I got a doctor's appointment for today...
so ya, this morning, I took a poop, and there is no blood. after I eat my lunch, I went to hospital, I was not scared but I was nervous for sure... Fuck if i had a bowel cancer, what should I do.... fuck I cant even think about it!!!!
fortunately the doctor is a women, because i knew she's name is Hanneli. Imagine guys, a beautiful blonde girl friendly and softly touches your ass with her hand, I cant wait, fuck yea....OMG what the fuck dude, i should be worried, why am i so excited, fuck i hate those Japanese porns...
So i arrived at hospital, I saw there is a service desk. I went to ask which room should i go. then I got to know that Hanneli is not work today, and attendant women asked me there is another doctor free right now, if that is ok for me... i told her that ya sure... then i found out that my new doctor's name is Patrick.... fuck me -__________-# why would you destroy my dream? why!!
Whatever, he wont rape me anyways.... So I went to the doctor's room... he is 50ish, he asked me some basic questions like they did on the phone 3 weeks ago. like, what kind of blood, do i bled alot, does it hurt, what kind food do i eat etc...at this point, the doctor was pretty sure its about hemorrhoid... I was so relieved because I WONT FUCKING DIE, YAHOO...
ya, so far, everything was perfect rite? I was about to ask doctor that if i can leave now... but then, he told me, to make sure its indeed hemorrhoid, he need to check out my ass. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY NIGHTMARE COMES TRUE!! I was fucking scared as fuck, but I know I cant ever refuse what doctor says... so, doctor asked me to take my pants off, lay down on right side to the bed... >.<
I did what he asked and i was laying down... but then, I see that he dig out his headlight and rubber glove. oh no shit got real, I was literally about shit to my pants, which I didnt wear at that moemnt lol...
when he and me were ready, he started look up my ass and softly touch it, I felt not bad... I almost smiled because it was much better than i imagined... "this gonna hurt a bit"......
"WAIT WAIT WHAT WHAT WHAT" i didnt even had time to react and suddenly doctor put his finger to my asshole ..."FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK" and honestly, I WAS LITERALLY IN SHOCK.... oh my god!!! My mind went totally blank... If you wanna me to rate my pain 0-10... My pain was 9000! If i had a gun, i would killed either the doctor or myself. and Its even more painful because he started moving his fucking finger, oh wait, or fingers... I still dont know how many fingers did he put to my ass, but i guess maybe 2 or 3 fingers.
it lasts about 2-3 minute then he pulled his fingers out, but it felt like 2-3 years... i have lost all my strengths... srsly, i dont even wanna know what doctor says anymore... i wanna fucking go home... I was about to put my pants back on, then doctors said "DONT YET" ....
WAIT WAT? doctor i fucking hate you, why are you fucking doing this to me >.< .... i turned and looked at him... fuck... he fucking grabbed a fucking bigass glassy TUBE, just like we had in the chemistry class... I didnt say anything, because what could i say? "Life is like being raped, you can't resist so you might as well enjoy it" so I lay down again.
fuck..fuck .. fuck, i cant describe how painful it was... it almost made me cry. My asshole felt painful and hot... icouldnt even breath... srsly this makes me thinking, why does some ppl have anal sex? its fucking worst thing ever exists in the earth. To ppl who read this shit, please do not have anal sex... western porn is the biggest lie ever.
doctor saw my pain.. and asked me does it hurt... "a little bit" I tried to man up answered him with tear in my eyes. the whole process took for another 2-3 minute... which was the worst moment i ever had...
So. finally i can fucking put my pants back on, but still feel that there is a fcking huge tube in my fucking ass. The doctor told me that he is pretty sure its hemorrhoid as he saw the wound.. and then he gave me a receipt.. I told him kthxbye and rushed to home as fast as possible...
Currently Im writing this blog at home while my ass still hurts, sigh... *sadface*
I guess I appreciate my life even more now.