So far it's going pretty good. I've won a lot more than I lost on the ladder (thank god for custom games) and I'm feeling good about my ZvP and ZvT. ZvP I just haven't really lost in a straight up macro game. Cheeses are still a problem, but I do Stephano 3 hatch and it seems more vulnerable to them than other builds. ZvT is pretty good, but I'm really struggling against drop play. I know I need to split my units up if there's more than 1 but usually I'll still end up either losing a few too many drones or missing injects.
However, ZvZ is just horrific T_T. I have no idea what I'm doing most of the time as there doesn't seem to be many guides or anything out there. I've kind of started going Speedling Expand into Ling/Bane aggression into standard Roach/Infestor. It still feels really weak though. I guess I need to practice a lot more with it.
That's about it really. Thanks for reading my blog, there will be another update in the days to come :D
EDIT: Of course as soon as I post this I go 1-3 vs Terrans and Protoss. Lategame ZvP is so annoying T.T