Assignmentname: Transformable package
The assignment asked for a packaging system that was environment-friendly not necessarily by using nature-friendly resources but by promoting the transformation of itself into another, usable product. Thus, giving the package a second life.
The assignment also stated that we did not have to keep the commercial element in mind. We were free and were even encouraged to have very experimental ideas.
While most people took traditional routes to accomplish a 'solution' I opted for a more technical approach. My concept goes as follows: A rewriteable CD or DVD 'spindle' contains 50 cd's.
By creating a package completely constructed out of 2 elements, a clipping unit that has 3 'connection points' with a clip to hold cd's(which would of course not damage the cd) and bendable tubes that stay strongly in the shape you bent them, a modular system emerges that can be transformed into any kind of CD-storage unit the user wants . It encourages a creative approach to storage.
The clip
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First 2 images show the package itself, last 3 are -possible- transformations.
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Comments/woots/anything welcome