Im currently in grade 11 in Canada Ontario. This story all started back in grade 9. Fresh out of public school, i have 9 Academic Math 1st semester, im not very good at math to start off with, but it didnt help that we had to take notes!!!!! for the 1st time EVER. End of the semester, ive failed almost every math test, marks about a 59%, and my teacher recomends me for Grade 10 Applied math. I agree since i was fucking stupid and didnt think about maybe if i wanted to go to university. Now in grade 10 ive got my act together i kno u have to actualy do homework and take notes to get good marks!!! Go into Grade 10 Applied Math class, with a bunch of retards (no offence to anyone), just to give u guys a clue, I remember one day a firetruck went passed the window and the whole class except me and like 2 others Stood up ran to the window shouting "WEEEEEEERRRRRR WEEEEERRRRRR WWWEEEEEERRRRRRR" i end up getting the highest mark in the class about a 95% which was easily done. Grade 11 im feeling good end up takeing 11 U/C Math which is University College its like in between academic and aplide. It is also extremely easy, get highest mark in class like a 92% (teacher was terrible ). Now after that semester is over I am currently 2nd week into 2nd semester, which happens to be course selection week for grade 12!!!! So i have to research universities to find what prerequisites i need to take the courses i want. I Love chemistry so i decided i wanted to go into that, i look at the prerequisites...... 12U Chemistry - Easy 12U Physics - Easy 12U Calculas - Should be ok........ I check wat the prerequisites are for 12U Calculas and they are 11U Math (WTF I DONT HAVE 11U I HAVE U/C!?!?!?!?!) this is fucking terrible ima have to go to summer school or somthing!!!! and then it hits me, it cant possibly be true they wouldnt screw me that fucking hard. The prerequisite for 11U Math is 10 academic (WTF I ToOK 10 APPLIDE!?!?!!? WTF) i ran myself into a fucking dead end omfgggg i dont kno wat to do now, my only options that i can think of are..... - take 10 Academic Match and 11U Match in Summer school (ive never gone to summer school b4 ) - take a victory lap (a 5th year) which i rly dont want to do at all.
I think this is complete bs and i got completely screwed over, im not even sure that if i retake these courses if i will even get credits for them since ive already taken them to a certain degree.
O btw this my 1st blog, i kno my gramar and spelling are bad but how was it ???
P.S this is complete BS
im not quite sure how your educational system works, but this sounds like a pain in the ass
Go to summer school. It's going to be a pain in the ass but you do not want to waste another year. But first try as hard as you can to bitch with your administration to see if they can change your course names or give you the opportunity to just take the test or whatever. It's an annoying thing to do but it's better than working your ass off during the summer.
lol i know how u feel, canadian education system sometimes can be very retarded. they should have told u that if u took applied math instead of U math, then u cant apply to university. applied shit is only for colleges... the best u can do right now is take them both in summer school and still apply to university in time... depending on the school they could wait for ur summer school grades...
I wouldn't waste my time thinking of college if you are baffled by the prospect of taking notes in school.
Canada9720 Posts
i'm sure that there is a course offered by either your highschool, the local government, or a local university that encompasses both of the grade 10 and 11 math courses that you require. just go to your guidance consellor and ask for help
you'll most likely have to complete this course either during the summer, or during your first year of study at university, which would push back your graduation slightly.
in the end, it isn't anything to worry about. not graduating in the "normal" 4 years of a university programme is common, especially in technical degrees
summer school it ez
if you arent willing to go to summer school, then hawk was justified in being an asshole
If you combine summer + night school.. you MIGHT not have to take a victory lap. You'll have to talk them into letting you do that though.
I don't know how your educational system works, but you might want to check your writing.
A little humility wouldn't hurt, either.
Talk to your high school counselor and/or the university/college counselor that you are applying to. They would be the best ones to find out exactly what you need to go into the program you want to go into. They could also tell you if their are any loopholes that you can jump through in order to get into that program in the Fall.
I know for my experience at the local University/College I took some upper level history classes without having the prerequisites for them. I am not sure what the policies are like at the university that you want to go to but sometimes the professor will allow you (by signing a note) to become part of the class. You should look at ever avenue you can look at before you take summer school, imo.
Calgary25955 Posts
I went to school in Ontario. This is why my father made me made a spreadsheet showing which classes I was going to take when, from Grade 9 to 13. So many people end up screwing up like this.
You should be able to get into Grade 11U math in summer school without the prerequisite since you've already taken Grade 11U/C. Talk to someone in the careers/counselors' office about getting the prereq waived.
Calgary25955 Posts
PS in my grade 11 Advanced math (old system -> Basic, general, advanced) class they were building a police station outside across the road, and we could see it clearly since all the trees were bulldozed. Every time two trucks/vehicles were driving at each other we would all be like "Oh shit they're going to rammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!" and then they would just pass each other. And this one time this bulldozer was having trouble getting up a hill for like half an hour and half the class failed an assignment because we were all yelling stuff about the dozer.
My point is that yelling about outside vehicles definitely has no correlation to marks or intelligence in high school
Calgary25955 Posts
DO NOT TAKE A VICTORY LAP. People who do this because of laziness or they want to "take a year off" are retarded and basically pushing their growth and experiences back a year.
I ran into the same applied thing as well.
Had to take math again in college, because my teacher advised me to go into applied despite like a 64 or something
wow dudee that seems like a shitty ass situation you've got yourself into, what a dumbshit teacher you had! wtf what kind of teacher recommends Applied Math without telling you it's for college only. =/ oh btw i thought you weren't allowed to take an Academic Class during summer school?? wtf. =(
lol? what district is this I took college(applied) math in grade 11, and I took 12 calc no problems
Calculus isn't that hard, you can do it champ.
On February 12 2008 07:32 nAi.PrOtOsS wrote: just to give u guys a clue, I remember one day a firetruck went passed the window and the whole class except me and like 2 others Stood up ran to the window shouting "WEEEEEEERRRRRR WEEEEERRRRRR WWWEEEEEERRRRRRR"