So as a Gold player, I have a lot of trouble with the more micro-intensive portions of the game, like controlling Infestors. However, I still want to include it in my game, so I decided to start using them in ZvT. ZvZ I'm still going Roach-Hydra, ZvP a Stephano roach max. So yesterday, I won my first game with Broodlord/Infestor/Corruptor.
When the pros control this army, it is a beautiful thing to behold. Infestors move in and out, execute precise fungals and duck back out of range, while Broods destroy the tanks and kill anything held in place by fungal, while Corruptors hold the air with the aid of more fungals. When I control this army, it's more like a room filled with 20 sumo wrestlers who've just taken large amounts of laxatives and nobody knows where the toilet is. It's a bunch of big, bloated things smashing into each other and all trying to go in different directions, and shit is starting to pile up in multiple places. It cannot possibly end well. Oh, and in this metaphor there's guys with shotguns who shoot the sumos if they move towards them, simulating the siege tanks.
Fortunately, I was up against the only composition I know of that requires even more micro to be even marginally effective: Marine/Tank. (I had cleaned up virtually my opponent's entire marine force with exactly two fungals earlier in the game. Marines in the hands of a player who can't split...not good vs. even my sumo-infestors.) I began this encounter by throwing my banelings at a PF for some reason, where they all died to PF and tank fire. 1000/1000 gone, damage dealt: 0. Fortunately, I was also charging in with my Broods and Lings, Infestors hanging back to Fungal and Corruptors waiting at the back, chilling, smoking a ciggy. Things got a little hectic at this point, but here's an approximate view of my thought process during the battle:
Banes, go! Oh god, they're melting...shit, attack! Oh wow, that's a lot of shit...fungal things! Fungal all of the things! Being hit! Fungal more! Oh jesus, back up a bit...make more shit. Inject...NO TIME! Fungal those seven marines they are death! Shit, where the fuck are my extra broods? Make more broods! Oh god, Vikings...no Corruptors...wait there's 5...jesus, only 3 infestors left, how did that happen...make more shit, inject! More marines, fungal! Advance on the PF!
I...this isn't even completely accurate. I was kind of in "Oh shit" mode for about three minutes. I ended up backing up a couple of times, only to attack again, and again until the PF finally fell and I was able to advance on the main. But the important thing is, I WON dammit.
It would be an understatement to say I still need to improve my skills with this particular composition.
Thanks for reading!
Good read, was pleasantly surprised this wasn't some kind of balance whine
4 stars for you!
I have the same kind of "clean" micro as pros do. If you ever want to improve your micro to that point, I guess the advice I could give is that multitasking is key.
It is such a god feeling when you multitask and can micro vikings AND your marine/tank army at the same time better than the zerg player. The feeling is very euophoric
oh man. i try to do simple stuff like banshee harass. and i just lose them to turrets or something while macroing at home. T_T
On October 15 2012 14:30 StateofReverie wrote: I have the same kind of "clean" micro as pros do. If you ever want to improve your micro to that point, I guess the advice I could give is that multitasking is key.
It is such a god feeling when you multitask and can micro vikings AND your marine/tank army at the same time better than the zerg player. The feeling is very euophoric
And then you lose all those vikings to 1 fungal because you didn't think the infestors were in range... even though you threw down a scan to make sure that exact thing didn't happen.
10 seconds inside my head during a late game tvz fight
1 "Hey! i can win this fight if i micro well!"
7 "better check to see where infestors are. Scan that shit nigga"
8 "okay they are out of range, i can can get at least 1 more brood:
Akamu has left the game.
Well.... it's a battle of micro...
tanks > infestors infestor > marine, vikings marines, vikings > BLs
gotta remember dem tanks.
StateofReverie: Someday, I too hope to play in that mysterious Nirvana called "Playing well".
Jodogohoo: Yeah...I can relate to that. Either you lose your harass force because you were macroing, or your money skyrockets because you were microing. Or, occasionally, in a vomit-inducing moment, you're busy microing, and micro so badly you lose your harass force anyway, and suddenly you have 800 minerals.
I don't harass often.
Klibrt: Pretty much, yeah. Problem is I am AWFUL at micro