Been wanting to blog about this for a while, was considering doing this and linking it through my facebook but decided the relative anonymity of TL would be better.
Little bit about myself, I'm an early/mid 20s university student who spent most of his high school playing sports (Was never what I'd call fit, but was far from overweight) who discovered Xbox and eventually PC gaming around the age of 19. I'm now 24 and whilst it doesn't sound as much as what some people have put on, I have gone from 90kg (198lb) at the age of 18 to 121kg (266lb) in late December. Wasn't quite a new years resolution, but I was sick of being so fat. Why? Well, the overriding reason was I hated having next to no success with the opposite sex.
I've never been what I'd call a handsome guy so even when I wasn't fat I found it hard, but I did have some relationships in there. Then after the age of 20 I can safely say that I've never come close to being in a relationship (Hell I have only hooked up with one girl in that four year timespan). I would consider myself someone who is a nice guy but really doesn't have much idea approaching girls smoothly at all outside really basic conversation, and as this became even harder as I got fatter it made me think.
Everyone talks about how we shouldn't be shallow and personality > appearance etc, but I've started to think that how the fuck can I expect girls to like me when I'm not putting in the effort to make myself look as good as I possibly can? I'll be honest, I would NEVER date a fat girl (Which probably makes me sound like an arsehole, I'm not one of those guys who demands supermodel bodies I swear), I don't put a huge emphasis on looks, but I am really turned off by someone who is overweight, which makes me think how naïve and selfish I've been since I finished school.
Recently I went on a few dates with a girl, we have no trouble talking or making each other laugh, she seems genuinely interested in what I have to say and vice versa, yet the third date felt just like the first one which was more just hanging out getting to know each other, and it made me realise no progress had been made over that initial meetup. I asked her did she want to keep doing this as I didn't want her to feel obliged just because I was offering to take her out and she came out with the 'I'm not sure I'm really feeling this, can we try just being friends?'.
Now this is where it made me realise the following, because I took her saying that so much better than I thought I would. That was down to one reason, I believe her when she said she enjoyed my company, which means it is probably she just isn't sexually attracted to me. That hit me kinda hard, then I thought to myself how can I be upset at that? I've let myself go and I look pretty damn average, how can I expect someone else to like that? I know personality means a lot, this girl is by no means a movie star in terms of looks, but I was attracted to her physically first, and when I found out we had common interests and there was no awkwardness in conversation it was a green light for me.
This sounds really pathetic I know, but in 3-4 months time when I've reached my goal of 90kg (I am currently 111kg, have been eating better and doing cycling 30 minutes a day 6 days a week) I am going to go back to her and say 'well do you change your mind now?'. Sure there is a good chance she'll say no thanks still, but at least I'll know I did everything I could to win her over, and in the future I can be completely comfortable in looking for a relationship because I know I'm doing everything I can, and if they aren't willing then that is something out of my control.
Any feedback is welcome, considering making this a series because I have wanted to do this for a while but just never found the right medium (Will have slight topic changes, won't be about my relationships specifically and weight loss all the time). On first re-read this seems like I'm rambling a lot and it might randomly change topic, so I'm sorry for that. And yes I know I should probably just give up on this girl, but I can't stand losing 
I am tired so I apologize for not going in depth with my response to your excellent blog post. Which is probably good, since I tend to screw up when I am tired. But I want you to know, I have been where you are, where I let myself go and somehow subconsciously expected the world to still love me as were I unchanged. But like you pointed out, how can you expect a girl to love you when you don't love yourself enough to take care of yourself physically and mentally. Anyway, I want to recommend weight lifting, it's not only for looking good naked, but for getting stronger and to instill a sense of confidence. Plus there is a great sense of progression to it, that makes it fun and less dronish in nature as you go from week to week doing it. I wish you all the best and by how determined you sound, I know you can do it. Keep trucking!
Good on you for wanting to change things you don't like about yourself. However, I'd strongly discourage doing what you said in the second to last paragraph. While I'm sure your motivation is for selfish reasons, you're putting the girl in a difficult spot confronting her like that, and I don't think you can expect a positive reaction no matter what her impression of you is.
On March 18 2014 11:03 shogeki wrote: Good on you for wanting to change things you don't like about yourself. However, I'd strongly discourage doing what you said in the second to last paragraph. While I'm sure your motivation is for selfish reasons, you're putting the girl in a difficult spot confronting her like that, and I don't think you can expect a positive reaction no matter what her impression of you is.
Yeah, I wrote this last night and only got around to posting it just then, but thinking about it it probably isn't the best idea to be confrontational like that
It's good you are getting into better shape but it must be for yourself first and foremost. If things happen with that girl, they will happen and let them happen naturally don't force it.
Getting into better shape will help you be more confident with yourself as a guy above said, and that will make you more attractive in itself.
tldr; get in shape for your own personal reasons and self satisfaction.
Hey bro, you sound somewhat like myself. However im now 25... idk but i missed your age. ANYWAYS.
Basically, same story... played high school sports, football/baseball. Was never in great shape, but was also never out of shape to where i couldnt do at least 30 real pushups in a row. I was around the same weight as you (i hovered around 200 for most of high school...but i used to lift a lot, and was in decent shape..but not really great shape.)
One thing we differ is that i ALWAYS had a girlfriend in school..and was pulling 8,9's when i was like a solid 6.5 lol. IDK personality meant a lot then? idk i guess i can be fairly charismatic when i care to be.
ANYWAYS, went to college, had the same girlfriend for 6 years..and when you have the same woman for 6 years, you dont give a shit about your looks = i got to around 255 (ish). Me and the girl broke up... and i found out i really dig being single..however i dont want to be single FOREVER.
SO 6 months ago, decided i was done hating pictures of myself. Decided to change. My best friend asked me to be his best man..and my goal was to not be the fattest groomsman, or be the big fat best man standing in most of his wedding pictures. (i ended up coming in 2nd =/ o well mission accomplished i guess.)
HOW I DID IT!: Easy, 2000 calories a day. Period. Exercise for bonus losses.
I only drink water. (Honestly...soda is like drinking candy now... i dont like soda at all anymore, its like WOW thats sweet.. when i was a 3-4can a day kinda guy at one point). 2 Meals a day - 1000 calories each. I have always been more of a feaster/gorger rather than my brother who is a snacker. And with only 2 big meals, i can eat big meals, and calculate my shit more easily. (This generally comes to 1 Fast food meal, without a coke. Generally most meals for most places will be this. Except for bread. fuck bread. dont eat bread. Its not a diet thing... its just a calorie thing. Bread is SUPER calorie heavy, and is in my opinion..not filling. STEAK however, is brilliantly light on calories for how filling it is. Eat LOTS OF MEAT. chicken/steak/fish. All are great calorie per portion wise.)
And that is fucking it. Its so goddamn simple. Even then... dont worry about 2000 a day, worry about 14000 a week. If you wanna go to ur favorite restaurant and pig out... fucking do it. Because there are somet hings in life, you simply have to enjoy. However, that means u gotta be more strict on the next day, or the other days of the week.
Anyways, ive lost about 45 pounds, ive lost like 2 pant sizes.. and whenever i see people i havent seen in a while i get a lot "Holy shit, you look great!" which is awsome and makes you feel good. My biggest problem is now none of my clothes fit. 2 Months ago i bought a bunch of new clothes... now they dont fit either -.-. But literally, its a GREAT problem to have.
And about the girl, one thing i firmly believe in... if you cant love yourself, you cant expect anyone to love you back. It starts with you. You gotta find yourself sexy for other people to find you sexy. People can feel whatever vibe u have on urself and the way u look at urself. So fix ur life man, and the rest will follow.
BONUS TIP: at first, you might want to avoid any muscle exercises. THIS IS PURELY FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL REASONS. While its great for ur body.. it weighs heavy on the mind (pun intended) when you feel like u are trying to lose weight, but those muscles are growing, and causing the numbers on the scale to go up. Literally, if you are as similar in build to me as you sounded in your post... I literally will gain 10 pounds in 1 week after starting up a heavy lifting routine after a prolonged break. Also when your muscles are sore, you are storing a lot more water, which adds a lot to the scale. SO FOR MY OPINION (and mine only, this isnt exactly a medical reason) I suggest, just trying the eating/drinking lifestyle change for a couple weeks and let urself be amazed as the scale changes so drastically. (I literally have maybe done... 20 hours of exercise over the past 6+ months.. one thing to definitely avoid is tracking calories burned from exercise. when you do that, youll convince urself that eating back those calories is ok, which is a slippery slope. so ONLY work out for bonus weight loss, dont calculate its effect and try to counter it with eating!)
Also. Myfitnesspal.com and r/loseit. Without those 2 things, idk if I could have come as far as i have.
Also its fucking weird having lost 50 pounds.. i cant imagine taking a 50 pound weight, strapping to my back, and going through the day with it on. Im amazed at even little things that are so much easier. Even at my worst weight, i could manage 3-5 clapping pushups. (when you push up, you push hard enough that u can clap ur hands and put them back be4 u hit the ground..and repeat). But just the other day,i had to jump a fence/wall at work, and i was amazed at how much more agile i am.. it made me feel like a sort of semi-retarded parkour runner. (obvious exaggeration).
Anyways, good luck mate. Seriously, im 6 months in, and people ask me about my diet.. and i laugh and say i have no idea what they are talking about... then i go to Mcdonalds and laugh when they begin to realize i still eat fast food at least once a day.
Drink water.
Also, people might give me the "3 square meals a day" or "more smaller meals to boost metabolism" its all fucking bullshit. there is literally 0 evidence to back it up. Humans have evolved to be capable of eating 1 meal a day, and even less. Think about back when we were hunters during primitive times..we didnt know when our next meal was, so we hunted. we feasted... we couldnt throw leftovers in the fridge. so we starved, we feasted, we starved.
Your metabolism is VERY minimally affected by ur eating schedule..and even then its more dependent on the frequency of meals on a week long scale, rather than a daily.
Now i can go enjoy my burrito the size of my head.. and i have a large head. Cheers man.
Bonus facts: for every 30 pounds u lose, your dick will appear 1" larger. (i swear to god this is true but obv there is a sort of diminishing returns to this). Also, you will spend less time on the shitter, as your body has grown accustom to dumping the excess food you stuff into it. In a week or two your body will realize "this is all were getting.. better make it count" so u poop less. =D. Isnt losing weight fun?
BONUS SUCCESS STORY: My older brother felt inspired by my lifestyle change. he is the same, was an athlete.. blahblahblah married a trophy wife etc etc. Anyways he got to 305 (which is holy shit fat even when ur over 6' tall). And now he has lost like 60 pounds too.
ok lol im done for reals now.
and seriously drink water. dont drink ur calories. you will learn to hate anything that is sweeter than ice cold water.
As someone who's often been complimented on looks while being terrible at relationships , I really think relationships are about finding someone you can connect with, and not looks.
Looks are a novelty, many guys will fantasize about being with the hottest girl in town. I can tell you that your perception of her looks will completely change a few days in, and if you aren't clicking you won't find yourself attracted to her any more no matter how hot she is. I think its the same for girls.
I think its great that you are working on your physique, but don't think that it will make any difference beyond the 3 day mark. The only thing looks will help you with is right at the beginning, after that you are back at square one. So looks will definitely help in a night club but that's about it.
You just need more experience, everyone else has been in and out of relationships and gained valuable experience while you have just started. It makes it much harder that the girls you date will expect you to already be "mature" in this regard. You may flunk the first few relationships but you will improve, just keep working on it.
For starters learn how to carry yourself, love who you are, be sexy, be independent. Courting is like a dance, with dancing, the male leads, the female follows. The girl will rely on you to lead the relationship and she will follow, if you put doubt into the relationship, she will be doubtful. If your relaxed, she will be relaxed, if your energetic and passionate, she will be energetic and passionate.
At many points in the relationship she will test it, she will bring doubt in some form or another, or she will test you personally. You need to instil confidence in her in one way or another that things are gonna turn out for the best. If not she will lose confidence in the relationship.
That said, I've made the opposite mistake of being way too pushy and aggressive, its important to understand her boundaries as well and how she actually feels. Sometimes it just isn't meant to be, but at the very least you don't want to be leaving with any regrets either.
Many girls can also be really confusing, the fact is sometimes they just don't know. I recently had someone tell me she doesn't think this is going work, nothing in common, xyz is such a turn off blah blah. Then she offers me her number which out of sheer and utter confusion I don't take till after the 3rd time she says it, I don't call her back, and she's texting me 4 days later and she's making time so we can go out for coffee. shrug*
To me it seems that its already too late for you, and if you push it, she may just end up thinking you're a freak. I've been down that path before as well and its not fun. The best thing to do probably at this point is to stop thinking about it and just do your own thing, go see other girls, if she wants to hang out with you she will let you know.
Ok the guy with the above diet is fricken crazy... I mean 2000 Calories a day I would die! But it sounds like it works and I just love food too much :D and cool drink.... My boyfriend did the same thing (was fit in highschool, went home to Thailand for 2 years and we did nothing but play video games and eat) and he has no intention on losing weight... I am thinking I might have to break up with him to motivate (IM JOKING BTW). I'm not saying he is that ugly or anything but it was his personality that I dig. I didn't get with him till after he was fat but I did know him when he was fitter so I don't know if that counts. He wasn't very successful at relationships to begin with and had maybe 2 in highschool prior to me. I guess the idea I am trying to put across is although it is great you are getting in shape and all that you shouldn't have to change for someone you want to be in a relationship with because in the end they will be the only person (apart from family) that are going to see you at your worst. This girl you were seeing, although I guess try your idea and if she says yes turn around and say jokes you shallow person. I find if you chat with someone before you think about the relationship side of things and get to know each other as friends it makes for a better relationship (though be careful because as a general rule of thumb breaking up means no more friendship). Good Luck!
On March 18 2014 12:16 staceymh wrote: Ok the guy with the above diet is fricken crazy... I mean 2000 Calories a day I would die! But it sounds like it works and I just love food too much :D and cool drink.... My boyfriend did the same thing (was fit in highschool, went home to Thailand for 2 years and we did nothing but play video games and eat) and he has no intention on losing weight... I am thinking I might have to break up with him to motivate (IM JOKING BTW). I'm not saying he is that ugly or anything but it was his personality that I dig. I didn't get with him till after he was fat but I did know him when he was fitter so I don't know if that counts. He wasn't very successful at relationships to begin with and had maybe 2 in highschool prior to me. I guess the idea I am trying to put across is although it is great you are getting in shape and all that you shouldn't have to change for someone you want to be in a relationship with because in the end they will be the only person (apart from family) that are going to see you at your worst. This girl you were seeing, although I guess try your idea and if she says yes turn around and say jokes you shallow person. I find if you chat with someone before you think about the relationship side of things and get to know each other as friends it makes for a better relationship (though be careful because as a general rule of thumb breaking up means no more friendship). Good Luck!
i bet u eat under that daily. I bet you average well below 2000, speaking as an adult male, this is about what we are supposed to be eating to be at our ideal weight. But for a woman its generally like 1600 which just makes me glad im a dude, cause i know i couldnt eat under that.
Also, 2000 calories a day will let you eat quite a bit once you learn how it works. For instance you can have 16 KFC strips mm. Or u can have 3/4 of a large stuffed crust pizza
idk i think u overestimate how many calories you consume on a daily basis.
No offense but the guy two posts above sounds loco, I agree with his points its just like, the whole you gotta be able to baseline do 30 pushups or the clapping pushups, I think you think physically fit is normal, I think a little out of shape is normal for most people and you might get people thinking physically strong is normal and super ripped is the goal. Its a good goal but might be discouraging if people can only do 20 pushups and think they are too weak to work out and give up.
OP, good for you. A small note, as others have said, putting on muscle is great to pair with losing weight. Muscle requires more calories, which allows you to not limit your calories so badly. And obviously muscle looks great, clothed or naked. I way prefer lifting weights to cardio. If you find yourself getting bored of your cardio give weight lifting a try. There is a surprisingly dedicated exercise community here who would be willing to help. Their FAQ is splendid.
Personally, I'm trying what you are on a smaller scale. Currently my weight is ~183 pounds. My goal weight is 175 pounds, with a fair amount of muscle mass put on. My method so far has been occasional runs, some bicycle crunches and a lot of pushups. When I started 1.5 months ago I was at ~25/29/20 pushups. So far my set is at 25/29/25/25.
Loosely, this is the guide I follow: here, but it exaggerates the pace you will improve at. You may want to look at it.
Good luck, on both the fitness and the romance!
Yeah, been there, done that. For me, it took getting scorned really, really badly by a girl to stay focused long enough to drop the weight. Motivation matters for a long term project like this. Take it from wherever you can get it.
As for how to do it, I second the idea of focusing on the dieting first before going to the gym. I'd aim for ~2000 calories and then work your way down to ~1500 or so. It really isn't that hard. Have a shake in the morning, eat whatever the hell you want at lunch within reason, and have another shake at dinner. Drink water otherwise. Get some light exercise just by walking around. Hell, what you should really consider is doing yoga. Get a home exercise program. Personally, I like DDP Yoga because I don't feel like a sissy doing it. Once you're strong enough to do some pushups and other basic floor exercises, then reconsider going to the gym.
On March 18 2014 12:49 WoodLeagueAllStar wrote: No offense but the guy two posts above sounds loco, I agree with his points its just like, the whole you gotta be able to baseline do 30 pushups or the clapping pushups, I think you think physically fit is normal, I think a little out of shape is normal for most people and you might get people thinking physically strong is normal and super ripped is the goal. Its a good goal but might be discouraging if people can only do 20 pushups and think they are too weak to work out and give up.
no idea how u extrapolated that, I just was giving a bit of information regarding my level of fitness at the time, and now.
It has nothing to do with "normal" or what someone "should be" it just has to do with my weight + physical fitness level.
A lot of people will see 250 and think one thing, but weight is carried VERY differently by individual people. OP sounded very similar to my situation, and I was just giving evidence, to share with him more my likeliness to his physical state.
Someone who has played sports/lifted weights/been physically active their whole life, will carry a lot more weight than someone who has never lifted a weight before.
Someone who has more fat and less muscle, will lose his weight faster, and be able to maintain a lower weight than someone who is somewhat bulky underneath the fat. Just wanted OP to be aware is all.
No offense intended, but take for example the post above mine. He sees that OP weighs 260 and assumes he cant even do basic pushups, but regardless of how out of shape OP is now, I would bet he could still do a fair number of pushups.
People carry weight differently, and your weight doesnt always determine what you are or arent capable of. Another example is Chris Farley doing fucking backflips. That was a 350 pound man who could do fucking back handsprints, its pretty impressive. Dont get me wrong, he was fat and out of shape, but it would be ludicrous to assume he couldnt do something as physically base as pushups.
I equate myself with that somewhere... even when i was my fattest and most outta shape, I could still do 30 pushups, so its silly for people to equate numbers (weight on a scale) with physical prowess
OP has a history of sports, im sure even starting today he could handle more than simple pushups.
Maestro, one thing I didn't like about your original post was how focused it was on you. While the second half of it was fine, you might want to look through the first half again and analyze it a bit. You probably didn't mean it the way it is read, but it may just have been a subconcious effect on your writing you may want to change.
On March 18 2014 14:03 WarSame wrote: Maestro, one thing I didn't like about your original post was how focused it was on you. While the second half of it was fine, you might want to look through the first half again and analyze it a bit. You probably didn't mean it the way it is read, but it may just have been a subconcious effect on your writing you may want to change.
nah idc lol. I was relating myself to him, to share a similar viewpoint.
If you take offense to me talking about myself lol it doesnt hurt my feelings?
lol idc, are we not supposed to talk about ourselves in blogs? Or maybe use our own experiences and lives as lenses through which we can view others' stories, and attempt to relate to them to share an idea?
meh idc, call me vain i guess, just dont understand whats so bad about saying "hey ive been exactly where you are, and this is how i fixed it"
I honestly have no idea how you can eat 2000 kcal/day of basically garbage and not be ravenous. If I tried to do that and ate things like burgers or pizza I would just end up binging like crazy a few hours later from how hungry I am. I mean a Big Mac and Fries is like 1200 kcal and that doesn't even come close to filling me up. Some of you people have it lucky 
You're correct you can lose weight on anything though, shit you could lose weight on MnMs potato chips...though you'd still be destroying your body and very unhealthy 
As far as the don't lift thing...that's kinda silly. If that is going to de-motivate you...then just get on the damn scale lol. Much better to just watch your body transform in the mirror as scale weight can vary drastically even when taken at the same time each day.
Also, people might give me the "3 square meals a day" or "more smaller meals to boost metabolism" its all fucking bullshit. there is literally 0 evidence to back it up. Humans have evolved to be capable of eating 1 meal a day, and even less. Think about back when we were hunters during primitive times..we didnt know when our next meal was, so we hunted. we feasted... we couldnt throw leftovers in the fridge. so we starved, we feasted, we starved.
Your metabolism is VERY minimally affected by ur eating schedule..and even then its more dependent on the frequency of meals on a week long scale, rather than a daily.
It's sorta correct to say there is no research to support it. The more correct statement is their is conflicting research, much like the ongoing debate on whether running can have longer term negative effects on joints such as the knee.
However, some people feel much better eating 6 meals a day as far as appetite goes. Others, like you and me, seem to prefer to eat 2, maybe 3 times, with bigger meals. Bottom line is go with what works for you after experimenting. There is no correct answer as of now.
Someone who has more fat and less muscle, will lose his weight faster
This is not true. If anything muscle is more metabolically active than fat and will allow you to lose weight faster.
Ok the guy with the above diet is fricken crazy... I mean 2000 Calories a day I would die! But it sounds like it works and I just love food too much :D and cool drink....
You are a female. If you aren't exercising much you can likely eat as few as 1500 kcal/day and be just fine. Now if you normally run and are active a good bit then certainly 2000 is too low.
It's just a single data point, but for me if I don't do much activity I will gain weight on anything over 1800 kcal/day. Even when I am running 70+ miles/wk I can't eat much more than about 2800-3000 kcal/day.
On March 18 2014 15:03 L_Master wrote:@MaestroSC I honestly have no idea how you can eat 2000 kcal/day of basically garbage and not be ravenous. If I tried to do that and ate things like burgers or pizza I would just end up binging like crazy a few hours later from how hungry I am. I mean a Big Mac and Fries is like 1200 kcal and that doesn't even come close to filling me up. Some of you people have it lucky  You're correct you can lose weight on anything though, shit you could lose weight on MnMs potato chips...though you'd still be destroying your body and very unhealthy  As far as the don't lift thing...that's kinda silly. If that is going to de-motivate you...then just get on the damn scale lol. Much better to just watch your body transform in the mirror as scale weight can vary drastically even when taken at the same time each day. Show nested quote +Also, people might give me the "3 square meals a day" or "more smaller meals to boost metabolism" its all fucking bullshit. there is literally 0 evidence to back it up. Humans have evolved to be capable of eating 1 meal a day, and even less. Think about back when we were hunters during primitive times..we didnt know when our next meal was, so we hunted. we feasted... we couldnt throw leftovers in the fridge. so we starved, we feasted, we starved.
Your metabolism is VERY minimally affected by ur eating schedule..and even then its more dependent on the frequency of meals on a week long scale, rather than a daily. It's sorta correct to say there is no research to support it. The more correct statement is their is conflicting research, much like the ongoing debate on whether running can have longer term negative effects on joints such as the knee. However, some people feel much better eating 6 meals a day as far as appetite goes. Others, like you and me, seem to prefer to eat 2, maybe 3 times, with bigger meals. Bottom line is go with what works for you after experimenting. There is no correct answer as of now. This is not true. If anything muscle is more metabolically active than fat and will allow you to lose weight faster. Show nested quote +Ok the guy with the above diet is fricken crazy... I mean 2000 Calories a day I would die! But it sounds like it works and I just love food too much :D and cool drink.... You are a female. If you aren't exercising much you can likely eat as few as 1500 kcal/day and be just fine. Now if you normally run and are active a good bit then certainly 2000 is too low. It's just a single data point, but for me if I don't do much activity I will gain weight on anything over 1800 kcal/day. Even when I am running 70+ miles/wk I can't eat much more than about 2800-3000 kcal/day.
I eat a lot of garbage, but not only garbage. My favorite dinner is a bowl with white rice, chicken, corn haha. Tonight i had a ground beef/potato and cheese burrito the size of my head, came out to roughly 1000
I am not saying you HAVE to eat junk food and fast food nonstop, I just dont like the idea that most people push of "you cant eat fast food and lose weight" which is something that is HEAVILY preached in America. IDK how many times ive come in to work after lunch with a bag of fast food, and had someone say "i thought u were on a diet" to which i just turn laugh and tell them how much ive lost eating this shit.
about the lifting thing, again i said its a pure psychological thing for me. I know that iom still losing fat and gaining muscle, but for at least the first month, its extremely comforting to see the numbers fall, and KNOW that what you are doing is working. Whereas if you are lifting, simultaneously gaining muscle while losing fat, for the first couple weeks you literally wont see a difference on the scale, and when you only see urself as fat, its hard to see minor differences adding up in the beginning.
Also, im not preaching 2 meals a day, or 1 meal a day (which on weekends i will generally just eat til I cant stand, 1 giant meal at around 4-5. Cause then I can feast on something horrible like a large pizza, or a bucket of chicken, or an order of bacon/cheese fries mmmmm.) I am just saying dont buy in to the "u have to eat 6 small meals to lose weight" which is another giant misconception about weight loss.
And were not going to agree i guess on the muscle/fat losing timeline i guess. I know for a fact, that if you take 2 people of similar weight (say 250 pounds), one of whom has enough muscle to bench 300 pounds, and the other of whom who has never even done a benchpress, chances are the one who has never done a benchpress will have much more fat than the other guy. And that fat will disappear faster. Sort of like my brother and I... he lost his weight approx 1.5x my rate, because he was considerably more out of shape, and thus had more to lose, and his first 30 pounds fell off in like 3 weeks.
IDK man i feel its pretty easy to get any fast food meal under 1k. Like i said, dont fucking eat bread. lol. Bread is horrible for u, order that burger protein style, and you can literally have another burger. Or order a triple burger, take off the bun, and eat it with a fork. Literally will cut off 2-400 calories depending on the bread they use.
Just saying. Like for instance, at Mcdonalds, i can get either 20 mcnuggets, or 10 mcnuggets and a large fry, thats plenty for a single lunch. And its hilarious to tell people you are losing weight while eating Mcdonalds.
Really nice to see people make these kinds of blogs as I can relate as well. For me, it was about a year ago that I had your epiphany and 8-9 months ago before I actually started to get my shit together and get serious about it. I don't know what it was in that 3-4 month period of realization before that that kept me back, but if I had to guess it would be a combination of laziness and depression and making shitty excuses.
Even 1-2 months in I was able to notice progress and it keeps you motivated towards your goal. And then people start to notice and compliment you and it's such a nice feeling :3
Eventually you just subconsciously forget about the reasons why you started making an effort and it becomes a lifestyle that shapes you in the best way possible.
Personally, I would also recommend weight lifting as part of your routine. You don't need to train to be an olympic weightlifter or anything, but it gives you a really good feeling of accomplishment seeing yourself improve and that way you're not a weakling once you lose the fat from your goals. Plus, it burns calories just like any other exercise 
With that said, I second this:
Good luck man. Stick to it and keep us updated. You're going to love it and the only thing you'll regret is not having started earlier.
edit: For the above post saying don't bother with weight lifting because it interferes with the numbers on the scale from fat loss: who cares? Is your next girlfriend going to be dating your scale or the person you are looking at in the damn mirror? Honestly, you can check yourself in the mirror and see you're making progress. What's it matter what the scale says if it's what you see in the mirror that makes your appearance.
For reference, I've been a steady 205lbs for the past 2ish months now while going to the gym regularly, and while my weight has been the same, I look a hell of a lot better than the 205lbs I was at 2 months ago. Less fat more muscle for sure. Don't worry about the scale, honestly.
On March 18 2014 15:30 Grobyc wrote:Really nice to see people make these kinds of blogs as I can relate as well. For me, it was about a year ago that I had your epiphany and 8-9 months ago before I actually started to get my shit together and get serious about it. I don't know what it was in that 3-4 month period of realization before that that kept me back, but if I had to guess it would be a combination of laziness and depression and making shitty excuses. Even 1-2 months in I was able to notice progress and it keeps you motivated towards your goal. And then people start to notice and compliment you and it's such a nice feeling :3 Eventually you just subconsciously forget about the reasons why you started making an effort and it becomes a lifestyle that shapes you in the best way possible. Personally, I would also recommend weight lifting as part of your routine. You don't need to train to be an olympic weightlifter or anything, but it gives you a really good feeling of accomplishment seeing yourself improve and that way you're not a weakling once you lose the fat from your goals. Plus, it burns calories just like any other exercise  With that said, I second this: Good luck man. Stick to it and keep us updated. You're going to love it and the only thing you'll regret is not having started earlier. edit: For the above post saying don't bother with weight lifting because it interferes with the numbers on the scale from fat loss: who cares? Is your next girlfriend going to be dating your scale or the person you are looking at in the damn mirror? Honestly, you can check yourself in the mirror and see you're making progress. What's it matter what the scale says if it's what you see in the mirror that makes your appearance. For reference, I've been a steady 205lbs for the past 2ish months now while going to the gym regularly, and while my weight has been the same, I look a hell of a lot better than the 205lbs I was at 2 months ago. Less fat more muscle for sure. Don't worry about the scale, honestly.
again. im completely in favor of lifting...after a month. And its purely a psychological thing. as i stated previously. Its hard to keep true to your intentions/goal if day after day you look at the scale and dont see the number going down. And when you are used to seeing urself as fat, you wont see the minor changes as they happen slowly.
Just stating what worked for me.I have no issues with liftin now, as i have already proven/established what i am doing is eliminating the fluffy bits. But i wanted that confirmation before I continued lifting, purely from a psychological standpoint.