Ignorance is bliss. - Page 3
Blogs > MoNKeYSpanKeR |
Canada706 Posts
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United States2869 Posts
On May 02 2008 10:42 kyjori wrote: if you believe pride was the cause to WW2, you are sadly fucking mistaken. brush up on your history. after the end of WW2, Germany had nothing going for them. they had no pride. the ywere taking hand me downs from other countries (loans with no chance of being repaid) and eventually their currencly CRASHED. only through these dire circumstances was someone like hitler allowed to gain power..... only through dire circumstances are meglomaniacs/dictatorships allowed to rise with the support of the people (and lets not forget, hitler before commencing his war conquests, he actually created a better standard of living for the germans). when you talk about pride hurt, i beleive it effects the japaense ALOT more than the germans of WW2. after the summary of WW1, japanese felt neglected and pissed off for their efforts in the war. they were only awarded small amounts of german territories here and there. soon after, they began a conquest of south east asia starting with korea, and the world just let it slide with NO resistance whatsoever., this soon moved onto manchuria, etc etc etc. Where are you from and have you ever read anything in your life? Including my post where i say it was A cause not THE cause. To attribute any war to just one thing is usually silly, few of any wars are ever started over just one thing. And maybe you forget that hitler was promising the germans a restored faith in their country, to give them back the pride which they loved. After the war they were fucking ashamed. The treaty of versailles was an huge insult to a grave injury. The harsh terms of it crushed their moral, hitler capitalized on the times and made huge bold statements that germans wanted to hear. He promised them the rise of the germans again, i think he promised them the third reich, the germans third coming as a super power, and basically ignored the treaty later on and raised german pride even more, the hatred towards the allies of the post war was probably up there with their hated for the jews. Hell, i would be pissed too if i got treated so unfairly and i would want some revenge and to feel some damn pride in my country again. Hitler capitalized on that mentally, the pride in ones nation and the desire for revenge to help achieve his personal goals. As i said, it's not the only factor, but it is a factor. | ||
United States2869 Posts
On May 02 2008 10:49 kyjori wrote: pride of france and britain you say? wouldnt you be pissed off that you entered a horrendouly expensive war that cost in both monetary and lives? The germans entered that war too if you don't remember, it just so happens that the germans lost becuase the U.S. decided to enter the war aswel. And ofcoarse i would be pissed, but i would also try to use my fucking head and plan for the future, like monroe did. League of nations, world peace, etc. To preserve the safety of the future. France and Britain just wanted revenge. Why should germany pay for france and britains war aswel as their own? That doens't make sense unless it was completely their fault, which it wasn't. Also the germans werent aggressors in WW1 you dolt, they were in WW2 with the appeasement and polish blitzkrieg. They didn't do that shit before WW1, they did it before WW2, get your facts strait please. If they tried being aggressive earlier then they would of been the cause, but assasination of archduke frans ferdinand was the trigger that set it all off, but once again, it's no thte only factor. If germany was aggressive it would of set off the war MUCH sooner then just 1 person dieing, regardless of how important they were. if someone murdered your wife/brother/sister/mother/father wouldnt you want to sue the mother fucker to no end? wouldnt you want them to suffer? it isnt about pride, it is about mother fucking justice and once again if i'm leading a country i would do whats best for it, since thats an impersonal role. I would do whats best for my nation by trying to forge a peace. If someone were to kill my mom i would seek revenge ont he individual, not the entire country where they are from. Keep that in mind. do you let a country get away with an act of aggression with no punishment? HELL NO Once again your argueing the wrong war. | ||
United States174 Posts
lolol, he got you there! | ||
United States2869 Posts
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Canada12499 Posts
On May 02 2008 08:28 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: Why not? I'm sure he hates it when there's sith floating in his water. It's funny because sith looks like shit. | ||
United States6899 Posts
On May 02 2008 11:02 MoNKeYSpanKeR wrote: And ofcoarse i would be pissed, but i would also try to use my fucking head and plan for the future, like monroe did. League of nations, world peace, etc. To preserve the safety of the future. Uh... | ||
United States103 Posts
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United States2869 Posts
Wow, i fucking ment woodrow wilson. too lazy to edit all my posts, so lets just play the word subtitutions game. | ||
United States2869 Posts
hahahahahahaha lolololololololololol roflroflroflrfrolfrforlfrfol lmfaomfaolmfaolmfaolmfao kekekekekekkekkekekeke + Show Spoiler + i love you so i give you pity laugh shallow <3 | ||
371 Posts
On May 02 2008 11:02 MoNKeYSpanKeR wrote: The germans entered that war too if you don't remember, it just so happens that the germans lost becuase the U.S. decided to enter the war aswel. And ofcoarse i would be pissed, but i would also try to use my fucking head and plan for the future, like monroe did. League of nations, world peace, etc. To preserve the safety of the future. France and Britain just wanted revenge. Why should germany pay for france and britains war aswel as their own? That doens't make sense unless it was completely their fault, which it wasn't. Also the germans werent aggressors in WW1 you dolt, they were in WW2 with the appeasement and polish blitzkrieg. They didn't do that shit before WW1, they did it before WW2, get your facts strait please. If they tried being aggressive earlier then they would of been the cause, but assasination of archduke frans ferdinand was the trigger that set it all off, but once again, it's no thte only factor. If germany was aggressive it would of set off the war MUCH sooner then just 1 person dieing, regardless of how important they were. You can't compair something personal like the murder of family members to something as impersonal as a war with a country. People have faces personalities and loved ones, therefore murder becomes a very personal thing. War is very general and on a mass scale. Its very impersonal, thats why there is war atrocities, disgusting things that are happen, it takes the humanity from people. and once again if i'm leading a country i would do whats best for it, since thats an impersonal role. I would do whats best for my nation by trying to forge a peace. If someone were to kill my mom i would seek revenge ont he individual, not the entire country where they are from. Keep that in mind. Once again your argueing the wrong war. germans were agressors in WW1, u think just the assassination of the arch duke was the cause of a war? It was merely an excuse, conveneint cause to the war. the rise of nationalism before that era is one of the causes, the assassination just kicked off the events. i gotta leave work now so i cant really go in depth at the moment, but when i have time, i will respond to this more clearly. if u are telling others to brush up on history, you should do it yourself. all your facts are just barely scratches the surface. there was alot more than just the assassination that started the first world war... god damn, this is the product of US history courses through public education, a piece of shit learning ~~ | ||
United States42027 Posts
On August 19 2007 21:58 KwarK wrote: Humanity is quite possibly the worst species. | ||
United States22883 Posts
On May 02 2008 11:41 kyjori wrote: god damn, this is the product of US history courses through public education, a piece of shit learning ~~ Agreed. I had to go through those classes so I know all the crap he's bringing up, and I know it's all bullshit. Prussia and France were headed towards war, no matter what anyone else did. Wow, i fucking ment woodrow wilson Speaking of racism... | ||
United States7395 Posts
uTorrent is fucking up my comp rofl too many proleague vods | ||
United States7395 Posts
On May 02 2008 07:21 Chill wrote: skk7000 (5:22:54 PM): im even fuking angry skk7000 (5:22:55 PM): no skk7000 (5:22:57 PM): listen skk7000 (5:23:00 PM): about RAPE? skk7000 (5:23:02 PM): korea being skk7000 (5:23:03 PM): nubmer one skk7000 (5:23:04 PM): in RAPE? skk7000 (5:23:07 PM): what the fuk? skk7000 (5:23:11 PM): thedeadhaji is japanese Wow, are the majority of Koreans this racist? I've seen worse. -_- I'm fucking ashamed of Koreans who act this way, having no real direct connection for hating the Japanese and just acting hateful because of it anyway. | ||
United States2869 Posts
Oh, and for the 30th fucking time, i do not believe a war is caused by 1 thing, like the assasination. Its usually a collective amount of things. But germany was not aggressive before WW1, otherwise that would of triggered the war wouldn't it? If things were on such a boiling point before WW1 that one guy getting shot set into motion the war, then you think germany taking stuff over before that would set some people off. Maybe they did and i'm just not aware, if so please link me to some sources o_O | ||
United States2869 Posts
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United States7395 Posts
On May 02 2008 11:16 MoNKeYSpanKeR wrote: 140 WPM ftw~~ rofl it's like you're a speed vulture and he's a slow zealot hahaha | ||
United States2869 Posts
On May 02 2008 12:34 Equinox_kr wrote: rofl it's like you're a speed vulture and he's a slow zealot with down syndrome hahaha Fixed. ;P | ||
United States31 Posts
On May 02 2008 10:00 kyjori wrote: + Show Spoiler + On May 02 2008 07:21 Chill wrote: skk7000 (5:22:54 PM): im even fuking angry skk7000 (5:22:55 PM): no skk7000 (5:22:57 PM): listen skk7000 (5:23:00 PM): about RAPE? skk7000 (5:23:02 PM): korea being skk7000 (5:23:03 PM): nubmer one skk7000 (5:23:04 PM): in RAPE? skk7000 (5:23:07 PM): what the fuk? skk7000 (5:23:11 PM): thedeadhaji is japanese Wow, are the majority of Koreans this racist? dude, chill, that isnt ffucking fair can you ask a jew to just forget bout what the germans did to em back in ww2? hell, they are still sensitive as hell over that I live on a hall in a dorm where at least half of the people are Jewish in some form. I hear good-natured exchanges ranging from calling someone "as gaunt as a Jew in Auschwitz" to references to gas chambers to jokes about someone (of Jewish background) being like Hitler. No one on my hall finds these types of jokes offensive; in fact, I don't know a single Jewish person who is "still sensitive as hell" about the Holocaust. The Jewish people I know mourn the Holocaust, but none of them believe that the German people are evil. and when it comes to atrocities, the japanese did it to everyone in asia, not just the korean. go ask some chinese or philipino nationality person what they think of them I've asked my (born and raised for many years in China) Chinese girlfriend how she feels about the Japanese. She doesn't hate them, she doesn't despise them, she doesn't hold any grudge against them. I've talked to many other Chinese and Korean people, and none of them have ever had a systematic hate or distrust of Japanese people. (Disclosure: most of the rest of them were native-born Americans of Chinese or Korean ethnicity.) -_-;; or better yet, something more close to home. the blacks who suffered all the way up until the 1970s (or even now is arguable) and tell em that theey are overreacting, their racist and their mistrust of the white man is unjustified.... are they fucking this ignorant also? Many blacks are not racist at all; many of them don't "mistrust ... the white man." Granted, there are many American blacks who do resent white people and who do hold racist views, just as there are many whites who hold racist views. This in no way makes their views valid. Justified, arguably, but not valid. And yes, if a black person told me that white people are evil because of slavery, I would believe that he was ignorant. If you are current with the American political scene, then you've probably heard of Jeremiah Wright. I believe he is ignorant. (I also believe that he is an idiot, but that isn't relevant to this discussion.) the native americans would belong here too, but most of em were killed off thanks to your ancestors. I'm a member of the Cherokee nation. (Disclosure: I am also white. No, I don't hate myself.) I mourn the Trail of Tears, I mourn the deaths of my ancestors, and I mourn the destruction of thousands of lives, Cherokee or other. However, I most definitely don't hold any grudge against white people. To do so would be to live in the past; nothing I do can change the fact that abuses were leveled against my people. I could grow bitter and hate the descendants of those who helped kill my people, but this does nothing but perpetuate hate. Instead, I remember what happened so that I can help ensure that it doesn't happen again. I remember the Holocaust so that I can help ensure that it doesn't happen again. I remember slavery and segregation so that I can help ensure that it doesn't happen again. I try to remember the abuses of all peoples throughout history so that I can help ensure that they don't happen again. But remaining angry over them? No. Hating people because of what their ancestors did is foolish. In the best case, you irrationally hate people. In the worst case, you rationalize abusing them because of the past. As far as I'm concerned, this is a lose-lose situation. | ||
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