I explain around 5 times the purpose in the general forum. and why the thread was made. And he admits if it was made by someone who wasnt japanese it would of been fine.
+ Show Spoiler +
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:06:58 PM): lol kids asian
skk7000 (5:07:04 PM): ?
skk7000 (5:07:06 PM): what?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:07:09 PM): 2on2?
skk7000 (5:07:18 PM): i have to pikc up my bro from school soon
skk7000 (5:07:31 PM): i have to wake up by eight fiteen tomorrows for practice ap calculus exam lmao
skk7000 (5:07:33 PM): i gotta study today
skk7000 (5:07:34 PM): :x
skk7000 (5:07:43 PM): so gay
skk7000 (5:07:56 PM): did u read the baizi thread
skk7000 (5:07:59 PM): baezii
skk7000 (5:08:03 PM): the vod uploaded
skk7000 (5:08:06 PM): uploader*
skk7000 (5:08:15 PM): and why did u request rto be banned from tl rofl
skk7000 (5:08:17 PM): u idiiot
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:08:17 PM): i know who he is
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:08:22 PM): and i know what he said
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:08:25 PM): he also disabled embedding
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:08:27 PM): on all his vods
skk7000 (5:08:29 PM): yea
skk7000 (5:08:34 PM): why did u request to be banned
skk7000 (5:08:37 PM): from teamliquid
skk7000 (5:08:37 PM): rofl
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:12:04 PM): i had a paper to do
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:12:08 PM): and baezzi is a little fucking tool
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:12:12 PM): he never got threatened to be baned
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:12:15 PM): he misunderstood something
skk7000 (5:12:20 PM): im acutally
skk7000 (5:12:26 PM): looking for tahat thread
skk7000 (5:12:27 PM): right now
skk7000 (5:12:28 PM): that*
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:12:30 PM): its closed
skk7000 (5:12:35 PM): but we koreans do tend to have some hatred
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:12:35 PM): its called rape or soemthing
skk7000 (5:12:37 PM): towards japan
skk7000 (5:12:40 PM): we're proud ppl
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:12:49 PM): pride is the sin of the foolish
skk7000 (5:12:55 PM): so
skk7000 (5:12:57 PM): ur saying
skk7000 (5:12:59 PM): we're foolish
skk7000 (5:13:01 PM): becuz of all the sins
skk7000 (5:13:04 PM): japans commited
skk7000 (5:13:06 PM): in past wars
skk7000 (5:13:09 PM): ur saying we're follish
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:13:09 PM): no you idiot
skk7000 (5:13:11 PM): then
skk7000 (5:13:14 PM): what the fuk are u saying
skk7000 (5:13:22 PM): "pride is the sin of the foolish"
skk7000 (5:13:25 PM): what the fu k
skk7000 (5:13:26 PM): does that mean
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:13:30 PM): it means your idios
skk7000 (5:13:34 PM): exactly
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:13:36 PM): pride is retarded all it does is lead to more problems
skk7000 (5:13:44 PM): its our culture man
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:13:46 PM): WW2 was caused by pride
skk7000 (5:13:48 PM): u might seem its stupid
skk7000 (5:13:48 PM): but
skk7000 (5:13:57 PM): we might think some of the things
skk7000 (5:14:00 PM): americans do is stupid
skk7000 (5:14:08 PM): u cant jsut say "oh thats stupid"
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:16:58 PM): i didnt say you are stupid
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:17:01 PM): i said pride is stupid
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:17:07 PM): and many people from many cultures suffer from it
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:17:12 PM): not just kora
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:17:14 PM): korea
skk7000 (5:17:15 PM): it means your idios
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:17:21 PM): but baezzi is fucking retarded
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:17:29 PM): hes taking things out of context on purpose
skk7000 (5:17:33 PM): "it means YOUR idiots*"
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:17:33 PM): and hes fuckign with the wrong people
skk7000 (5:17:43 PM): LiNkInPaRrK2289 (4:13:22 PM): it means your idios
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:18:08 PM): your refers to the nationalistic fools
skk7000 (5:18:12 PM): oh
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:18:15 PM): not necessarily korea
skk7000 (5:18:21 PM): but it does refer to korea
skk7000 (5:18:23 PM): i just told u
skk7000 (5:18:24 PM): we are proud
skk7000 (5:18:25 PM): ppl
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:21:53 PM): i ment that it didnt refer just t o you
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:21:59 PM): and baezzis pride is so fucking retarded
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:22:01 PM): hes being a cunt
skk7000 (5:22:06 PM): ur jsut saying taht
skk7000 (5:22:06 PM): becuz
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:22:08 PM): it was explained to him like 8900 times
skk7000 (5:22:09 PM): hes stopped
skk7000 (5:22:11 PM): uploading
skk7000 (5:22:12 PM): and blocked
skk7000 (5:22:14 PM): all his vods
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:22:22 PM): ive read all of the drama
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:22:28 PM): so this opinion is what you would call edgumacated
skk7000 (5:22:31 PM): why did thedeadhaji even make this post?
skk7000 (5:22:32 PM): seoriulsy?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:22:37 PM): About rape?
skk7000 (5:22:43 PM): saying korea is the number one
skk7000 (5:22:43 PM): leading
skk7000 (5:22:44 PM): rape
skk7000 (5:22:44 PM): yes
skk7000 (5:22:46 PM): why the fuk
skk7000 (5:22:51 PM): did he psot that shiit
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:22:51 PM): Becasue its the general forum, and we talk about interestin stories like that
skk7000 (5:22:54 PM): im even fuking angry
skk7000 (5:22:55 PM): no
skk7000 (5:22:57 PM): listen
skk7000 (5:23:00 PM): about RAPE?
skk7000 (5:23:02 PM): korea being
skk7000 (5:23:03 PM): nubmer one
skk7000 (5:23:04 PM): in RAPE?
skk7000 (5:23:07 PM): what the fuk?
skk7000 (5:23:11 PM): thedeadhaji is japanese
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:23:13 PM): for the 2nd time
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:23:14 PM): its the general forum
skk7000 (5:23:18 PM): i understand if a korean person posted that
skk7000 (5:23:19 PM): no fuk u
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:23:20 PM): we talk about interesting things like that
skk7000 (5:23:21 PM): ur not korean
skk7000 (5:23:22 PM): u will never
skk7000 (5:23:25 PM): understasnd
skk7000 (5:23:26 PM): how serious this is
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:23:29 PM): ........
skk7000 (5:23:30 PM): the tension between korea/japan
skk7000 (5:23:31 PM): is something
skk7000 (5:23:34 PM): ull never undersatnd
skk7000 (5:23:36 PM): unless ur a korean
skk7000 (5:23:46 PM): i just dont feel he had to post that
skk7000 (5:23:49 PM): honestly
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:23:54 PM): ...
skk7000 (5:23:55 PM): thats just my opinion
skk7000 (5:23:57 PM): ok?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:23:59 PM): so if something can offend someone
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:24:01 PM): we shouldnt post it?
skk7000 (5:24:03 PM): yes
skk7000 (5:24:05 PM): espcially
skk7000 (5:24:08 PM): something liek this
skk7000 (5:24:09 PM): saying that
skk7000 (5:24:11 PM): korae is number one
skk7000 (5:24:13 PM): in fuking rape
skk7000 (5:24:14 PM): yes
skk7000 (5:24:17 PM): in my opinion
skk7000 (5:24:19 PM): it should not
skk7000 (5:24:20 PM): have been posted
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:24:41 PM): http://teamliquid.net/forum/search.php?q=rape&t=ct&f=all&u=&gb=date
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:24:48 PM): HOLY FUCK
skk7000 (5:25:20 PM): wow
skk7000 (5:25:22 PM): ur a fuking idiot
skk7000 (5:25:27 PM): i can put in a word too
skk7000 (5:25:30 PM): ur amazing
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:25:33 PM): my point here is
skk7000 (5:25:35 PM): not one of those topics
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:25:41 PM): the general forum talks about rape in society all the time
skk7000 (5:25:45 PM): dals with singling out ONE country
skk7000 (5:25:46 PM): deals*
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:25:47 PM): the other day there was a topic where an austrailian man
skk7000 (5:25:52 PM): about osmething this offensive
skk7000 (5:25:53 PM): as rape
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:25:54 PM): raped his daguther
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:25:56 PM): for 25 years
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:26:00 PM): and fathered 7 kids with her
skk7000 (5:26:03 PM): yes we know
skk7000 (5:26:05 PM): and everyone
skk7000 (5:26:07 PM): was compassionate
skk7000 (5:26:09 PM): for the girls
skk7000 (5:26:17 PM): what the fuk does that have to do with what im talking about though
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:26:21 PM): dude
skk7000 (5:26:22 PM): ur comnpletely missing my point here
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:26:26 PM): your talking about fucking jhaji
skk7000 (5:26:27 PM): thedeadhaji
skk7000 (5:26:28 PM): posted
skk7000 (5:26:29 PM): yes i know
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:26:30 PM): if it was ANYONE fucking else
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:26:33 PM): i might beleive you
skk7000 (5:26:33 PM): he singled out
skk7000 (5:26:34 PM): korea
skk7000 (5:26:36 PM): basically
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:26:38 PM): no he fucking didnt
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:26:40 PM): the graph has
skk7000 (5:26:40 PM): saying that it was number one in rape
skk7000 (5:26:43 PM): WHY would he do that?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:26:44 PM): japan korea AND USA
skk7000 (5:26:50 PM): and korea was number one
skk7000 (5:26:52 PM): ur a fuking idiot
skk7000 (5:26:56 PM): do u still not see
skk7000 (5:27:00 PM): what im trying to say?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:28:03 PM): that he posted it becuase he hates kora?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:28:04 PM): korea?
skk7000 (5:28:20 PM): why the fuk did he even post it in the first place
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:28:33 PM): So your syaing he posted it becuase he hates koreans?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:28:39 PM): yes or no
skk7000 (5:28:44 PM): im not sure
skk7000 (5:28:47 PM): its middle for me
skk7000 (5:28:48 PM): like
skk7000 (5:28:52 PM): at first when i read it
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:28:52 PM): okay well consider this
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:28:58 PM): look how many fucking posts he has
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:02 PM): on a starcraft site
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:03 PM): DEDICATED
skk7000 (5:29:04 PM): it seemed like he was just trying to be informative like this and this is going on in korea
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:06 PM): to korean coverage
skk7000 (5:29:07 PM): and then
skk7000 (5:29:13 PM): i dont know
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:16 PM): THEN
skk7000 (5:29:16 PM): i thought about it
skk7000 (5:29:17 PM): and
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:18 PM): keep in mind
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:30 PM): that he actually pots that he thinks the numbers are higher in japan
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:33 PM): becuase the cultures are similiar
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:38 PM): and that japan just doesnt report it
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:44 PM): More so taking a shot at japan
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:47 PM): and defending korea
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:48 PM): so how about
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:50 PM): you fucking learn to read
skk7000 (5:29:54 PM): but still
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:30:05 PM): I'm tired of reading fucking uneducated retarded nationalisitic opinions
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:30:07 PM): about somethign retarded
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:30:10 PM): its the fucking internet
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:30:13 PM): its free fucking speach sir
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:30:22 PM): TL has a strict anti racism policy
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:30:29 PM): and haji was an admin who enforced that
skk7000 (5:30:37 PM): sure it wasnt out there saying " i fuking hate koreans look at what they're doing"
skk7000 (5:30:42 PM): its not as straight forwward as that
skk7000 (5:30:45 PM): but the fact that
skk7000 (5:31:02 PM): korea was number one in that chart
skk7000 (5:31:05 PM): he knew what he was posting
skk7000 (5:31:08 PM): that on that chart
skk7000 (5:31:10 PM): korea is number one
skk7000 (5:31:12 PM): in rape
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:31:13 PM): Oh cool, you mean becayuse he posts a story about rape (not uncommon for the general forum) and then includes extra information about rape rates in that country and compaired to others
skk7000 (5:31:16 PM): as a japanese person
skk7000 (5:31:18 PM): posting that
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:31:19 PM): becuase of the seriousness of the story
skk7000 (5:31:20 PM): i am not too sure
skk7000 (5:31:25 PM): if that was right to do
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:31:31 PM): So what your saying is
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:31:37 PM): Dont post the truth?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:31:56 PM): no one would be bitching if it was the other way around
skk7000 (5:31:56 PM): u can but what was his motive
skk7000 (5:31:58 PM): behind that thread
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:32:02 PM): .....
skk7000 (5:32:03 PM): u lucky i cant type fast
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:32:15 PM): to create conversation
skk7000 (5:32:16 PM): u dont know that for sure
skk7000 (5:32:18 PM): u cant read his mind
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:32:19 PM): about an interesting topic and statistic
skk7000 (5:32:20 PM): how do u know that
skk7000 (5:32:26 PM): he might have SOME bias
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:32:27 PM): because theres tons of threads similar to that
skk7000 (5:32:29 PM): or he might be clean too
skk7000 (5:32:30 PM): u never know
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:32:33 PM): every is fucking bias
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:32:35 PM): like right now
skk7000 (5:32:39 PM): exactly
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:32:39 PM): im starting to hate fucking koreans
skk7000 (5:32:45 PM): lol
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:32:48 PM): becuase of how constantly i argue with you
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:32:50 PM): about retarded things
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:32:55 PM): and your inability to listen to fucking reason
skk7000 (5:32:57 PM): how is this retraded?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:33:01 PM): or creative a competent counter arguement
skk7000 (5:33:04 PM): its ok to argue about controversal topics
skk7000 (5:33:09 PM): no ur an idiot
skk7000 (5:33:11 PM): any korean here
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:33:13 PM): We arent even argueing about the topic right now
skk7000 (5:33:15 PM): would agree with me
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:33:22 PM): Because your nationalistic fools.
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:33:23 PM): Right now
skk7000 (5:33:24 PM): u just think ur right all the time
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:33:26 PM): Haji japanese
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:33:29 PM): baezzi and you korean
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:33:31 PM): me neither
skk7000 (5:33:35 PM): so u think it gives u a right to hate koreans
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:33:36 PM): from here i am an unbiased perspective
skk7000 (5:33:40 PM): becuz im aruging with u
skk7000 (5:33:43 PM): about what i feel is right
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:33:55 PM): no thats not it
skk7000 (5:33:57 PM): im not saying he posted it
skk7000 (5:34:00 PM): becuz he hates koreans
skk7000 (5:34:02 PM): all i said was
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:34:06 PM): your blind nationalism and pride and that most koreans are like you
skk7000 (5:34:07 PM): i dont think he should have posted it
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:34:09 PM): is what would make me not like them
skk7000 (5:34:10 PM): in my opiinion
skk7000 (5:34:16 PM): just my opinion
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:34:21 PM): Why not though?
skk7000 (5:34:26 PM): i just told u why
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:34:26 PM): why shouldnt he have?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:34:32 PM): Explain in one paragraph
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:34:36 PM): and i will explain why he should of in one
skk7000 (5:34:37 PM): its a japanese person saying that korea is number one in rape
skk7000 (5:34:41 PM): i mean what the fuk?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:34:54 PM): Okay, now mine.
skk7000 (5:35:40 PM): listen
skk7000 (5:35:57 PM): the deadhaji was trying to be informative, i agree with that but i can also sympathize with what baeizii is feelign was well
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:36:08 PM): Regardless of whether hes japanese or whatever nationality, the topic is ment to be talked about as any other topic. It's ment to be interesting and informative, if i came accross that data and story i probably would of posted it too. Furthermore if you actually read the article, its not saying anything bad about korea thats in his opinion, the only negative thing is that he says korea has a high rape rate when compaired to other countries
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:36:22 PM): You mean not wanting the truth to be posted becuase it hurts the pride of korean individuals?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:36:56 PM): Not wanting it posted considering hopw unbiased it is, is essentially saying that it hurts your pride
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:37:01 PM): becuase it makes japan look a little better then you
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:37:03 PM): in one aspect of osmetihng
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:37:07 PM): when on the counter side
skk7000 (5:37:16 PM): its not a competition to see which country is better
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:37:17 PM): if you posted something that proved you were better then japan you wouldnt even give it a second thoguht
skk7000 (5:37:23 PM): its a long term history of battles we've had with japan
skk7000 (5:37:25 PM): simply
skk7000 (5:37:28 PM): korea and japan
skk7000 (5:37:28 PM): HATE
skk7000 (5:37:31 PM): each other
skk7000 (5:37:36 PM): u wouldnt know
skk7000 (5:37:37 PM): unless
skk7000 (5:37:39 PM): u know the history
skk7000 (5:37:40 PM): bewteen
skk7000 (5:37:45 PM): korea and japan
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:37:58 PM): I beleive we should put things behind us.
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:38:00 PM): And thats what i do.
skk7000 (5:38:04 PM): thing is
skk7000 (5:38:06 PM): thats the problem
skk7000 (5:38:08 PM): i agree with u there joe
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:38:11 PM): The fact you kind, and your blidn nationalism is making you say stupid shit
skk7000 (5:38:13 PM): but do u agree with me on this
skk7000 (5:38:14 PM): listen
skk7000 (5:38:15 PM): yes i agree
skk7000 (5:38:18 PM): we shoujdl forgive
skk7000 (5:38:19 PM): and move on
skk7000 (5:38:20 PM): but
skk7000 (5:38:23 PM): shouldnt
skk7000 (5:38:34 PM): japan at least ACKNOWLEDGE that what they've done was wrong
skk7000 (5:38:39 PM): and kind of a formal apology
skk7000 (5:38:43 PM): there was acutally a thread about that
skk7000 (5:38:47 PM): that a japanese minister rejected
skk7000 (5:38:54 PM): acknoledgment
skk7000 (5:38:58 PM): ackknowledgment*
skk7000 (5:39:04 PM): maybe if there was something liek that
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:39:07 PM): asking for an apology is not forgetting.
skk7000 (5:39:08 PM): even ppl in that th read
skk7000 (5:39:10 PM): agreed
skk7000 (5:39:21 PM): sigh..i wish i can link u to that thread
skk7000 (5:39:23 PM): but i cant find it
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:39:23 PM): thats forgiving and forgetting i guess which i would do
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:39:30 PM): it just hurts there pride
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:39:37 PM): and its just creating a vicious circle of pride
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:39:38 PM): thats not ending
skk7000 (5:39:48 PM): its only not ending becuz of japan's own pride
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:39:51 PM): The thread acheived its purpose
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:39:58 PM): it created talk and people shared there opinions on it
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:40:03 PM): but then nationalism came in and ruined it
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:40:06 PM): the thread was unbiased
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:40:14 PM): and your onyl problem is that a JAPANESE PERSON posted it
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:40:22 PM): When anyone else who found it would of also posted it.
skk7000 (5:40:37 PM): ur right
skk7000 (5:40:43 PM): its only becuz a japanese person posted
skk7000 (5:40:44 PM): is why
skk7000 (5:40:46 PM): me and baezii
skk7000 (5:40:50 PM): and im sure some other koreans
skk7000 (5:40:51 PM): had a problem
skk7000 (5:40:53 PM): with it
skk7000 (5:41:13 PM): if a koraen person posted it
skk7000 (5:41:24 PM): its obviously can be understood that its meant to be informative
skk7000 (5:41:31 PM): unless its a retard that hates his own country
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:42:08 PM): dude if you didnt know he was japanese would you have had a problem?
skk7000 (5:42:19 PM): prolly not
skk7000 (5:42:20 PM): im not sure
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:42:30 PM): Your a fucking asshole.
skk7000 (5:42:33 PM): why?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:42:45 PM): So if a japanese person posts something that has to do with korea its an attack against your nation
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:42:52 PM): but if i were to post it it would just be informative
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:42:57 PM): even if its the EXACT same information
skk7000 (5:42:58 PM): exactly
skk7000 (5:43:13 PM): i woudl stil be like
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:43:15 PM): Your a fucking idiot for having that view, you double standard peice of shit, why i ever have conversations with you is beyond me.
skk7000 (5:43:18 PM): waht the fuk why is he posting this
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:43:19 PM): I fucking hate hypocrits
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:43:22 PM): you and baezzi are retarded
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:43:27 PM): i fucking explained it around 5 god damn times
skk7000 (5:43:39 PM): i understand its meant to be informative
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:43:45 PM): Becuase it creates conversation where peole can share their opinions and thought about something thats not starcraft
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:43:48 PM): HENCE the general forum
skk7000 (5:43:48 PM): u just wont undersatnd
skk7000 (5:43:51 PM): becuz ur not korean
skk7000 (5:44:06 PM): i dont hate japanese ppl
skk7000 (5:44:10 PM): lets get that straight
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:44:13 PM): If being korean ment i had to be a fucking blind patriotic asshole like you and baezzi, then i'm damn happy i'm not.
skk7000 (5:44:15 PM): we just hold a grudge against japan
skk7000 (5:44:21 PM): becuz of what i told u
skk7000 (5:44:30 PM): i dont look at a japanese person and be like
skk7000 (5:44:34 PM): oh i hate u becuz ur a japanese person
skk7000 (5:44:36 PM): no
skk7000 (5:07:04 PM): ?
skk7000 (5:07:06 PM): what?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:07:09 PM): 2on2?
skk7000 (5:07:18 PM): i have to pikc up my bro from school soon
skk7000 (5:07:31 PM): i have to wake up by eight fiteen tomorrows for practice ap calculus exam lmao
skk7000 (5:07:33 PM): i gotta study today
skk7000 (5:07:34 PM): :x
skk7000 (5:07:43 PM): so gay
skk7000 (5:07:56 PM): did u read the baizi thread
skk7000 (5:07:59 PM): baezii
skk7000 (5:08:03 PM): the vod uploaded
skk7000 (5:08:06 PM): uploader*
skk7000 (5:08:15 PM): and why did u request rto be banned from tl rofl
skk7000 (5:08:17 PM): u idiiot
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:08:17 PM): i know who he is
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:08:22 PM): and i know what he said
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:08:25 PM): he also disabled embedding
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:08:27 PM): on all his vods
skk7000 (5:08:29 PM): yea
skk7000 (5:08:34 PM): why did u request to be banned
skk7000 (5:08:37 PM): from teamliquid
skk7000 (5:08:37 PM): rofl
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:12:04 PM): i had a paper to do
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:12:08 PM): and baezzi is a little fucking tool
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:12:12 PM): he never got threatened to be baned
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:12:15 PM): he misunderstood something
skk7000 (5:12:20 PM): im acutally
skk7000 (5:12:26 PM): looking for tahat thread
skk7000 (5:12:27 PM): right now
skk7000 (5:12:28 PM): that*
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:12:30 PM): its closed
skk7000 (5:12:35 PM): but we koreans do tend to have some hatred
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:12:35 PM): its called rape or soemthing
skk7000 (5:12:37 PM): towards japan
skk7000 (5:12:40 PM): we're proud ppl
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:12:49 PM): pride is the sin of the foolish
skk7000 (5:12:55 PM): so
skk7000 (5:12:57 PM): ur saying
skk7000 (5:12:59 PM): we're foolish
skk7000 (5:13:01 PM): becuz of all the sins
skk7000 (5:13:04 PM): japans commited
skk7000 (5:13:06 PM): in past wars
skk7000 (5:13:09 PM): ur saying we're follish
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:13:09 PM): no you idiot
skk7000 (5:13:11 PM): then
skk7000 (5:13:14 PM): what the fuk are u saying
skk7000 (5:13:22 PM): "pride is the sin of the foolish"
skk7000 (5:13:25 PM): what the fu k
skk7000 (5:13:26 PM): does that mean
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:13:30 PM): it means your idios
skk7000 (5:13:34 PM): exactly
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:13:36 PM): pride is retarded all it does is lead to more problems
skk7000 (5:13:44 PM): its our culture man
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:13:46 PM): WW2 was caused by pride
skk7000 (5:13:48 PM): u might seem its stupid
skk7000 (5:13:48 PM): but
skk7000 (5:13:57 PM): we might think some of the things
skk7000 (5:14:00 PM): americans do is stupid
skk7000 (5:14:08 PM): u cant jsut say "oh thats stupid"
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:16:58 PM): i didnt say you are stupid
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:17:01 PM): i said pride is stupid
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:17:07 PM): and many people from many cultures suffer from it
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:17:12 PM): not just kora
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:17:14 PM): korea
skk7000 (5:17:15 PM): it means your idios
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:17:21 PM): but baezzi is fucking retarded
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:17:29 PM): hes taking things out of context on purpose
skk7000 (5:17:33 PM): "it means YOUR idiots*"
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:17:33 PM): and hes fuckign with the wrong people
skk7000 (5:17:43 PM): LiNkInPaRrK2289 (4:13:22 PM): it means your idios
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:18:08 PM): your refers to the nationalistic fools
skk7000 (5:18:12 PM): oh
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:18:15 PM): not necessarily korea
skk7000 (5:18:21 PM): but it does refer to korea
skk7000 (5:18:23 PM): i just told u
skk7000 (5:18:24 PM): we are proud
skk7000 (5:18:25 PM): ppl
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:21:53 PM): i ment that it didnt refer just t o you
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:21:59 PM): and baezzis pride is so fucking retarded
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:22:01 PM): hes being a cunt
skk7000 (5:22:06 PM): ur jsut saying taht
skk7000 (5:22:06 PM): becuz
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:22:08 PM): it was explained to him like 8900 times
skk7000 (5:22:09 PM): hes stopped
skk7000 (5:22:11 PM): uploading
skk7000 (5:22:12 PM): and blocked
skk7000 (5:22:14 PM): all his vods
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:22:22 PM): ive read all of the drama
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:22:28 PM): so this opinion is what you would call edgumacated
skk7000 (5:22:31 PM): why did thedeadhaji even make this post?
skk7000 (5:22:32 PM): seoriulsy?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:22:37 PM): About rape?
skk7000 (5:22:43 PM): saying korea is the number one
skk7000 (5:22:43 PM): leading
skk7000 (5:22:44 PM): rape
skk7000 (5:22:44 PM): yes
skk7000 (5:22:46 PM): why the fuk
skk7000 (5:22:51 PM): did he psot that shiit
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:22:51 PM): Becasue its the general forum, and we talk about interestin stories like that
skk7000 (5:22:54 PM): im even fuking angry
skk7000 (5:22:55 PM): no
skk7000 (5:22:57 PM): listen
skk7000 (5:23:00 PM): about RAPE?
skk7000 (5:23:02 PM): korea being
skk7000 (5:23:03 PM): nubmer one
skk7000 (5:23:04 PM): in RAPE?
skk7000 (5:23:07 PM): what the fuk?
skk7000 (5:23:11 PM): thedeadhaji is japanese
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:23:13 PM): for the 2nd time
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:23:14 PM): its the general forum
skk7000 (5:23:18 PM): i understand if a korean person posted that
skk7000 (5:23:19 PM): no fuk u
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:23:20 PM): we talk about interesting things like that
skk7000 (5:23:21 PM): ur not korean
skk7000 (5:23:22 PM): u will never
skk7000 (5:23:25 PM): understasnd
skk7000 (5:23:26 PM): how serious this is
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:23:29 PM): ........
skk7000 (5:23:30 PM): the tension between korea/japan
skk7000 (5:23:31 PM): is something
skk7000 (5:23:34 PM): ull never undersatnd
skk7000 (5:23:36 PM): unless ur a korean
skk7000 (5:23:46 PM): i just dont feel he had to post that
skk7000 (5:23:49 PM): honestly
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:23:54 PM): ...
skk7000 (5:23:55 PM): thats just my opinion
skk7000 (5:23:57 PM): ok?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:23:59 PM): so if something can offend someone
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:24:01 PM): we shouldnt post it?
skk7000 (5:24:03 PM): yes
skk7000 (5:24:05 PM): espcially
skk7000 (5:24:08 PM): something liek this
skk7000 (5:24:09 PM): saying that
skk7000 (5:24:11 PM): korae is number one
skk7000 (5:24:13 PM): in fuking rape
skk7000 (5:24:14 PM): yes
skk7000 (5:24:17 PM): in my opinion
skk7000 (5:24:19 PM): it should not
skk7000 (5:24:20 PM): have been posted
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:24:41 PM): http://teamliquid.net/forum/search.php?q=rape&t=ct&f=all&u=&gb=date
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:24:48 PM): HOLY FUCK
skk7000 (5:25:20 PM): wow
skk7000 (5:25:22 PM): ur a fuking idiot
skk7000 (5:25:27 PM): i can put in a word too
skk7000 (5:25:30 PM): ur amazing
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:25:33 PM): my point here is
skk7000 (5:25:35 PM): not one of those topics
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:25:41 PM): the general forum talks about rape in society all the time
skk7000 (5:25:45 PM): dals with singling out ONE country
skk7000 (5:25:46 PM): deals*
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:25:47 PM): the other day there was a topic where an austrailian man
skk7000 (5:25:52 PM): about osmething this offensive
skk7000 (5:25:53 PM): as rape
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:25:54 PM): raped his daguther
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:25:56 PM): for 25 years
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:26:00 PM): and fathered 7 kids with her
skk7000 (5:26:03 PM): yes we know
skk7000 (5:26:05 PM): and everyone
skk7000 (5:26:07 PM): was compassionate
skk7000 (5:26:09 PM): for the girls
skk7000 (5:26:17 PM): what the fuk does that have to do with what im talking about though
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:26:21 PM): dude
skk7000 (5:26:22 PM): ur comnpletely missing my point here
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:26:26 PM): your talking about fucking jhaji
skk7000 (5:26:27 PM): thedeadhaji
skk7000 (5:26:28 PM): posted
skk7000 (5:26:29 PM): yes i know
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:26:30 PM): if it was ANYONE fucking else
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:26:33 PM): i might beleive you
skk7000 (5:26:33 PM): he singled out
skk7000 (5:26:34 PM): korea
skk7000 (5:26:36 PM): basically
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:26:38 PM): no he fucking didnt
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:26:40 PM): the graph has
skk7000 (5:26:40 PM): saying that it was number one in rape
skk7000 (5:26:43 PM): WHY would he do that?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:26:44 PM): japan korea AND USA
skk7000 (5:26:50 PM): and korea was number one
skk7000 (5:26:52 PM): ur a fuking idiot
skk7000 (5:26:56 PM): do u still not see
skk7000 (5:27:00 PM): what im trying to say?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:28:03 PM): that he posted it becuase he hates kora?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:28:04 PM): korea?
skk7000 (5:28:20 PM): why the fuk did he even post it in the first place
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:28:33 PM): So your syaing he posted it becuase he hates koreans?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:28:39 PM): yes or no
skk7000 (5:28:44 PM): im not sure
skk7000 (5:28:47 PM): its middle for me
skk7000 (5:28:48 PM): like
skk7000 (5:28:52 PM): at first when i read it
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:28:52 PM): okay well consider this
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:28:58 PM): look how many fucking posts he has
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:02 PM): on a starcraft site
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:03 PM): DEDICATED
skk7000 (5:29:04 PM): it seemed like he was just trying to be informative like this and this is going on in korea
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:06 PM): to korean coverage
skk7000 (5:29:07 PM): and then
skk7000 (5:29:13 PM): i dont know
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:16 PM): THEN
skk7000 (5:29:16 PM): i thought about it
skk7000 (5:29:17 PM): and
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:18 PM): keep in mind
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:30 PM): that he actually pots that he thinks the numbers are higher in japan
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:33 PM): becuase the cultures are similiar
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:38 PM): and that japan just doesnt report it
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:44 PM): More so taking a shot at japan
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:47 PM): and defending korea
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:48 PM): so how about
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:29:50 PM): you fucking learn to read
skk7000 (5:29:54 PM): but still
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:30:05 PM): I'm tired of reading fucking uneducated retarded nationalisitic opinions
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:30:07 PM): about somethign retarded
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:30:10 PM): its the fucking internet
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:30:13 PM): its free fucking speach sir
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:30:22 PM): TL has a strict anti racism policy
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:30:29 PM): and haji was an admin who enforced that
skk7000 (5:30:37 PM): sure it wasnt out there saying " i fuking hate koreans look at what they're doing"
skk7000 (5:30:42 PM): its not as straight forwward as that
skk7000 (5:30:45 PM): but the fact that
skk7000 (5:31:02 PM): korea was number one in that chart
skk7000 (5:31:05 PM): he knew what he was posting
skk7000 (5:31:08 PM): that on that chart
skk7000 (5:31:10 PM): korea is number one
skk7000 (5:31:12 PM): in rape
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:31:13 PM): Oh cool, you mean becayuse he posts a story about rape (not uncommon for the general forum) and then includes extra information about rape rates in that country and compaired to others
skk7000 (5:31:16 PM): as a japanese person
skk7000 (5:31:18 PM): posting that
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:31:19 PM): becuase of the seriousness of the story
skk7000 (5:31:20 PM): i am not too sure
skk7000 (5:31:25 PM): if that was right to do
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:31:31 PM): So what your saying is
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:31:37 PM): Dont post the truth?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:31:56 PM): no one would be bitching if it was the other way around
skk7000 (5:31:56 PM): u can but what was his motive
skk7000 (5:31:58 PM): behind that thread
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:32:02 PM): .....
skk7000 (5:32:03 PM): u lucky i cant type fast
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:32:15 PM): to create conversation
skk7000 (5:32:16 PM): u dont know that for sure
skk7000 (5:32:18 PM): u cant read his mind
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:32:19 PM): about an interesting topic and statistic
skk7000 (5:32:20 PM): how do u know that
skk7000 (5:32:26 PM): he might have SOME bias
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:32:27 PM): because theres tons of threads similar to that
skk7000 (5:32:29 PM): or he might be clean too
skk7000 (5:32:30 PM): u never know
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:32:33 PM): every is fucking bias
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:32:35 PM): like right now
skk7000 (5:32:39 PM): exactly
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:32:39 PM): im starting to hate fucking koreans
skk7000 (5:32:45 PM): lol
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:32:48 PM): becuase of how constantly i argue with you
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:32:50 PM): about retarded things
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:32:55 PM): and your inability to listen to fucking reason
skk7000 (5:32:57 PM): how is this retraded?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:33:01 PM): or creative a competent counter arguement
skk7000 (5:33:04 PM): its ok to argue about controversal topics
skk7000 (5:33:09 PM): no ur an idiot
skk7000 (5:33:11 PM): any korean here
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:33:13 PM): We arent even argueing about the topic right now
skk7000 (5:33:15 PM): would agree with me
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:33:22 PM): Because your nationalistic fools.
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:33:23 PM): Right now
skk7000 (5:33:24 PM): u just think ur right all the time
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:33:26 PM): Haji japanese
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:33:29 PM): baezzi and you korean
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:33:31 PM): me neither
skk7000 (5:33:35 PM): so u think it gives u a right to hate koreans
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:33:36 PM): from here i am an unbiased perspective
skk7000 (5:33:40 PM): becuz im aruging with u
skk7000 (5:33:43 PM): about what i feel is right
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:33:55 PM): no thats not it
skk7000 (5:33:57 PM): im not saying he posted it
skk7000 (5:34:00 PM): becuz he hates koreans
skk7000 (5:34:02 PM): all i said was
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:34:06 PM): your blind nationalism and pride and that most koreans are like you
skk7000 (5:34:07 PM): i dont think he should have posted it
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:34:09 PM): is what would make me not like them
skk7000 (5:34:10 PM): in my opiinion
skk7000 (5:34:16 PM): just my opinion
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:34:21 PM): Why not though?
skk7000 (5:34:26 PM): i just told u why
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:34:26 PM): why shouldnt he have?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:34:32 PM): Explain in one paragraph
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:34:36 PM): and i will explain why he should of in one
skk7000 (5:34:37 PM): its a japanese person saying that korea is number one in rape
skk7000 (5:34:41 PM): i mean what the fuk?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:34:54 PM): Okay, now mine.
skk7000 (5:35:40 PM): listen
skk7000 (5:35:57 PM): the deadhaji was trying to be informative, i agree with that but i can also sympathize with what baeizii is feelign was well
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:36:08 PM): Regardless of whether hes japanese or whatever nationality, the topic is ment to be talked about as any other topic. It's ment to be interesting and informative, if i came accross that data and story i probably would of posted it too. Furthermore if you actually read the article, its not saying anything bad about korea thats in his opinion, the only negative thing is that he says korea has a high rape rate when compaired to other countries
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:36:22 PM): You mean not wanting the truth to be posted becuase it hurts the pride of korean individuals?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:36:56 PM): Not wanting it posted considering hopw unbiased it is, is essentially saying that it hurts your pride
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:37:01 PM): becuase it makes japan look a little better then you
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:37:03 PM): in one aspect of osmetihng
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:37:07 PM): when on the counter side
skk7000 (5:37:16 PM): its not a competition to see which country is better
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:37:17 PM): if you posted something that proved you were better then japan you wouldnt even give it a second thoguht
skk7000 (5:37:23 PM): its a long term history of battles we've had with japan
skk7000 (5:37:25 PM): simply
skk7000 (5:37:28 PM): korea and japan
skk7000 (5:37:28 PM): HATE
skk7000 (5:37:31 PM): each other
skk7000 (5:37:36 PM): u wouldnt know
skk7000 (5:37:37 PM): unless
skk7000 (5:37:39 PM): u know the history
skk7000 (5:37:40 PM): bewteen
skk7000 (5:37:45 PM): korea and japan
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:37:58 PM): I beleive we should put things behind us.
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:38:00 PM): And thats what i do.
skk7000 (5:38:04 PM): thing is
skk7000 (5:38:06 PM): thats the problem
skk7000 (5:38:08 PM): i agree with u there joe
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:38:11 PM): The fact you kind, and your blidn nationalism is making you say stupid shit
skk7000 (5:38:13 PM): but do u agree with me on this
skk7000 (5:38:14 PM): listen
skk7000 (5:38:15 PM): yes i agree
skk7000 (5:38:18 PM): we shoujdl forgive
skk7000 (5:38:19 PM): and move on
skk7000 (5:38:20 PM): but
skk7000 (5:38:23 PM): shouldnt
skk7000 (5:38:34 PM): japan at least ACKNOWLEDGE that what they've done was wrong
skk7000 (5:38:39 PM): and kind of a formal apology
skk7000 (5:38:43 PM): there was acutally a thread about that
skk7000 (5:38:47 PM): that a japanese minister rejected
skk7000 (5:38:54 PM): acknoledgment
skk7000 (5:38:58 PM): ackknowledgment*
skk7000 (5:39:04 PM): maybe if there was something liek that
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:39:07 PM): asking for an apology is not forgetting.
skk7000 (5:39:08 PM): even ppl in that th read
skk7000 (5:39:10 PM): agreed
skk7000 (5:39:21 PM): sigh..i wish i can link u to that thread
skk7000 (5:39:23 PM): but i cant find it
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:39:23 PM): thats forgiving and forgetting i guess which i would do
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:39:30 PM): it just hurts there pride
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:39:37 PM): and its just creating a vicious circle of pride
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:39:38 PM): thats not ending
skk7000 (5:39:48 PM): its only not ending becuz of japan's own pride
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:39:51 PM): The thread acheived its purpose
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:39:58 PM): it created talk and people shared there opinions on it
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:40:03 PM): but then nationalism came in and ruined it
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:40:06 PM): the thread was unbiased
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:40:14 PM): and your onyl problem is that a JAPANESE PERSON posted it
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:40:22 PM): When anyone else who found it would of also posted it.
skk7000 (5:40:37 PM): ur right
skk7000 (5:40:43 PM): its only becuz a japanese person posted
skk7000 (5:40:44 PM): is why
skk7000 (5:40:46 PM): me and baezii
skk7000 (5:40:50 PM): and im sure some other koreans
skk7000 (5:40:51 PM): had a problem
skk7000 (5:40:53 PM): with it
skk7000 (5:41:13 PM): if a koraen person posted it
skk7000 (5:41:24 PM): its obviously can be understood that its meant to be informative
skk7000 (5:41:31 PM): unless its a retard that hates his own country
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:42:08 PM): dude if you didnt know he was japanese would you have had a problem?
skk7000 (5:42:19 PM): prolly not
skk7000 (5:42:20 PM): im not sure
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:42:30 PM): Your a fucking asshole.
skk7000 (5:42:33 PM): why?
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:42:45 PM): So if a japanese person posts something that has to do with korea its an attack against your nation
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:42:52 PM): but if i were to post it it would just be informative
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:42:57 PM): even if its the EXACT same information
skk7000 (5:42:58 PM): exactly
skk7000 (5:43:13 PM): i woudl stil be like
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:43:15 PM): Your a fucking idiot for having that view, you double standard peice of shit, why i ever have conversations with you is beyond me.
skk7000 (5:43:18 PM): waht the fuk why is he posting this
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:43:19 PM): I fucking hate hypocrits
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:43:22 PM): you and baezzi are retarded
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:43:27 PM): i fucking explained it around 5 god damn times
skk7000 (5:43:39 PM): i understand its meant to be informative
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:43:45 PM): Becuase it creates conversation where peole can share their opinions and thought about something thats not starcraft
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:43:48 PM): HENCE the general forum
skk7000 (5:43:48 PM): u just wont undersatnd
skk7000 (5:43:51 PM): becuz ur not korean
skk7000 (5:44:06 PM): i dont hate japanese ppl
skk7000 (5:44:10 PM): lets get that straight
LiNkInPaRrK2289 (5:44:13 PM): If being korean ment i had to be a fucking blind patriotic asshole like you and baezzi, then i'm damn happy i'm not.
skk7000 (5:44:15 PM): we just hold a grudge against japan
skk7000 (5:44:21 PM): becuz of what i told u
skk7000 (5:44:30 PM): i dont look at a japanese person and be like
skk7000 (5:44:34 PM): oh i hate u becuz ur a japanese person
skk7000 (5:44:36 PM): no
I'm just done arugeing with him, this is pointless running in cirlces, if live2win can accept this, then why cant he? Maybe live2win is just a little more forgiving (and not as fcking retarded) hes a korean who moved here to the USA.