![[image loading]](http://z.about.com/d/compactiongames/1/0/H/7/1/starcraft2ca_003.jpg)
when 1/5 ->> 5/5 physician will ascend and enter nirvana state..
Apart from the obvious, like avoid trolling, be polite, strive to add decent content, help out when you can - here are a few considerations for anyone posting in any forum. I try to follow these rules as much as possible even though I do fail them every now and then. Just some advice, nothing new or particular about it but I thought they might help against some trends that can ruin good forums.
1. Don't asked for a thread, that is not yours, to be closed (if you think the thread is really unfair PM a mod, but otherwise resist the temptation with all your heart)
2. Don't ask for some one to be banned (never)
i.e. take the judge robe off.. don't advocate censorship, don't be a phucking snitch, don't be a pussy - if you don't like a thread DON'T READ IT or MOVE ON.. if you don't like someone, ignore or be tolerant - why dwell on it or waste your time? I've always thought people clamoring for bans or thread closings (and it is usually the same sort) are just the classic pussy sniveling snitches you find in life, the weasel, the coward, the guy pointing the finger etc...
3. Avoid insulting other people for no frigging reason or mundane stuff, and if you can't because you were provoked beyond your comfort level, please raise the bar, do right, do it with style.
i.e. be tolerant as far as you can push yourself, no one is perfect, but at least try; don't clutter threads..
4. Never leave a pointless negative comment in the first page of an OP. This can ruin even a decent thread, and if is not a good thread, you ruin the possibility of someone rescuing it..
i.e. if your going to be negative, at least ADD to the thread, try and be constructive in your criticism.
5. Don't treat people with new accounts like shit or assume your better because you have a few more posts.
i.e. I think this is a retarded observation, but I've see it all to often - just because you have a few posts doesn't make you a decent poster, and you definitively do not want to discourage new blood that could end up bringing far more to the forum than you..
6. Get Firefox, install the spell checker and use it.
i.e. it improves the over all quality of the forum, plus your own spelling if you pay attention to the mistakes you repeat.
7. Don't join negative band wagons and don't be a rebel without a cause.
i.e. don't be a sheep, and don't be an idiot.
8. If you see a poor thread, and you have time or interest. Improve it. Rescue it. If you don't - just ignore it.
9*. Lurking for a few weeks or a couple of months until you the feel for the forum is fine, but lurking for years just makes you a selfish member.
i.e. There is no good reason to lurk for months on end; either you are a selfish prick, and are here just to take, or a coward too afraid to post.. also not posting to "get back at teamliquid" just makes you a passive-aggressive lamer. If you are going to spend time here, participate, add, share. No matter the excuse there is got to be something good in you worth sharing. *obvious handicaps excluded (physical and virtual, like getting banned etc.. ).
10. Avoid discussing about the accuracy of the titles of a OP, while at the same time ignoring the actual post.
i.e. When you do this all you are doing is telling everyone you are a shallow idiot that prefers to nit- pick the semantics in a title rather than leave an opinion or discussion on the topic.
Mods sometimes are willing to let a lot of stuff slide, some even want to let it slide but they can't if a whining flame fest starts, so if you are always asking for threads to be closed or people to be banned, not only do you limit the forum content subject matter, and its diversity, but you also screw yourself next time you leave an OP. You definitively don't want a shrinking inbred forum.
Just leave it to the mods to keep things tidy. You want to help? Be constructive about it and don't clutter the threads with pointless complaints, just PM a mod, or use the feedback section, let him/them decide, don't try make it a mob decision, don't be a sheep.