Romans 8:37: Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
My absence for the past 4 weeks. WCS match - Page 11
Blogs > ROOTMinigun |
Canada2 Posts
Romans 8:37: Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. | ||
China1530 Posts
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United States837 Posts
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Germany368 Posts
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Germany251 Posts
I still remember your streams from early WoL, I loved watching you play being #1 in NA and all. I deeply symphathize with you, and even though my health issues are really nothing compared to yours, i want to give some perspective, i would really love to help even a little bit. I had a couple of chronic diseases, last one was a chronic prostate infection. Not that much pain, but after a couple of months it really wears you down. The doctor gave me antibiotics, 2 weeks later just dismissed me saying 'yeah that will stay with you for life, nothing to be done about it." That is exactly the stuff you want to hear, and actually i think he was right; if i had believed him i am pretty sure i would still struggle with that stuff. But i didn't, i read up on the disease and found out most of those so called prostate infections have muscular causes and strongly correlate with stress. It kind of struck me how your condition took a turn for the worse just as you had your important match with qxc. Could of course be a coincidence. I have the strong belief that your attitude towards your body is extremely important, and some time ago i changed my attitude concerning health and the body. You are young, and your body functions great; even with your issues, maybe 99% work fantastic. Nothing in science comes even close to creating something as amazing as pretty much any organ in your body. We think of ourselves as minds, emplaced in those fallible vessels that help us to get from a to b. Once trust is lost, many problems can arise. Of all the problems your body faces, it solves easily 99.9% by itself, most of them without anybody noticing. I still find it difficult at times to trust my health, and that leads in my case to overly worrying, and paying attention to what is going on with it and usually exascerbating the symptoms. But i learned to push my body and marvel at what it can do. We are resilient creatures, we really are. You are a highly functional being, you are intelligent, good looking and young. You managed to become top 0.001 % player at the 2nd hardest RTS ever. In that sense your body is a fine tuned racecar, highly volatile and sensitive to even slight disturbances. Right now you are obviously in crisis and that should be your main concern, but in my mind looking for someone to solve whats wrong with your body, because your body is by far the best tool to heal itself. Obviously that doesn't mean you should not go to doctors etc., the guy recommending a functional approach makes a lot of sense to me. But I feel doctors just help you and your body to find a viable strategy to cope. As scary the shit is you just went through, i believe you can at least help yourself a great deal by decreasing anxiety and stress. I love seeing you play, but i cant see anyone accomplishing anything in this game without being completely wired and tense (MAYBE if your name is stephano). I honestly don't see how playing sc2 at this level could help you with your health issues, but you be the judge. You are a great guy, sorry for the wordy post and get well! | ||
Mexico290 Posts
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Mexico290 Posts
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United States223 Posts
I hope you get a chance to read this. I work in a hospital as a Cardiac Sonographer, basically i perform Ultrasound Imaging on someone's heart, similar to when a pregnant women gets an ultrasound of her baby. I can tell you 100% i understand and AGREE WITH everything you said about hospitals. It is extremely sad to see that some of these RN's are even hired! As i was reading your post i cringed at the pain you were in and was just as pissed off with how the Dr. responded to your pain and how long it took for someone to come and help you when you asked for it. That is completely unacceptable. What i would recommend doing and its completely up to you, is writing a letter and sending it to the hospital. I would send the same letter 4 times. One to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Nursing Officer (CNO), Quality Director, and the Nursing Supervisor or Manager on the hospital floor you were on. I could see how you kind of are done with the hospital and dont want to waste you time writing out your frustrations but trust me... IT HELPS in two big ways. It gets the matter talked about with the whole executive team and it helps get rid of incompetent nurses (If you remember the nurses names write them). Chad if you do decide to do this i'm extremely confident that your specific matter will be used as an example on how to NOT treat patients and to give you care that you rightfully deserve. I will be willing to get that information to you... give me name of hospital you were at in a personal message and i can get all the info you need if you want to pursue this. Anyway bro i'm sorry you went through so much pain! It breaks my heart man!! As far as what your feeling with your eye's my friend had very, VERY similar feeling situation to your's. He plays starcraft as well but he would always play in the dark (As i think you do). His eye's started getting bad and when he saw his eye Dr. the Dr. told him he needed to take a 2 week break from computer games and anytime he got on the computer he needed to have the light on or atleast a lamp with good lighting. Im no Dr. but i personally would transition into better lighting when it comes to playing Starcraft 2 It really does strain your eyes when you play in complete darkness. My friends eyes are slightly better but whenever he is using an electronic device he has to have sufficient lighting. Hope you get a chance to read and sorry again for what happened to you!! Hope you come back even stronger and heal well! Rey | ||
Malaysia23 Posts
---> Dude I can't help you with your pain but in regards to you missing out on your straight A's, I can tell you that I know how awful you must be feeling. I was in my last year of law school when i broke my arm playing soccer (over-extended my elbow). Had to rest for half a year. It sucks so much! But there's always light after the dark days. Always try to find peace and love in the little things in life and as time passes by, I'm sure u'll eventually get those straight A's that u damn well deserve. For now, just don't give up on seeing more doctors to figure out the problem with your eyes. Maybe take a mini-break from sc2 for awhile (pun not intended). Get some much needed time with nature together with your loved ones. That'll take care of your stress levels fo sho. Missed your awesome stream dude. Hang in there Chad. For Aiur. We're with you. <3 | ||
United States258 Posts
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Australia484 Posts
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United States65 Posts
stay in touch <3 | ||
Burma545 Posts
i wish you all the best minigun. | ||
Bisutopia19158 Posts
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Bulgaria888 Posts
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United States316 Posts
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United States4588 Posts
But, for what it's worth coming from a random guy who you've never met on the internet I wish you the best Chad. You've always been a fun, nice guy and going through this sort of thing isn't fair. No one knows your body like you know your body and if something is off or you're in unbelievable pain you do need to speak up about it. Your health is more important than anything, never apologize for putting your health first. The people that matter will understand and when you do decide to come back you'll find open arms. Keep fighting the good fight and get well soon. | ||
Croatia2489 Posts
On May 20 2014 22:48 ROOTMinigun wrote: May I ask what is wrong with your eye? I'm seriously concerned about it and no one is taking me seriously and it's pissing me off. There's something wrong and no one seems to care... It's mostly the cause of my anxiety attacks. I feel it all the time and my body is telling me there is something wrong with my eye but I've seen 3 eye doctors....and I just saw an eye surgeon yesterday. I'm beginning to feel like I'm crazy... Teeth problems combined with high blood/eye pressure and general bad health. I'm lucky because I think the sight will improve once I fix my overall health a bit (it got better for a short time a couple of times, so I'm lucky), but stuff in life keeps me busy... I guess I might be somewhat avoiding it, but I should be taking care of it asap... and I stopped training/doing sports for a long time, so that doesn't help at all. I don't know much about your eye problems, but my idea is if you keep other problems in check or fix them and improve your overall health, a lot of other problems and symptoms will go away or lessen. Good luck to you, I hope you're getting better! ![]() | ||
France412 Posts
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United States1948 Posts
Hope you get better soon dood! | ||
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