On April 15 2020 02:57 vyzion wrote: I believe M. Aurelius was very wealthy and powerful, He was actually a Roman Emperor, so yeah, pretty powerful. Like, the most influential man of his time, I would say.
On April 15 2020 02:57 vyzion wrote: so in a sense he was probably learning and trying to become good? Indeed, it's an ongoing life effort.Idk, maybe I am wrong and I did not enjoy it as much because his diary (the Meditations are like extracts from a diary) lack the finesse and style of Seneca as well as the power of Epictetus. I mean he was one of the decent emperors but I know he was reluctant to become one so it seems likely to me that this internal conflict between philosophy and having to wage wars and take heavy decisions that impact millions took its toll on him.
Im probably a bit late but this is from my own recent experience.
I handle alot of smaller fast moving projects at my firm 12-16 some of them i am the project manager for my firm and on other i just work on design. (im a mechanical engineer BTW). In addition to these smaller projects i was given a monster project for an extremely important client. I thought i had the same options as you. suck it up and plow through the work, or quit. I took both options. I plowed through the work, worked 24 hrs multiple times, and made myself generally miserable, while i started looking for work outside of my firm. when i received an offer from another company that was decent, i went to my boss and told them i am doing too much, and if i dont get help i am leaving for this other company that just made me an offer. in response i got a raise and help.
Despite getting the raise and the help i realized that i was failing at managing up. I wasn't communicating with my boss well about the level of work load and the impact that it was having on my personal life and how it was starting to lead to issues on other jobs. The overwork was my own fault. if you tell them that the work will suffer due to the work load they will listen. I would personally tell your boss the following:
"i am very excited and looking forward to taking on this client. I'm sure you know as well as i do that they're not a client that can be taken lightly and i'm going to have to give them alot more attention. I don't think that is going to be possible with these other smaller clients, and I think it would be worthwhile to transition those clients to someone who can give them the time they deserve as well."
something like that. Good Luck! most of the time our suffering at work is determined by how much we are willing to accept the status quo rather than ask for what we need.
I asked for help without quitting.
At first I was not even given an answer.
Then I was told, and started to figure out, that one task does not take a full week at all.
Later last week, I found out that another person is supposed to deal with a task (that takes a bit of time). I think I'll have to do some later this month, but that's only because that person is on holiday.
Today (Friday), it turns out that another task is not going to be done whilst we are working from home. (I don't know if it's because I took a bit of time or if it's really because it's useless, I did not take that much time really...).
I still have a few things to discover, and I'll have a few cases each week that I'm really not comfortable with doing (and that I should know by now...).
I think I did a bit of extra time everyday. Maybe two hours one day, and roughly 3 hours 40 today, the two other days I don't remember...yeah, 12 hours today was a bit intense for me.
I also have a few things I have to look out for, I hope I won't lose too much time on it.
Working overtime, and the lock down, both make me question a bit what I am doing with my life. I don't want to leave my job in July. I don't know what's the point of it all.
Tomorrow, I'll have to fight the laziness to wash some clothes (by hand), try to go grocery shopping, or I'll do that on Sunday, cook a bit, I should do some cleaning as well... Lots of sleeping, and... It will be Sunday evening already.
Maybe I did not understand what I was told, maybe it was before, but I was almost quitting everything, thinking suicide again, all of that over... Nothing. That person had their last day, I sat next to them for a couple months and never spoke to them. We also can't ask anything regarding the client anymore, I think I'll ask access to their mailbox, especially for the incoming stuff.
It should be better next week, 5 days instead of four, one big task gone until next month.
Apparently everybody is swarmed with work, and I guess no one new is going to be hired during the lock down (more because of the logistics than because of financial reasons I think, but I have no idea how we are doing in terms of business).
I could get a bump in my workload, but it's unlikely, and I'm not sure how I would deal with that...
Let's hope I won't have to do 2 hours of overtime everyday... I don't have the stamina for that.
I have a extremly demanding job, just like you. I'm also suffering from insomnia, perhaps also related to the job sometimes.
We are expected to XYZ in the amount of time where only X and perhaps Y is possible, but most of us are completing our tasks to the best of our ability - but it's never good enough.
Gotta do more, gotta do it better etc. We are hitting record high sales month after month.
It's still not enough. We need to be immaculate. We need to be the gods in our field.
I was thinking about quitting, what keeps me there is because the money is good, and I like a challenge, but a challenge should not impossible.
At this point of time quitting is not a idea for me but if you have the option to do it u should do it. However from my own experience most comfortable jobs are always underpaid.