I move out in roughly a week and a half. Where? To a new destination, where NO MAN HAS EVER GONE BEFORE. Space. The final frontier. To explore new worlds, to seek out new life and new civillizations - to boldy go where no one has gone before.
*Cue Star Trek Music*
NO. Seriously =] I'm moving out to my dorm @ my University. After moving in, I will stay there for the whole year. I'm kind of nervous. I won't get to eat the usual food my parents give me and such - I'll be alone and shitz. I WILL TAKE A STEP FORWARD AND BECOME A MAN. :D Anyways, I'm in an apartment styled residence - 4 single rooms, 2 bathrooms (1 big, 1 small), lounge. I'm not sure how it'll look like, I have like 2 image ideas in my head but neither is looking good hahah. Rofl.
Yeah - I really don't know what to expect. I'm in the Theatre Production program (technical theatre stage shit).
39489 Posts
for starters, your living arrangement is literally ideal.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
wait, ur going to be a 1st year? or 2nd year. haha uni is fun. chill out!
United States24515 Posts
On August 14 2007 15:34 thedeadhaji wrote: for starters, your living arrangement is literally ideal.
Totally agree. Definitely go into this with a positive attitude. It's understandable that you're nervous, but most of us have been through it recently. It'll most likely be very enjoyable. Feel free to pick the brains of those of us who started college within the last 5 years or so for more specific advice when situations come up. Good luck.
Canada6683 Posts
hf @ ryerson
i'll be enjoying myself going back and forth between waterloo and laurier. oh yeah, definitely.. ;; damn i'm a bit nervous too
Eat healthy foods! Like, don't eat ramen and pizza every day. Cook some veggies and stuff.
I hope you love Shin Ramen.
How far from home are you?
Yeah - food is the main problem -_- I want to keep on top of healthy stuffs, not ramen and crap daily. I need some mad, easy to do but real healthy recipes.
I'm going into 1st year. Not too far from home? (Drivewise, it's about an hour or a tad over an hour drive) It's still pretty far. haha
Dont party too hard...
-No seriously. Its good advice.. (Your gonna have a great time)
Calgary25955 Posts
On August 15 2007 08:05 nofAcedAgent wrote:Dont party too hard... -No seriously. Its good advice.. (Your gonna have a great time)
Terrible TERRIBLE advice. I can't stress how bad this advice is. Okay I finished my post and now I'm back up here adding more to stress how TERRIBLE this advice is. Especially for meeting people in that first two weeks. If you're having trouble, get everyone together and get wasted (seriously). This will work especially well if you're all 17/18.
PS WCG Canada Finals is like 2 kilometres away from Ryerson, hit that up. But I think its during frosh week. I mentioend this to you but you were babbling about the eatons centre or something so i just left the channel. :D
Rofl, course I was - because it IS during frosh and I would have no chance to go there
USA29055 Posts
dorms are essential to experience. Everything is great for like 2 weeks then you hate everything. The food, the roommates, the dorm itself.. just wait
Calgary25955 Posts
Why would you have no chance? I'm pretty sure theatres frosh week is going to be unbelievably bad. Generally the engineering and business frosh weeks are actually good, and the arts&science, music, theatre, rest of that is bad. I don't know anything about ryerson, this is mostly UofT, Queens (where I went), Waterloo, McMaster I'm basing this on.
Calgary25955 Posts
BTW how old are you and do you have a fake ID? If not, get one. And tell your parents Chill says to drop you off with a 24. Or more than that if you can fit it. PRINT THIS OUT AND HAND IT TO THEM.
rofl, I'm 18 in December. I know a place where I can get Fake ID (don't have it atm) but it's effing $40. Jebus. 24? get me a 26er