I probably lurked on here for a few years even before that. Team Liquid you have given me the best entertainment over the past five+ years, and to you I am having a drink tonight (I don't drink often). Even as I typing this up I got a bit emotional, I don't know what to think about that but what I do know is that I don't feel a single regret on the path I choose through my teenage years. TL and Starcraft is the sole reason why I didn't fall to the bad crowd in high school. That I stayed on the path that didn't lead to dropping out of school and doing drugs, like all my other in real life friends did. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. Even my real family turned to drugs. The amount of pressure that I felt by them (friends) to do it with them was overwhelming at times. This community provided me with the family I needed away from mine. Got me through random downs that I had in high school and throughout my military career. I want to thank quite a few people for being amazing members of the Starcraft community. Mainly my SC:BW families Aries[AoV], InHale[AoV], Raijin[AoV], and the rest of the [AoV] team. My previous teams that I had the honor of being with (gG) and LF- and of course sYz-. Curt (Sosha) and Ubertoss (Tony) you two are amazing people and deserve a lot out of life. It's funny that each one of us went into different branches of the military. The people I met at WCG 2009: The early EG (Machine, Lz, iNcontoL, Louder), IdrA, Xeris, Gretorp, Artosis, KawaiiRice, Storrzerg and others, was one of the best times I had. Of course I also want to thank the general community of Team liquid.
I can't find the letter right now, but CaucasianAsian and LuckyFool I remember your names in particular on the letter I received on my deployment to overseas, I kept it on my wall throughout my deployment and I still have it to this day. It meant a lot to me.
Even if I quit playing Starcraft I am here to stay as long as I can. As I am getting older (23 now), real life is kicking in, and being on my own, I keep finding it hard to find ways or to have time to contribute. I don't know what I can do next for this community but I can't wait till I do. I want to stay in this community. I want to give back to the community that continues to provide me with endless entertainment and laughs. The community that brought me through a lot of hardship that never even knew existed. For that I do not think I am going anywhere soon. If I see you guys anywhere in the New England area (or anywhere at all) let's have a drink.
Team Liquid,
You deserve the world.