Here are some graphical representations of how legendary I think Parting, Lifu, Flash, and Innovation's play was in the most legendary group of legend ever observed by Legend EVER
Imagine Batman playing Starcraft. Now imagine 4 Batmans playing Starcraft against each other, and now you have Group Batman from last night, which approaches how sick it was to watch live:
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Sorry its such shitty editing, I whipped these up quickly while I was at work while it was slow, so I only had MS paint and a laptop mouse... :/ This post isn't really even remotely serious so it's ok
Also, Imagine this group: Group dBz
![[image loading]](
Still not as legendary.
Technically I haven't spoiled anything. If you haven't watched the games it's worth getting a ticket for IMO. Damn they were sick games. The amount of mind gaming was insane in every series. Even though there were a lot of strategies we'd seen before being thrown out, they were executed to a level not seen until now, and there were a lot of subtle adjustments that are only really present and at this level. I'm not just talking about "He plays greedy so I'll 11/11 him" mind games. Just go watch.
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But seriously, Lifu was really the only player that I feel under-performed. And watching him "under-perform" was still something to behold. I thought his execution and on the fly adjustments to the 2x Evo Ling - 3 base Ultra strat he was making were really impressive, not to mention Life's prodigious skill in controlling said army. It was so sick.
And Parting, the Protoss hope played SO goddamn well. Such a sick performance. The fact that after this Ro32, we might still end up with a PvP finals in sOs vs Parting is mind blowing. They have a legitimate shot at making it happen even in the face of all this stiff T and Z competition. Innovation will have something to say about that though I think. That trophy might as well have his name stenciled in already. He looked unholy last night defeating God himself. Except Game 2. That was a little annoying and sad lmao. Especially since that EXACT thing happened to me on ladder like 2 days ago. Looking forward to next season Flash! <3
And Parting, the Protoss hope played SO goddamn well. Such a sick performance. The fact that after this Ro32, we might still end up with a PvP finals in sOs vs Parting is mind blowing. They have a legitimate shot at making it happen even in the face of all this stiff T and Z competition. Innovation will have something to say about that though I think. That trophy might as well have his name stenciled in already. He looked unholy last night defeating God himself. Except Game 2. That was a little annoying and sad lmao. Especially since that EXACT thing happened to me on ladder like 2 days ago. Looking forward to next season Flash! <3
But it's over now and the Ro8 is without two of its most picked and favored members. I sure hope the rest of WCS Korea/Code S is as quality as the legendary Group B was.
And Tastosis were in rare form last night, barely casting. I am not being sarcastic when I say that I enjoyed it immensely, but definitely not the most analytical and in depth casting I've heard to date. A lot of "HERE WE GOOOOOO!!!" and "OOOHHH MAN!!" and "SICK CITY!" and "Damn ___ is playing like a GOD!" Still a great cast though, I love those guys.