Somewhere in 2009 I went to my friends house, I went into his room and he was playing this new game he got from his cousin, it was starcraft. we to play into the tutorial and we read that we should make a unit, ofcourse we had no idea what a marine was so we made a battlecruiser. to do this we needed 20 minutes and another 5 of killing our own 10 scv's here is when I fell in love with starcraft.
quite soon I went on youtube to watch videos about this thing called starcraft and I ended up with a game of jaedong vs stork on colosseum. the game was amazing, and what I was even more amazed by is the crowd. ever since that day there just went 1 thought through my mind and that is "starcraft is so cool!
A bit later I bought the game for myself and wanted to be a pro at it, so what I did as a 13 year old was going to google and find "starcraft : broodwar strategy" and this when I first got in contact with teamliqid. seeing thousands of people talking about starcraft 1 and 2, the live streams what got shit numbers in 2010 was just so amazing. and to this day I want to thank ALL of you for an amazing 4 years that have changed my life!<3
Shout outs to: Bisudagger , Seeker, GTR, Epoxide. 2Pacalypse-. R1CH the wizard, ImbaTosS for learning me starcraft 1, Hot_Bid for his amazing intervews, Waxangel for his massive trolling, uThermal for being the beast he is! and My last shoutout will go to HawaiianPig for unbanning me<3