People were giving tips at work, one was "put an alarm for the start of your working day, and one for the end"... Wtf?!
But then I realized the person before me was doing more and without overtime...
I don't get how you can be that fast, I thought I had an average speed...
There is no quiet moment anymore, every day there are so many tasks, and still some left for the day after.
I am very lucky to be working from home whilst I handle this transition. Doing all of this at the office would have been a nightmare.
It feels like what I did this morning was yesterday.
Maybe I don't realise how slow I am, either since ever or since I'm at home.
Taking my hour of lunch time is not ideal. I need the break, but then it's a bit harder to start again, and I'm losing at least half an hour of work.
I've been saying stupid things as well... I really need to calm down.
And I've been reading about people's "life"... In the news, random couple things on reddit (not what I used to read)... Of course it makes me feel a bit weird. It feels as if the week is already over, with quite a few things to do... And next week we are back at it, with something important in the first week or beginning of the second...
My life mainly consists of work. Nothing interesting about it. Salary is good enough, less than 25k a year.