On August 17 2016 00:04 opisska wrote:
Templar becoming stuff was the least believable information presented on TL since the EG-TL Unholy Alliance.
Show nested quote +
On August 16 2016 23:59 Penev wrote:
For real? I heard about those alts but thought it was some joke I missed. Anyway did he ever post shit on the templar account? I've been here since 2010 but I can't really remember any
On August 16 2016 23:56 Cricketer12 wrote:
Templar had multiple alts though...he's had a 3 month ban iirc. He was a real shit prior to 2014.
On August 16 2016 23:54 Penev wrote:
Quality over quantity exactly, SGTK had many mod actions taken against him I don't think The_Templar has any of those, like none probably even..
On August 16 2016 23:48 Cricketer12 wrote:
Thats why you give them their own list. Like stu's foreigner pr
On August 16 2016 23:47 IntoTheheart wrote:
Actually, yes. Because opening up BNet requires me to stop shitposting.
Naah I don't think any of the staff shitpost harder than we do. :/
On August 16 2016 23:46 opisska wrote:
People, is it really that hard to open the b.net app (you don't even need sc2) to see that there are options for Americas, Europe, Asia and South-east Asia? It's literarly less actions than asking if a given server exists
On August 16 2016 23:44 Phredxor wrote:
SEA server so everyone is equally disadvantaged. Do we even still have a server?
On August 16 2016 23:42 Cricketer12 wrote:
No, we all do it on the NA server because #PASHUN
On August 16 2016 23:39 IntoTheheart wrote:
Hahaha forgive me if I don't feel like reading what I can only assume to be nearly 300k+ shitposts...
We'd have to do separate LRSLs for various regions, no?
Hahaha forgive me if I don't feel like reading what I can only assume to be nearly 300k+ shitposts...
We'd have to do separate LRSLs for various regions, no?
No, we all do it on the NA server because #PASHUN
SEA server so everyone is equally disadvantaged. Do we even still have a server?
People, is it really that hard to open the b.net app (you don't even need sc2) to see that there are options for Americas, Europe, Asia and South-east Asia? It's literarly less actions than asking if a given server exists

Actually, yes. Because opening up BNet requires me to stop shitposting.
On August 16 2016 23:46 Penev wrote:
Noonius has calmed down a bit I guess. Elentos can obviously shitpost but a high percentage of them aren't. I actually think I can only make a list of 2 with a big contingent sharing 3rd place atm.
Maybe you should make a power rank of shitposting staff btw, adding Stuichiu, SeeKer etc.
On August 16 2016 23:35 IntoTheheart wrote:
Yeah we'll definitely see how he does for Blizzcon 2016. Both of them, I mean.
I feel like Noonius above Elentos is definitely contentious though, since Elentos is on absolutely every LR thread, shitposting away.
On August 16 2016 23:32 Phredxor wrote:
Cricketer really is the sOs of shitposting. Does nothing all his career, then shows up big one tourney blows everyone away, then falls back into the pack.
Nice list though. That's a fair amount of effort for a shitpost about shitposters.
Cricketer really is the sOs of shitposting. Does nothing all his career, then shows up big one tourney blows everyone away, then falls back into the pack.
Nice list though. That's a fair amount of effort for a shitpost about shitposters.
Yeah we'll definitely see how he does for Blizzcon 2016. Both of them, I mean.
On August 16 2016 23:22 Penev wrote:
For starters; Elentos is a great poster but certainly not T1 shitposting
I'll edit in my own
1. GumBa
2. Ej_
3. Noonius
4. Shellbot
Something like that, I could be in there myself I guess, my posts are pretty shitty and Shellbot and SGTK are held back by their staff duties.
On August 16 2016 23:19 IntoTheheart wrote:
What would yours roughly look like?
What would yours roughly look like?
For starters; Elentos is a great poster but certainly not T1 shitposting
I'll edit in my own
1. GumBa
2. Ej_
3. Noonius
4. Shellbot
Something like that, I could be in there myself I guess, my posts are pretty shitty and Shellbot and SGTK are held back by their staff duties.
I feel like Noonius above Elentos is definitely contentious though, since Elentos is on absolutely every LR thread, shitposting away.
Noonius has calmed down a bit I guess. Elentos can obviously shitpost but a high percentage of them aren't. I actually think I can only make a list of 2 with a big contingent sharing 3rd place atm.
Maybe you should make a power rank of shitposting staff btw, adding Stuichiu, SeeKer etc.
Naah I don't think any of the staff shitpost harder than we do. :/
Thats why you give them their own list. Like stu's foreigner pr
WAIT why is The_Templar not top 5? He's got double the post count of SGTK. Or are you talking about the lack of quality, as well?
Quality over quantity exactly, SGTK had many mod actions taken against him I don't think The_Templar has any of those, like none probably even..
Templar had multiple alts though...he's had a 3 month ban iirc. He was a real shit prior to 2014.
For real? I heard about those alts but thought it was some joke I missed. Anyway did he ever post shit on the templar account? I've been here since 2010 but I can't really remember any
Templar becoming stuff was the least believable information presented on TL since the EG-TL Unholy Alliance.
Intriguing, any gems you remember specifically?
The_Templar must have multiple personality syndrome btw, I mostly remember either helpful comments or him being Romanian a bit