So I downloaded Starcraft off the iccup website on my new computer the same way I did on my old comp and for a couple of friends, but this time all servers except for The Abyss seem to be missing;;
If anyone can give me the relevant details so that I can add them via the Bnet Gateway editing tool that would be cool or if anyone has any alternate suggestions that would be much appreciated. Thanks
P.S. I misplaced my starcraft CD some time ago but I have the CD key.
Servername: U.S. West Hostname: uswest.battle.net Zone: 8
Servername: U.S. East Hostname: useast.battle.net Zone: 6
Servername: Asia Hostname: asia.battle.net Zone: -9
Servername: Europe Hostname: europe.battle.net Zone: -1
Use those on the gateway editor.
Thank you very much that works perfectly ^^
lol the blizzard website has a fix for this as well, in case anyone didn't want to use gateway editor