled in TL during february, march, its just kind of slowed-down...
I call for a revolution change of the word used in TL
oh by the way, if my opinion is agreed by a lot of people replying back, I ask the mods to move this into general discussion, so we can find a solution to this slow-turning problem
Hey folca...
+ Show Spoiler +
On May 09 2008 12:09 XCetron wrote:Edit: wooo 3000th post Hey and you too! + Show Spoiler +
On May 09 2008 12:10 H_ wrote: I REMEMBER TL WHEN IT WAS COOL MAN HEY H_ + Show Spoiler +
I'm kinda missing the Final Edits on pro-gaming and such. It's always fun to read an article that spotlights one of the progamers.
Agreed, I used to be able to waste hours browsing TL, it's much harder to find things to read now :[
general went from tolerable to shithole, that's what happened~
On May 09 2008 12:35 clazziquai wrote: No change :x
Every site I've ever been a member of, since the dawn of the internet, has perpetually lamented the current state of the site, forever reminiscing about the old halcyon days when everything was fun and cool and moaning about how shit the site has become. This generally goes on for the duration of the site's existence and in every stage of its growth the general sentiment doesn't really change much - that the site is awesome and great and, simultaneously, that it isn't as great as it used to be. I think this is endemic of human collectivism - the old-man syndrome of remembering the past as better than it was and the cynisism of time cementing the idea that the present is neither as good as it could be nor as good as it used to be. Go figure. Humans, eh?
Belgium8305 Posts
this blog was better on the first page
United States4146 Posts
Hum, thats true only for the general forum: - the general forum has taken a heavy toll though - namely due to 1) the myriad of "we-are-not-interested-in-this" or "u-can't-talk-about-this" closings (that could keep decent discussions going) 2) the bundling of the youtube threads in one thread (u can't really discuss any particular video seriously when other videos are being posted constantly in the same thread - I mean just to watch youtube videos passively I rather just use youtube directly. 3) the popularity of the blogs (in part due to 1) - the blogs are doing ok if not great and a lot of previous decent general threads get siphoned in there, pity some people don't respect their own blog space and post absolute crap so it takes a while finding the good stuff in there..
The other forums are pretty much rock solid & stable.
The main issue by far is the number of users that opt not to participate and merely leech i.e. the low logged/non-logged ratio; a lot of them are people doing the passive resistance thing - either voluntary (which is pointless and/or just selfish) or involuntary (they don't enough to manage to sneak in a new account) after being banned because of the correct or incorrect perception of an unfair thread closing or ban..
There is really not that many of us around in the first place to sustain too much of an exclusive moderation style without shrinking forum participation. Worry not though, when sc2 comes out, teamliquid will be able to even step up the elitist level a notch higher and never worry about lack of users..
Ultimately the deterioration of the general forum activity our fault. If there weren't so many morons and/or brown-noser-wanabees always demanding for this or that thread to be closed or this or that person to be banned in many of our threads, derailing any "perceived" weak thread instead of just leaving a decent reply (or at least just keeping their mouth shut if they can't really add anything positive for the forum) - then the activity and quality in the general forum would always be alright.
On May 09 2008 20:45 jgad wrote: Every site I've ever been a member of, since the dawn of the internet, has perpetually lamented the current state of the site, forever reminiscing about the old halcyon days when everything was fun and cool and moaning about how shit the site has become. This generally goes on for the duration of the site's existence and in every stage of its growth the general sentiment doesn't really change much - that the site is awesome and great and, simultaneously, that it isn't as great as it used to be. I think this is endemic of human collectivism - the old-man syndrome of remembering the past as better than it was and the cynisism of time cementing the idea that the present is neither as good as it could be nor as good as it used to be. Go figure. Humans, eh?
Doesn't make it any less true in this case. I don't read the whole site but the general forum certainly isn't what it used to be.
It's clearly because I stopped posting.
oh god physician go write a novel
Calgary25954 Posts
It's just the nostalgia factor. You remember everything better than it was. I went back to play Road Rash and it sucks fucking ass. TL is better than ever (imo).