Are there any people who are knowledable in Zoroastrianism on TL? Or are there any actual followers of Zoroastrianism? If you are either, please let me know. I have questions for you!
If you are a follower, you must have read the book, or have studied Zoroastrianism, or be otherwise knowledgable about it. I do not want any zoroastrianist equivalent of a newschool christian / muslim who has not even read the bible / quran yet talks about its values. Such people often ignore "controversial" parts of their books, like rape and slavery, either out of pure ignorance, or with the use of mental gymnastics.
I want to get a clear, accurate, and true idea of what zoroastrianism really is. I am genuinly interested in this religion, and I want to know the truth - not a sugarcoated propaganda version. If the religion actually does not have any "controversial" parts like that, I will of course accept that fact.
I have not been able to find much information about this religion on the internet, so please help me if you can!
(I will ask the questions after I am contacted)
Never heard of this religion, but why would you want to know anything about it?
On April 01 2012 19:58 Recognizable wrote: Never heard of this religion, but why would you want to know anything about it?
I was reading about Warhammer 40 000 in the wiki called Lexicanum, and in Warhammer 40 000, and as a trivia note, it said that two characters were named after the two gods of good and evil in Zoroastrianism. So I clicked on Zoroastrianism and read the wikipedia page about it, and it interested me. But, it was not enough information to satiate my curiosity.
It had some rare traits, and it seemed unusually moral. I want to confirm wether it actually is moral or not.
All I know is that it used to be some religion in, or around, Iran, way back when it was still the Persian empire.
I thought it was essentially extinct, having roughly the same following as Norse, Egyptian or Greek gods.
Maybe it had something to do with worshipping fire, though I recall a Zoroastrian getting offended by that, so it might be an insult.
Not even sure if the real thing can still be considered to exist, considering it has been essentially dead for a good while and crushed by Islam, which leaves one to wonder just how much of the original version still exists.
This religion is not practiced by many these days. In my worlds religions class, It was not part of the Main 5 (Christianity Judaism Islam Hinduism Buddhism) nor was it part of the ten additional "major" religions, it was one of the small ones that someone had to do their personal project on.
So while I can't tell you about the practices of the religion, I can tell you its definitely a small minority one.
I can take you as my padawan if you want.
Zoroastrians are very few in number today (their numbers were decimated after the muslim conquest of the Sassanid Empire), and the demographics that are likely to worship in it probably don't frequent TL. IIRC it's the Parsi people and an Iranian sect that still worship it and has something like 80,000 followers worldwide. If you want to learn more, you can buy the teachings of Zoroaster from most major book stores, I managed to pick it up and it's an interesting read.
Most of their beliefs center around trying to sustain Good against the evil in the world, and fire plays a central role in their teachings.
I thought zoroastrianism died out like 1500 years ago, but perhaps I was misinformed.
There is influence from Zoroastrianism in the Judeo-Christian tradition; it was one of the first major dualistic philosophies.
Did not really survive the ascent of Islam.