After breakfast hit up morning class Muay Thai to run some drills and get a good sweat in. Mostly focusing on sliding inside against wide punches with a combo ending in clinch and of course knees. Discussed our game plan of keeping a high tight guard and attacking the lead leg with heavy kicks while waiting for an opening to slide inside on the counter. Got the blessings and support of the team and headed home to rest.
Headed down to the casino for a rules meeting, medical checks and the other back stage stuff. Then it was off to upstairs staging grounds and a lot of waiting. We were originally the 4th fight of the night so didn't even bother warming up til after the face offs. After what seems like eternity, in reality a little of two hours, we wrap up and get checked out by the commission and signed off.
I've broken my wrists a lot over the years so in training I hold back a lot of power, but with a stiff wrap job it's like a scene from an anime as someone removes the seal on your power and you can feel it flow back into you waiting to be unleashed. HULK SMASH!
We get the call that it's time to line up and head down for the face offs. Due to miscommunication or some planning error we end up standing at the edge of the walk way for a good 20minutes, really fucked up for the guys in the first fight who were all warmed up and ready to go. Finally they give the signal and we pile into the cage. One by one they call out the matches and the fighters take center of the ring and square off. I hear my name and step up and get met half way to the center by my opponent screaming in my face, he had his mouth guard in and was speaking so fast, I couldn't understand at all what he was saying so I started to laugh at him and asked him to repeat himself several times as he tried to act hardcore. The rest of the face offs were rather civil. The first fighters stayed behind as the rest of us headed back to the staging area.
Shortly after getting to the back we are informed that our fight has been moved up to the 3rd slot. Barely after time to get my gloves on and signed off as the first fight ended in I believe under 1 min. We get maybe 2mins of warm up on pads and get called to line up. 2nd fight lasted just over 2mins and we were up. He was the first to be called down, then my music hits.
As always for more updates and pictures of my puppies you can follow me at:
Twitter: @SpeedMMA
Instagram: speedmma