1.A little bit about myself.
I am currently getting my (second) degree in “Materials Engineering” at Mechnical Deprtment of Technical University of Łódź (Poland). My Univeristy obliges me to do some specialization prectices (during the summer) and this year I choose to go abroad with IAESTE (The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience ), I ended up in Edinburgh working in advanced catalysis laboratory at University of Edinburgh (commonly refered to as carbon capture laboratory). So its not exactly my area of expertise (materials for mechanical engineering) but its not too far from it either. I will be staying 8 weeks in Edinburgh.
Fortunetly I had a direct flight from my city (Thank You Ryanair) to Edinburgh. Took about 2 and half hour, I was a little scared (my first flight ever) but it went ok. I ended up alone in the middle of the night in the airport (22:45 landing time +check in+ picking up bagagee) . Furtunetly one of IAESTE volunteers came to pick me up (Thank You Jill). We somehow manged to get to place where I am staying with other IAESTE students (Colinton road).
3.First day.
I sorted my things at my place (where I rent a room) and went to town trying to find place where I work (Kings Buildings), I had general idea about where it is (looked at maps), and since it was a nice day I decided to not use buses but just walk. I go to policewomen and ask her for a way (blah!) I got directed the wrong way (I really wish people wouldnt give You direction if they arent really sure they are correct- just say “I dont know”, it doesnt hurt anyone and saves a lot of time in case You happen to give wrong direction). Second person I am asking for a way is a royal mail mailman, he gives me direction and again I am walking the oposite way. Fortunetly I am rude enough to disturb a guy driking coffe at some pub, he chekcs it online and I am on my way. After a long walk I arrive at Kings Buildings (I took me hour and a half – today I travel same distance in 35-40 minutes).
I am not bugging You with specifics off my work (I might write a more detailed entry on this if someone is interetd, suffice to say its not exactly my field of expertise and people there are really nice. The team is heavily multicultural (without Scottish people!). (4 Italians, 1 Greek, 2 Spanish, 1 French, 3 Chinese, 1 Korean, 1 Indian, 1 Turkish and me Polish...weird). They are all really nice, but its hard cause of the different accents, and the fact that noobody here speaks perfect english, combing it with this work being not in my area of expertise it makes me kinda struggle sometimes.
Random Thought: Food and cuisine.
There are a lot of different minorities in Edinburgh consequently the city smell and tastes in vaery different shapes and forms. Funny things is, all my coworkers are syaing things like that “Its not really italian food, its not really spanish or indian. Its just pretending to be. I think lot of it has to do with the fact thats its really hard to get fresh food the way it is in Your country. Of course there are specialized shops, but You cant get everything there. Sure You can buy spices, some very specific and characteristic things-yes. But the core of the cuisine (the things You add this spices and tastes to), is different, similar yet different. For me the most staggering example is meat, I cant get anywhere (not even at the butcher) meat prepered the way I want it to be, I cant get something similar, something close, yet different. I think thats major reason why the for example Indian restaurants are not really Indian (that and a fact that most of their clients are British/European and as such the food is tailored to their taste ans style).
Ps. I bought a food from Polish corner in Tesco, and despite the fact that it was made in Poland it didint tastes right. It wasnt expired or anything it just tasted different and not right, hard to explain.
If someone told You something like “the weather in Scotland isnt really that bad” then he or she is a fucking liar. Its raining everyday (not whole day but everyday). Theres like 2 sunny days during a month (in the summer) and its usually rainning in the middle of that day. Its cold (relativly to mainland Europe during summer). Its depressing. I suppose You can get used it, and even live in those conditions but its very hard, especially if You have ever experiencied continantal sun. The temperture is usually around 20 degrees Celcius and can easily fall to something to soemting like 10-12 (and even 6!!! on the day I arrived). Also theres wind, broad streets, and lack of tall buldings combining with proximity to the sea makes Edinburgh a windy place. Which is hard for someone like me who lived his entire life in mainland city. All icombined: Wind, Cold and Rain makes the “Captain almost Unbearable” the superhero of Scotland in general and Edinburgh in particular.
6.Travel trough city.
I walk everywhere, its pleasnt thing since I like walking and its a pretty city (more on this later), but I dont have much options. Its 1,40Pound for a bus trip (3.50 for a whole day usage of busses), and I cant get to work directly I would need to use at elast two busses---> I would need to buy 3,50 ticket and acoording to google trip via buses would take ~35minutes (bus change +waiting at stops and some walking in between) pure walk takes 35-40minutes, so I asked myself is 5 minutes of my time worth 3.50pounds? To some maybe I am not that rich (yet), so I walk. Its also healthy, and I lost some weight thanks to it, so its double gain. But fuck You RAIN!
Thats the way I am walking everyday to and back from work:
On the other notes there are some strange things to me as foreigner, and I am not talkiung about driving on the left said (which everyone knows). I am talking about green lights for pedestrians turing on-at the same time in all directions (meaning stoping all car traffic at that time and long waiting times). Almost everyone is ignoring the lights and walk when theres no car incoming, thats fucking stuipd, why have a system thats slows everyone down and isnt safe (I assuming thats main puropse of it) since everyone just ignores the lights and walk while red light is on? I am pretty sure only people waiting for green light are foreigners like myself. In comparison in Poland the the pedestrian and car traffic happen simltunaesly in the same diraction, then theres a switch and traffic goes perpendicular, i think its the same case in most countries....but not here weird Brits.
PS. Let me know if You want more pictures, or some specific things. I defiently plan to post a lot about Edinburgh turist attractions, as that probably most interesting to You guys out there.
PS2.I am going to wander around Bridge of Forth and aske where the fuck Third and Fourthbridge are, just hoping that i will run into "huStl.e" (if You dont understand read this topic http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=346916 )