On August 02 2013 00:45 govie wrote:Show nested quote +On August 01 2013 22:17 beg wrote:when the first week is easy for you, chances are, it will always remain easy. i know there's some people like you, who just really find it easy. i'm extremely jealous, cause for me it's much more difficult Easy, i wont say its easy after onyl 7 days but if i could use a metafore it would be "diet coke". We all hate diet coke... its filthy... if u drink 1 sip of normal coca/pepsi and 1 sip diet pepsi/coca directly after... ur gonna barf... thats because ur missing something in that coke. Same with quiting smoking, but all day and every day.. 24/7 u notice "the diet". Do u want to drink diet coke the rest of ur life? think not and thats why its pretty hard for most peeps My guess is that aslong u got something else to worry about which u rate higher/bigger then quitting smokes, stopping with smoking will be ezpz... because u dont notice the "diet in the coke" or just dont care bout the diet becuz u got bigger fish to fry.. until problems are solved ofcourse and your negativity can focus on the nicotine, but then u atleast got through the 1st part of quitting Show nested quote +On August 01 2013 21:34 Glioburd wrote:On August 01 2013 21:22 LaNague wrote:stopping to smoke is easy, i have done it 10 times! Haha ! +1
I actually prefer diet coke...
Anyway, stay strong. Think of your children. Or if you don't have any, think of your future children. It was actually very stressful for me, as a child, to cope with my parent's smoking habits.
On August 02 2013 01:29 Entirety wrote:Show nested quote +On August 02 2013 00:45 govie wrote:On August 01 2013 22:17 beg wrote:when the first week is easy for you, chances are, it will always remain easy. i know there's some people like you, who just really find it easy. i'm extremely jealous, cause for me it's much more difficult Easy, i wont say its easy after onyl 7 days but if i could use a metafore it would be "diet coke". We all hate diet coke... its filthy... if u drink 1 sip of normal coca/pepsi and 1 sip diet pepsi/coca directly after... ur gonna barf... thats because ur missing something in that coke. Same with quiting smoking, but all day and every day.. 24/7 u notice "the diet". Do u want to drink diet coke the rest of ur life? think not and thats why its pretty hard for most peeps My guess is that aslong u got something else to worry about which u rate higher/bigger then quitting smokes, stopping with smoking will be ezpz... because u dont notice the "diet in the coke" or just dont care bout the diet becuz u got bigger fish to fry.. until problems are solved ofcourse and your negativity can focus on the nicotine, but then u atleast got through the 1st part of quitting On August 01 2013 21:34 Glioburd wrote:On August 01 2013 21:22 LaNague wrote:stopping to smoke is easy, i have done it 10 times! Haha ! +1 I actually prefer diet coke... Anyway, stay strong. Think of your children. Or if you don't have any, think of your future children. I was actually very stressful for me, as a child, to cope with my parent's smoking habits.
I care more about cheesypuffs then children. But yes, we keepin strong... next update next week. Got icecream to keep me company
Slightly over two years ago I did the exact same thing. And it has never been a problem. But I know plenty of people that have tried and failed. It's not that easy for everyone.
Unlike you, for me trying to stop during a bad period in my life did not work. I was stressed a lot and longed for a cigarette all the time. Tried several times and didn't last a week. Granted, I might not really have been ready to stop in the first place.
When I did quit it was during quite a busy period in my life. It helped a lot because I didn't have a lot of time to ponder, be bored or miss the cigarettes.
Good luck!
On August 01 2013 21:09 plated.rawr wrote: You're only a week in, you haven't quit shit yet.
That said, good going, keep it up. Hopefully, you've quit early enough that you don't end up with lung and brain cancer in about ten to thirty years, which will be a massive strain on everyone around you untill the day you die. It'll be slow and painful, and every day you'll be close to paralysed, having no energy to do anything due to reduced lung capacity. Walking up one level of stairs? Forget it. Walking to the shop five minutes away? Nope.
So yea. Keep it up.
Edit: This is based on personal experiences with lung cancer in the family, by the way. I'm not just giving you shit to make you feel bad. Yeah this is what I am thinking, but you're at least off to a good start. Good luck!!
Grats on 1 week!
Please give us an update in 1 month, would love to hear how things end up
What were your smoking habits before you quit? Sorry never mind I didn't read op carefully, good for you! When you smoked was it because it was something you wanted to do or did you feel a physical need? I understand people respond to addictive chemicals differently Lk I enjoy cigs and dip but I've never felt a need for them. I feel like I could quit them cold turkey whenever I wanted to. I just like how they make me feel. How did your experiences compare?
On August 02 2013 05:39 Aveng3r wrote: What were your smoking habits before you quit?
40 sigs a day
A year ago, I quit without many problems. Started again 8 months later. You've made the first step, keep it up! And don't let down your guard, it's a nasty habit that won't let go of you so easily.
jealous. i have to do this this year and i am not looking forward to it
govie where are you from? Can you show a picture of the kind of cigarettes you smoke?
You smoked for 20 years and been sober 1 week man. It's not over.
Wait till you have a good day, then back to smoking.
I quit tobacco and marijuana after smoking for 6 years. 1 Year later I'm back to smoking joints. :D
On August 01 2013 21:22 LaNague wrote:stopping to smoke is easy, i have done it 10 times! Almost.
"I stopped smoking" = Ich habe mit dem Rauchen aufgehört vs. "I stopped to smoke" = Ich hielt inne um zu rauchen
Good fucking job man. The thing is, not everyone has the same will power, or strength to simply stop. There's not a clear reason why some can't stop. Less will power seems like the best answer, since it's not as if the people that can't stop aren't aware of the harms.
If you stop smoking cigarettes long enough after being addicted, does the addiction go away, i.e. if you had another cigarette after stopping would it immediately bring back the addiction, or would it take time to re-acquire it? Or is it like with alcoholics where even years later they "can't even have one" without relapsing
How much money are you saving by quitting? What's the average amount you spend on cigarettes in, say, a month?
good job. hope your story becomes an inspiration to others
Haha I love how you point out yourself that you're super hyped about everything. Gj buddy and good luck!
On August 02 2013 07:02 MarlieChurphy wrote: govie where are you from? Can you show a picture of the kind of cigarettes you smoke?
http://www.imperial-tobacco.com/ has this brand which is huge in the Netherlands and is called "van nelle shag". It is normal tobacco dont worry;)
On August 02 2013 11:33 FallDownMarigold wrote: Good fucking job man. The thing is, not everyone has the same will power, or strength to simply stop. There's not a clear reason why some can't stop. Less will power seems like the best answer, since it's not as if the people that can't stop aren't aware of the harms.
If you stop smoking cigarettes long enough after being addicted, does the addiction go away, i.e. if you had another cigarette after stopping would it immediately bring back the addiction, or would it take time to re-acquire it? Or is it like with alcoholics where even years later they "can't even have one" without relapsing
I dunno. But the smokingaddiction isnt on the same addictionlevel as drinking or harddrugs etc. Ive seen a documentary of BBC horizon that the lungs of peeps store the nicotine for 3 days or something. And that nicotine produces a chemical in the brain that make u feel more happy. So, in theory it would mean ur body is nicotineclean after 3 days. But ofcourse the hunger to that same feeling that nicotine gives u will still excist and i think never go away for most. This because it is a chemical proces in the brain and even the strongest willpower cant change this. U just have to hold strong dont give in to it. So, yes, i think the feeling will never go away.. smoking will allways be missed, especially around smokers and when u drink alcohol. Becuz alcohol and smoking are a perfect match, but it isnt as hard as acoholics- or harddrugsaddiction, which are far worse. Smoking recks ur life slowely, drugs and alcoholaddictions reck ur life with a bang.
On August 02 2013 12:43 Epishade wrote: How much money are you saving by quitting? What's the average amount you spend on cigarettes in, say, a month?
Well it saves some money ofcourse because the government likes to tax everything nowadays. Price for a 40 grams Van Nelle Zware shag in the netherlands is €7,00 so it will save me about €7,-- a day.. pretty descent.. that would be about €200,-- each month and €2.500,-- each year
I think the hardest part is not starting again. The first weeks can be hard but usually you are dedicated and committed to quit. Though after a few months there will be moments (often when drinking) when you'll think: "I'll just smoke one cigarette.." and before you know it you'll be buying packs again.
Keep it up though!! For me the biggest motivator is the amount of money you save, tobacco is so expensive!
On August 02 2013 11:33 FallDownMarigold wrote: If you stop smoking cigarettes long enough after being addicted, does the addiction go away, i.e. if you had another cigarette after stopping would it immediately bring back the addiction, or would it take time to re-acquire it? Or is it like with alcoholics where even years later they "can't even have one" without relapsing I don't know from personal experience, but my grandmother used to be quite the smoker in her younger days. At some point she quit and nowadays she just smokes a cigarette every once in a while (less than one per week). So I guess it's possible. I have no idea how hard it would be for me, or others, though.
btw... i am still sober, didnt touch any sigarette since that day...